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Flamingo Girl July 13th, 2003 05:32 PM

Most people over 35 should be dead!
According to today's regulators and bureaucrats, those of us who were kids in the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, or even maybe the early 70's probably should not have survived.

Our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paint. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets, and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets. (Not to mention the risks some of us took hitchhiking.)

As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags. Riding in the back of a pickup truck on a warm day was always a special treat.

We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle.

Horrors! We ate cupcakes, bread and butter, and drank soda pop with sugar in it, but we were never overweight because we were always outside playing.

We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle, and no one actually died from this.

We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then rode down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem.

We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the street lights came on. No one was able to reach us all day. No cell phones. Unthinkable!

We did not have Playstations, Nintendo 64, X-Boxes, no video games at all, no 99 channels on cable, video tape movies, surround sound, personal cell phones, personal computers, or Internet chat rooms. We had friends! We went outside and found them.

We played dodge ball, and sometimes, the ball really hurt.

We fell out of trees, got cut and broke bones and teeth, and there were no lawsuits from these accidents. They were accidents. No one was to blame but us. Remember accidents?

We had fights and punched each other and got black and blue and learned to get over it.

We made up games with sticks and tennis balls and ate worms, and although we were told it would happen, we did not put out very many eyes, nor did the worms live inside us forever.

We rode bikes or walked to a friend's home and knocked on the door, or rang the bell or just walked in and talked to them.

Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment.

Some students weren't as smart as others, so they failed a grade and were held back to repeat the same grade. Horrors! Tests were not adjusted for any reason.

Our actions were our own. Consequences were expected. The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke a law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law. Imagine that!

This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers and problem solvers and inventors, ever. The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all. And you're one of them!


BST July 13th, 2003 06:36 PM

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


I won't even try to explain in words HOW MUCH I AGREE with EVERYTHING you said!!


BST :)

Flamingo Girl July 13th, 2003 07:38 PM

I didn't write it, I just agreed with it all too.

Of course, I wouldn't give up my internet.

Senmut July 13th, 2003 08:49 PM

And, as I recall dimly from those far-off days, guys could actually act like guys, and not get sued, expelled, or sent to psychiatric therapy. Weird, huh?

une July 14th, 2003 12:01 PM

ooo Nostalgia.

I won't even try to rain on this nostalgia parade. Just let it be know the infant mortality rate has dropped from 26 in the 60's to 7.2 in the late 90's. Which you know, probably has a little something to do with the regulation of lead based paints, child-proof bottles, etc.

thomas7g July 14th, 2003 01:56 PM

Columbine was a word and a name we ever heard of. WE didn't all know what anthrax was. Our buildings in new york were all accounted for. And we could walk with our friends all the way to the airport departure gate.

But on the on the other hand, I'm really glad I don't have to worry about getting nuked. :D

cobrastrikelead July 15th, 2003 12:23 PM

Dodgeball was my best sport!

zoom314 July 15th, 2003 09:42 PM

Well I'm alive, I have to use a Cane, but I'm alive. I'm 43, have Arthritis (Ankles click, stiff Knees, Shoulder Blades don't like cool places when laying down squirm squirm), Low performing thyroid (Inheirited from My Mother), Scared of Falling Down as It's Very painful and I'm still recovering from a fall of a week ago and that means that I can get down on one knee, But getting up is still very painful, Normally getting up off My Knees is easy for Me though, Concentration problems, Chronic Depression (Doctor thinks It's a side effect of My stupid Thyroid), 370lbs., Have a Tendency to Fall (I broke My Lower Left leg bones and now have 3 $18,000 Titanium screws in My Lower Left left bones and Lots of Scar Tissue there too) and a limp to boot. The Internet is where I'm at most of the time and I don't use the games that I installed at one time anymore as a result, I just don't feel like using them. And Bad Eye sight too, 20/30 in one eye and 20/40 in the other eye and Me with No glasses and no cash for the Prescription, I'm broke and unemployed and My motorcycle is broken and needs repairs. Can You say looking at a Computer monitor from about a foot or a little more to just read some of the text. So I like My screen at 1152x864, The PC I built is fast enough at 1.84Ghz. later.

repcisg July 15th, 2003 11:19 PM

Welcome aboard zoom314:D

emerita July 17th, 2003 11:19 AM

LOL..that is so true FG!. I touched on the very subject in my book.... :D

emerita July 17th, 2003 11:26 AM

Welcome Zoom...and it sounds like you need to be on Social Security Disability. With your problems it shouldn't be hard for you to get on it. Then your glasses would be covered. You can also qualify for medicare for your drs appointments. Worth looking into. No need in suffering needlessly...... All we can give you here is emotional support. Sounds like you need drugs too. Make that call today.....

