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holodoc2000 April 20th, 2004 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by braxiss
:D :D :D

tee hee! :)

*hits braxiss with pillow* :duck:

braxiss April 20th, 2004 10:10 PM

mine again, and now off to bed

Rowan April 20th, 2004 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Bombadil
Aw, that was completely uncalled for!! You deserve a thwacking for that! And put that pin back in your purse!

Did someone say thwakings?:naughty:

holodoc2000 April 20th, 2004 10:25 PM

tee hee! I'm snatching thread once more! :D

*POUNCES on Dawg & tickles him all over* :duck:

Rowan April 20th, 2004 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by braxiss
mine again, and now off to bed


holodoc2000 April 20th, 2004 10:42 PM

tee hee! I'm snatching thread once more myself. :D

Gots to head on off to bed with the thread since I gots to get up early in the morning.

Rowan April 20th, 2004 11:50 PM


Rowan April 20th, 2004 11:50 PM


kitty April 21st, 2004 01:02 AM

Kitty dances into the room waving the thread. :)

Senmut April 21st, 2004 01:28 AM

And trips over the strap to her AK-47. She goes sprawling, and Sen snatches up the thread.

Rowan April 21st, 2004 01:30 AM

not so fast Mr. Senmut;) :D

Senmut April 21st, 2004 01:34 AM

You're right. It is better when you take your time.

Rowan April 21st, 2004 01:45 AM

everything is better if you take the time to savour it!;) :D

I'm savouring my possession of the thread~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:D ;)

Senmut April 21st, 2004 01:49 AM

As you savor, I, like the cad I am, slip away, leaving you alone, bereft, and threadless!
Ta ta(s)!

Rowan April 21st, 2004 01:54 AM

:eek: I aint got no threads? does this mean I'm nekid? :blink: well there is enough of this thread maybe I could knit something really fast!

Senmut April 21st, 2004 01:56 AM

Sorry, no material is available! I'm off with the thread!!!!


kitty April 21st, 2004 02:05 AM

Kitty was lurking in the background, gives Rowan a bathrobe and nabs the thread off of Semnut.

Rowan April 21st, 2004 02:05 AM

Well in that case I'm ducking under the covers in bed...good night all see you in a few hours...:D ;)

Senmut April 21st, 2004 02:07 AM

Sen uses the bathrobe's belt to lasso Kitty, and send her flying. Thread is mine!!!!!!!!!!!

kitty April 21st, 2004 02:32 AM

That really is not gentlemanly behavour. Kitty might retaliate :devil:
on Senmut and reclaims the thread :)

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