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Rowan March 24th, 2004 01:15 PM

Dang she's a fast one today what was that like 30 microns???:D

but you gotta keep looking over your shoulders.....;)

unowhoandwhy March 24th, 2004 01:16 PM

Faster than a speeding bullet am I. And I'm still not a fella.

Rowan March 24th, 2004 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by unowhoandwhy
And I'm still not a fella.

what are you planning on making a change soon???;) :laugh:

unowhoandwhy March 24th, 2004 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Rowan
um how long did you think you could take the thread for???;)

I'm sure glad I'm not a fella...lot of snowballs, water balloons and tickles going around...:D

You must have missed my post where I said I got hit by a water balloon but I wasn't a fella.
And Lords of Kobol, no thanks on the change, I prefer my "innie" to an "outie" any day! Unless we're talking about someone else's, in which case... :devil: :naughty:

Rowan March 24th, 2004 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by unowhoandwhy
You must have missed my post where I said I got hit by a water balloon but I wasn't a fella.
And Lords of Kobol, no thanks on the change, I prefer my "innie" to an "outie" any day! Unless we're talking about someone else's, in which case... :devil: :naughty:

I did I did miss that post so sorry!!!!:laugh:

mmmmm yes I would completely agree with that last sentence mmmmmmmmmmm outies;)

unowhoandwhy March 24th, 2004 01:28 PM

Naughty rowan, I will have to take the thread away as punishment. :D

Rowan March 24th, 2004 01:29 PM

what no THWACKING????:(

bsg1fan1975 March 24th, 2004 01:29 PM

and I'll take it from you!

Bombadil March 24th, 2004 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Muffit
Muffit stands erect in true Kung Fu pose, mouth out of sync with words, ready to take on the incredibly well trained UWW:

Muffit: "Stand ready my worthy adversary! You have no idea how formidable this DAGGIT can be in battle for a thread! In DS9 I was a "Paw" Wraith! In TNG I was a "Claw"-On! But to you my BSG friend, I am the...


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I don't care if it's heavy-duty, super capacity, with a ten-year warranty. Your silly old Eastern Appliance is no match for my
Cylon Umpire!

shiningstar March 24th, 2004 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Thomasbombadil
I don't care if it's heavy-duty, super capacity, with a ten-year warranty. Your silly old Eastern Appliance is no match for my
Cylon Umpire!

Or for my ~~~~thread~~~~ grabbing
techniques ;)

Rowan March 24th, 2004 01:37 PM

I smell CORN !!!:D

think I'll just pop over and pick up the thread!;)

bsg1fan1975 March 24th, 2004 01:38 PM

Daggits and Umpires? I'll sit back with the thread and watch you battle this one out! Mind that you don't throw anything at me as I need to have all my strength to get thorough the rest of my day!

shiningstar March 24th, 2004 01:39 PM

Thanks for the ~~~thread~~~ ;)

Bombadil March 24th, 2004 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Rowan
I smell CORN !!!:D

think I'll just pop over and pick up the thread!;)

You don't make popovers with corn, silly!


shiningstar March 24th, 2004 01:41 PM

Thanks for the ~~~~thread~~~~


unowhoandwhy March 24th, 2004 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Rowan
what no THWACKING????:(

I believe that you were the one who just told me on another thread that your own guilty conscience should lead you in that direction... :D

And the thread is mine again.

holodoc2000 March 24th, 2004 01:44 PM

tee hee! Gotta keep things interesting here. :)

*throws snowballs at the fella's* :D

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

bsg1fan1975 March 24th, 2004 01:45 PM

Bsg sits in a corner hiding the thread on everyone in a very secret place!

shiningstar March 24th, 2004 01:47 PM

Thanks again for the ~~~~~thread~~~~~


bsg1fan1975 March 24th, 2004 01:49 PM

no thank you!

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