The 14th Colony July 17th, 2003 08:02 PM

I'm 36, and I almost did die more than once in my life. In fact, I did die in '81, but I was revived in the hospital.

zoom314 July 17th, 2003 09:43 PM


Originally posted by emerita
Welcome Zoom...and it sounds like you need to be on Social Security Disability. With your problems it shouldn't be hard for you to get on it. Then your glasses would be covered. You can also qualify for medicare for your drs appointments. Worth looking into. No need in suffering needlessly...... All we can give you here is emotional support. Sounds like you need drugs too. Make that call today.....
I've already tried that, even though My shrink and another doctor says I should be on disability(Social Security says that since I havn't worked since 1996 I can't apply again for Disability until I go back to work again and work as a Guard (or something) again for a while until I'm eligible again (Just so they can torture Me somemore and turn Me down again), the only problem with that is that I have No Transportation of My own any more, I do have a Motorcycle, but It's Dead and in need of an overhaul) or at least SSI, The Doctors SSI hires say that My problems aren't severe enough, They just see a lazy 370lb. fat guy, Getting Proof for SSI is somewhere between expensive and impossible as the Only Medical Coverage that I have is a bad joke and won't pay for an MRI or even a Cat Scan, I did get an MRI once, But I've been told forget getting one again. Most MRIs are too narrow as I'm 6'1" tall and have shoulders 18" to 20" in width, My body would fit, Just not with My shoulders or arms. At least I have a good Brother, We take care of each other and help each other, Anything major requires either His son (Who calls Me a Bum, I get him back, He hates Ketchup and Likes Lima Beans;) and so I'll eat Lima Beans with Ketchup on them just to Gross Him out ;) as calling Him names doesn't work) or a Professional. My Brother has said I'm getting glasses for Christmas before My eyes get worse though. So why bother... My Aunt says both My Brother and I are in Her Will (We are Her closest Living Blood Relatives, She never had Children and She's 86 now and has a pacemaker too, So She may last until She's 100 for All I know, She's 3 years older than Her Mother Who died of hardening of the Arteries at age 83) and We will be Taken care of money wise when she passes, Of course that may take another 5-10 years at least, But Time I have lots of It, I just wish that getting up wasn't so hard and that My walking wasn't so wobbly now. I have normal blood pressure and Low Cholesterol so I'll live. I can at least get some cash on ebay from time to time selling off what's in My bedroom. (Sorry I'm all out of Vipers for the Galactica... ;)) later.

emerita July 18th, 2003 05:32 AM

zoom, check you pm box.

Bug-Eyed Earl July 21st, 2003 10:52 PM

It's interesting if you think about it; the parents who make all the msitakes listed in that are of the OLDER generation; those who were children themselves in the 60s and 70s. The same crowd that's complaining.

But I still agreed with some of it, and found amusement in it.

emerita July 22nd, 2003 06:20 AM

I don't consider those complaints...They are facts that we lived with, that our children didn't and everything on that list is true, because I lived through them all. It made us stronger people that do not take things for granted now, like my children's generation does. They do not realize how easy they have it with the technology of today.... Those were actually the simple days and my childhood was a very happy one.

jewels July 24th, 2003 09:44 AM

FG, I like what you said :)

repcisg July 25th, 2003 09:45 AM

I can remember a time when color TV was just a dream!

emerita July 25th, 2003 11:16 AM

Lol...I can remember when TV was only in rich people's houses.... :D

shiningstar July 27th, 2003 09:12 PM

I agree with the post.

emerita July 28th, 2003 05:53 AM

As a nurse I can remember a time when doctors and dentists didn't wear gloves to examine their patients and only wore gloves and masks during surgery to protect the patient from getting germs...

Scooter2000 July 29th, 2003 09:27 PM

We didn't have X box but we had PING.

Also we had telestar.

I remember thinking that graphics could not get any better than PING.

emerita July 30th, 2003 06:11 AM

OMG !...that reminds me of that game called that the same thing? You bounced a little ball back and forth like in We were so amazed that it had sound! When we first got it I couldn't pull my husband away from wonder if Pong sucked out his brain... :rolleyes: and pacman! I was a wiz at :D

shiningstar July 30th, 2003 05:24 PM

I loved that game Emerita and now they have stuff like
Tetris and supertetris and russian square plus addition and not
to even mention all the gameboys and gameboy advanced.
I was great at Pong .........not so good at pacman ......but
it was soooo fun to play.

emerita July 31st, 2003 05:56 AM

Wonder what ever happend to all the pacman games that were always in the pubs. I remember they were used as tables and you could play as you ate and drank.

shiningstar July 31st, 2003 07:25 AM

I know I loved those things! I haven't seen one of THOSE

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