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TwoBrainedCylon March 26th, 2011 12:19 PM
Its true. I folded and started a blog.

The first real article is up.

"Facebook Scares Me!"

You can go to and its easy from there.

All my best,


gmd3d March 26th, 2011 12:37 PM

cool , I have face book but don´t like it much ..... I been thinking of closing the account

Blogs are on the other hand a good idea if you have something to say

me I don´t but if I find a good one I read it :)

Good to see you about Russell :)

BST March 26th, 2011 02:56 PM

Welcome back, my friend!!

I thought you had fallen off the planet!

TwoBrainedCylon March 27th, 2011 09:19 AM

Not off the planet. Just to the other side. I've been in Afghanistan for a bit over a year now. Will be back by the end of May. Will make 14 continuous months in the Stone Age without a break (and yes that means that by the end I will have literally worked for 431 continuous, 13-hour days without a day off when its all over). Right now I'm around 380-something. I'll definitely be ready for at least a few days downtime when I return.

I'll probably do a picture article of some of the shots I've taken over here but won't plug much else as I refuse to tear down any acting wartime president, regardless of how much I may or may not agree with them and don't want my site to become a political dumpfest. Jim (Stallion Cornell) handles the political bits better than I could hope to so my focus will be the more ordinary, like not really getting the core concept of Facebook, the films I really like but shouldn't, and why women don't understand the importance of stereo speakers.

Hope to see you all over there and feel free to comment on anything that inspires you. (Feel free to spread the word since I also don't have the Internet connection to link up to many places).

I should be a bit more active in a couple months.

All my best,


gmd3d March 27th, 2011 09:43 AM

that will be good to see you back :)

Gemini1999 March 27th, 2011 03:13 PM

Russell -

As someone that recently signed up on Facebook due to a bit of pressure from family (so I could view pictures, etc.), I'm in agreement with you on this. I fail to see the necessity for a "social network" to keep in touch with those that you consider close to you to begin with. It doesn't seem very social to me. I don't want to insult those that enjoy it or use it, but it feels a tad lazy. I suppose it's great for someone who has a life that is so busy they can't be bothered to stay in contact with someone on an individual basis. No need for phone calls, emails, personal visits, or the traditional methods of staying in touch with family and friends. All you have to do is post a few pics, type a message every now and again and everyone that you include in your social "network" instantly can see or read it. It may sound like quite an innovation, but for a society that is addicted to cell phones, PCs, etc., it seems counter productive.

I also don't like the fact that the Facebook page I created gets littered with all kinds of messages, pictures, ads, etc. as part of the deal. In setting this thing up, I practically had to shut down nearly all of the features to get it to work anywhere near the way I would want it to - if I care to use it.

I'm a bit dubious as to the benefits of this particular web-based method of communication and I'm completely oblivious as to how anyone could become as addicted to it as I've seen other people get over it.

I'm glad to hear that you're still around. Come back to us in one piece!


gmd3d March 27th, 2011 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Gemini1999 (Post 305339)
Russell -

As someone that recently signed up on Facebook due to a bit of pressure from family (so I could view pictures, etc.), I'm in agreement with you on this. I fail to see the necessity for a "social network" to keep in touch with those that you consider close to you to begin with. It doesn't seem very social to me. I don't want to insult those that enjoy it or use it, but it feels a tad lazy. I suppose it's great for someone who has a life that is so busy they can't be bothered to stay in contact with someone on an individual basis. No need for phone calls, emails, personal visits, or the traditional methods of staying in touch with family and friends. All you have to do is post a few pics, type a message every now and again and everyone that you include in your social "network" instantly can see or read it. It may sound like quite an innovation, but for a society that is addicted to cell phones, PCs, etc., it seems counter productive.

I also don't like the fact that the Facebook page I created gets littered with all kinds of messages, pictures, ads, etc. as part of the deal. In setting this thing up, I practically had to shut down nearly all of the features to get it to work anywhere near the way I would want it to - if I care to use it.

I'm a bit dubious as to the benefits of this particular web-based method of communication and I'm completely oblivious as to how anyone could become as addicted to it as I've seen other people get over it.

I'm glad to hear that you're still around. Come back to us in one piece!


that's more of less my thoughts on it :)

Darrell Lawrence March 27th, 2011 04:38 PM

I find Facebook good not for socializing with those close to you, as in you see them everyday, but for finding old friends I haven't seen in years, or for keeping in touch by an easy means with relatives that do not live nearby.

BST March 27th, 2011 06:17 PM


While I agree with what Darrell said, another reason why we may not really see the value in Facebook is that you and I were raised in an era where we interacted with people face-to-face. We learned to not only follow the spoken word but, to also pay attention to body language, facial expressions, etc. The unspoken part of a conversation often times said more than the actual words.

