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Compass November 21st, 2005 09:02 PM

Does anyone want a cookie?

holodoc2000 November 21st, 2005 09:04 PM

tee hee! :D This little bear is snatching thread from ya Compass. ;)

*tackles Compass & gives him a few bear licks* :duck:

Compass November 21st, 2005 09:18 PM

*gets tackled. Plate of cookies crashes to the floor*


The more things change, the more they stay the same. :)

How are you, Bear?

Kronus November 21st, 2005 09:22 PM

Now I shall take the thread for a while...

holodoc2000 November 21st, 2005 09:31 PM

tee hee! :D This little bear is doing good now that you are here to play with Compass. ;) Along with klingongeneral. ;)

*throws a few snowballs at klingongeneral* :duck:

Kronus November 21st, 2005 09:45 PM

*Ducking quickly before the snowballs hit* Okay Bear...Mine once again

Compass November 21st, 2005 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by holodoc2000
tee hee! :D This little bear is doing good now that you are here to play with Compass. ;) Along with klingongeneral. ;)

That's nice to hear.
Would you please help me to pick up the cookies?

BlueSquad2001 November 21st, 2005 10:20 PM

Okay, I have to take this thread again, it's been since last year that I carried it my way, so I'm off with it once again! :rotf:

Kronus November 21st, 2005 10:32 PM

Well it may have been a year since you had it but I shall take it once more...

BlueSquad2001 November 21st, 2005 10:47 PM

Are you familiar with the Klingon proverb that (Revenge is a dish that is best served cold? And it is very cold in space.) :devil:
And I have the thread :rotf:

holodoc2000 November 21st, 2005 11:06 PM

tee hee! :D This little bear is snatching thread again. ;)

*searches for cookies* :duck:

BlueSquad2001 November 21st, 2005 11:08 PM

TOO FUNNY! :rotf: :rotf: :hack:

bsg1fan1975 November 22nd, 2005 04:50 AM

ya'll have lost your marbles if you think you can take the thread from me!

BlueSquad2001 November 22nd, 2005 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by bsg1fan1975
ya'll have lost your marbles if you think you can take the thread from me!

:eek: I'll give it my best shot. goes!

bsg1fan1975 November 22nd, 2005 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by BlueSquad2001
:eek: I'll give it my best shot. goes!

*hits BlueSquad with a tranq dart and grabs the thread*

I never learned to play fair. I flunked that in school!

BlueSquad2001 November 22nd, 2005 10:55 AM

BlueSquad, with head swooning from effects of dart, staggers in all directions. Accidentally bumps into and knocks BSG1fan over, and grabs thread, tucking it in nice and neat before passing out. :D

bsg1fan1975 November 22nd, 2005 11:06 AM

but as you fall the thread comes out of its hiding place and I hurry off with it!

holodoc2000 November 22nd, 2005 11:22 AM

tee hee! :D This little bear is snatching thread now. ;)

BlueSquad2001 November 22nd, 2005 11:33 AM

But really :D Let ole' BlueSquad have it for a bit.

holodoc2000 November 22nd, 2005 01:05 PM

tee hee! :D this little bear is snatching thread form ya now BlueSquad. ;)

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