afternoon to my favorite feather duster!
just scared myself when I looked at my "to do" list for next week! Save me from the insanity!!!!!!!!
long list?
well my house work is going to get flopped around and then on top of it all I have to bake goodies for the trip to munch on. Plus packing!!!!!!!!!!! So you could say it looks pretty long!
Owww. That does sound like a lot.
just a few small things. Most I can combine into a couple of days work!
Okay. Well, enjoy the trip. :)
Many years ago I worked with birds of prey and I remember the first time I held a Peregrine Falcon in my hands (we were doing physiotherapy on him so that he could be set free) His feathers felt sooo soft in my hands I held him up and brushed my cheek against his back to connect with his softness and little being and was surprised to discover he had the most intoxicating scent! I've never smelt anything like it since, slightly sweet a most heavenly scent.:D
I LIKE IT!!! :D |
;) :D
So, when is the cat's appointment???
3:30 today I have to go take a shower Chris should be here in the next hour to pick us up we have to take him to the Animal Emergency Clinic in Vancouver ( I only want to hear good news)
Be sure to let us know. :rose:
I will :)
Hi Rowan!!!!!!!!!!!
the thread has left the building
Couldn;t have. I have it in my hot little hands :D
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