tee hee! :D Hiya Spike. :D How things out your way?
Ok, i guess. you?
Doing good. :) Just been doing a few errands today with it being a day off from work. :D
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Just found out Jenn's getting the transfer she's been wanting. |
tee hee! :D What transfer might that be Spike?
She's going back to her old store. She really hates the one she's at now.
tee hee! :D That always a good thing that she was able to get the transfer she wanted. :D
And with a bit of luck, I'll get that job tomorrow.
tee hee! :D Just gotta think positive Spike. :D
I know. It's just hard. I haven't had a lot of luck with jobs the past few months.
Is this little bear gonna have to go into silly mode on you Spike? ;) |
Wouldn't hurt :D
*pulls out pillows & uses them on Spike* :duck: |
LOL! :D Playing with the cylons I see Rowan. :P:
Ok that is weird !! I didn't set them up like that !! I put them in a block!! maybe they are alive?!! :eek:
LMAO! :D Ya never know Rowan. :D
Hey again :D
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