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KJ October 31st, 2004 11:24 AM

Battlestar Galactica comic book copyrights, who has them?
Every now and then i keep asking this. But there has yet to be an answer anyone can give? I'd think fans would love to find out as much as me what became of them since Realm Press folded back in 2000?

If there was anykind of 'Continuation' possible after or even during the 2004 TNS BG. I'd like to envision Galactica fans still wanting some kind of medium to enjoy Battlestar Galactica through? Comic books are the perfect opportunity to expand and continue a whole universe of stories about a beloved franchise like TOS BG through.

Both Maximum and Realm Press comic companies were the previous incarnations through which fandom enjoyed the adventures of the TOS Galactica characters. I was just thinking if, any possible future continuations were greenlighted finally. Production wise, which would cover Pre - During - and Post production? It still another massive wait?! I thought it be of a great benefit should the copyrights to do the comic books of BG again. Be done by a current and successful comic company like "Dark Horse" or "Dreamwave" handled by fellow fans who could drive home, passionate adaptation stories of Battlestar Galactica from either well known fan fiction, or well handled crafted stories from writers who knows of the Galactica universe and would adapt the source materials well.

If at all needed, adapt any of the continuation attempts by Richard Hatch, Bryan Singer/ Tom DeSanto and format them into comic book stories.

Richard Hatch's BG: The Second Coming

Richard Hatch's novel series?

Bryan Singer and Tom DeSanto's planned Battlestar Galactica revival

Or celebrated fanfics from well known BG fanfiction writers?

But the comics themselves "SHOULD" rely on Original stories done by whatever company so chooses to do another Galactica ongoing series.

If asked this questions so many times it makes my head spin. But doesn't anybody want to know if it is at all possible. why can't the copyrights to do another comic book series even in light of the new TV remake series be impossible? If fandom knew who held them surely the amount of suppost or petitioning for a company to take the reigns of all new comic book run would take the chance? i feel it's always been the lack of any true exposure thats killed the previous runs.

Realm Press comics were bloody hard to get hold of. Maximum Press comics run was very enjoyable and had great exposure at first. But sadly went off the rails and lost direction.

Comics recently have revived several older copyrights from 80's cartoons to several sci-fi offerings. I'm wondering if the answer to who could kick start another run in light of the TNS BG. Which company should do it (Dark Horse) and what stories/ timeframe could a new run cover from TOS?

I feel this should be answered.

After all popular franchises cover many mediums Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Buffy, X-Files, Xena all have comic books games and the like etc. Now we're unendated with seeing C.S.I., Stargate, Alias, 24, Farscape all getting mini series comic book runs and are being released in other merchandise related items. Small independent comics release little nods to yesteryear stuff in small doses. But nothing like actual runs if you get me?

Despite all the negativity Galactica gets, i don't see Galactica pigeonholed into the it wouldn't work as a comic book. It's never been handled right. I recon the guys doing comics today would research their material and get the "series bible" down and all and struggle to see it through. As anyone from here looked at one of Richard Hatch's con appearences from last year on those downloadable files off Even he says in one of them.

In the future should any comic company attempt to do a comic book run of Battlestar, they have to stick with it and see it through!

I'd love it if, someone could get hold of the rights to do them. But practically obsessed of it making it the perfect adaptation.

The only recent revivals of former shows i've seen handled well by comic book companies are Masters Of The Universe by MVCreations. Transformers by Dreamwave. Robotech by Wildstorm and Battle Of The Planets by Top Cow. I'd like to add Thundercats, G.I. Joe and Mirconuats to the list but the results have been so-so far as fans are concerned.

I'd love to go this route and see a Battlestar Galactica comic book adaptation finally be handled by those that can 1) Do it justice. 2) Be done by a company with wide distribution to it gets out to a wide audience. 3) Ongoing series! Maximum and Realm messed up by sticking with mini series too long. I don't suggest overprinting as thats a golden rule of doing comic books KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE AND MARKET PLACE and plan ahead. but i don't to see another mini series of comics you know are a sign the company testing the waters too much and aren't willing to do ongoing series.

The idea of reviving poorly managed properties can be a goldmine for the company looking to include some established well known recognised copyrights. so i'm still left wondering after the collapse of Realm Press why the Galactica comic book rights weren't picked up by another comic book publisher in the wake of the revivals of popular titles both animated and live acton TV shows. For the past two years?

Name recognition should lure in consumers to another run under new management. Of a name brand like TOS Battlestar Galactica. Soooo... Why hasn't any of this transpired yet.


kingfish October 31st, 2004 12:46 PM

One would need a lawyer to sort through the legal ramifications when it comes to BG. However here is the Bono law for any legal minds here.


thomas7g October 31st, 2004 01:14 PM

What really is a pity for me is I found someone who gave me digital scans of all his Battlestar Comics. I had them all. But I lost them in a hard drive crash.

And I don't have the guys name no more.

peter noble October 31st, 2004 01:41 PM

Why do the comic book rights have to be with anyone?

It's just as likely that no one has bought the rights to produce a comic book series, after all they're expensive!

I wouldn't mind someone like IDW having a crack at them, mind you, it's just as likely whoever will do a comic book of the new series.


Darth Marley October 31st, 2004 02:08 PM

The question is then, who gets the money when the rights are bought?
That would tell you who owns them.

kingfish October 31st, 2004 02:31 PM

Bono and Battlestar:

peter noble October 31st, 2004 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Darth Marley
The question is then, who gets the money when the rights are bought?
That would tell you who owns them.

In the Hatch books it states that: "Battlestar Galactica is a trademark and copyright of Universal Studios. All rights reserved."

But it always also states: "Based on the Universal Television series created by Glen A. Larson".

So I would surmise there is some contractual thing that says that it always has to be stipulated that Glen is the original creator, whether he gets a cut, I don't know.

This is also why Ronald D. Moore is credited with the "Developed by" credit in the new series as he only did an adaptation of the original material created by GAL.


kingfish October 31st, 2004 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by peter noble
In the Hatch books it states that: "Battlestar Galactica is a trademark and copyright of Universal Studios. All rights reserved."

But it always also states: "Based on the Universal Television series created by Glen A. Larson".

So I would surmise there is some contractual thing that says that it always has to be stipulated that Glen is the original creator, whether he gets a cut, I don't know.

This is also why Ronald D. Moore is credited with the "Developed by" credit in the new series as he only did an adaptation of the original material created by GAL.


Excellently stated Peter. This is also why original BG events are alluded to in the Hatch novels and not described in detail.

ernie90125 October 31st, 2004 05:42 PM

I'd love to see a Galactica comic of a continuation. In fact I know someone who works as work for hire doing comics who has very very good prices, and we could easily do one ourselves as fans....

Problem is the rights/manufacture/distribution....otherwise that would be the perfect fan endevour to highlight our cause.....

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