That's why I have such an issue with today's children and their incessant texting. Their parents' tacit approval of it does nothing to teach true social skills. These kids are often like misfits when attempting to interact with someone, without their phone. I've spoken at length with my daughter about it and she understands the value of the spoken word. Being an education major has had its benefits since much of the profession relies on vocal presentation.

Gemini1999 March 27th, 2011 08:04 PM

Pete -

Thanks for that. You said it better than I did and using less words. I think that the one thing about emails, Facebook, texting, etc. it that it seems like I hardly ever speak with my closest friends and family in a direct manner unless I make the effort myself.

As for Russell starting his own blog, since I first watched Julie & Julia (one of my favorite films of all time), the idea of starting a blog taunts me, but the inspiration stops there. I guess that I don't have anything really brilliant or inspiring to say. It might be good to bang out whatever is on my mind on a keyboard and put it into cyberspace might be good therapy. I would rather be inspired to write something interesting and positive if possible.

The idea has been floating around in my head for a while, but it's just not coming together. I suppose blogging isn't for everyone unless they have that burgeoning need to write and have it read by others.


TwoBrainedCylon March 28th, 2011 11:37 AM

Thanks all.

I hope the articles I write are of enough interest to warrant the visits.

I just posted another, -- "The Promise of 2001".

Grab it from the main page at

I welcome comments and feedback, -- especially comments because then it isn't such a dead site and nobody ever wants to be the first to comment on an article.

All my best,


BST March 28th, 2011 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by TwoBrainedCylon (Post 305363)
Thanks all.

I hope the articles I write are of enough interest to warrant the visits.

I just posted another, -- "The Promise of 2001".

Grab it from the main page at

I welcome comments and feedback, -- especially comments because then it isn't such a dead site and nobody ever wants to be the first to comment on an article.

All my best,


I'll do my best. These last few months have been borderline-crazybusy and are just barely easing up.

I enjoy conversation because that's where education begins and I don't think that there's a one of us that can't learn something new.

BST March 28th, 2011 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Gemini1999 (Post 305350)
Pete -

Thanks for that. You said it better than I did and using less words. I think that the one thing about emails, Facebook, texting, etc. it that it seems like I hardly ever speak with my closest friends and family in a direct manner unless I make the effort myself.

As for Russell starting his own blog, since I first watched Julie & Julia (one of my favorite films of all time), the idea of starting a blog taunts me, but the inspiration stops there. I guess that I don't have anything really brilliant or inspiring to say. It might be good to bang out whatever is on my mind on a keyboard and put it into cyberspace might be good therapy. I would rather be inspired to write something interesting and positive if possible.

The idea has been floating around in my head for a while, but it's just not coming together. I suppose blogging isn't for everyone unless they have that burgeoning need to write and have it read by others.



I don't know if there has to be any rigid regularity to a schedule but, some sort of schedule would need to be developed, in order to give your expected readers an idea of when to expect the next installment.

As far as what to write about, I think that each of us has a unique viewpoint of life and has had enough life experiences which have taught lessons worthy of sharing.

Other times, it could simply be one's viewpoint of a current event, piece of legislation, etc.

Charybdis March 29th, 2011 10:49 AM

Best to you, Russell. Hope you can get that day off soon!!

As for the social networking stuff, well, I can honestly say as a communications professor that I can see this stuff at work every day with our college kids. All I can say is that we are more "connected" than ever, but at the same time, we are more "disconnected" than ever too!!! Hope that makes sense...

TwoBrainedCylon March 31st, 2011 12:19 PM

I went on a short writing spurt.

The Promise of 2001 at

My Secret Alliance with the Black Tower at

How to Prepare for War at

You can get to them all from the front page at

All my best to all and again, thanks for the well wishes.

I'm down to a little over a month and then its back home. (Happy Dance)


TwoBrainedCylon April 14th, 2011 11:24 AM

New article.

"Why Men Stare at Boobs".

Get it from the front page or

I welcome comments after any article that interests you.

All my best,


Darrell Lawrence April 14th, 2011 05:49 PM

I replied. Took a while to get through all the pics though :LOL:

Thunderstruck April 14th, 2011 06:49 PM


Darrell Lawrence April 14th, 2011 07:10 PM

Hard to tell which is my brother's ex...

Gemini1999 April 14th, 2011 09:55 PM

I don't think that I could bring myself to read a blog entry on that topic. I'm afraid that the truth may be worse than anything I could ever imagine on my own.

Kinda makes it hard to look at someone later once you know what really goes on in their heads....


TwoBrainedCylon November 13th, 2011 06:28 PM

New entry that may be of interest:

"Women Don't Understand Science"

You can also link it direct from the front page at .

All my best,


TwoBrainedCylon November 18th, 2011 07:57 PM

I moved the site to a new server. Would appreciate if folks would let me know how its working out.

Also added a small gallery of some of my artwork under "My view of the world". Would appreciate feedback on how the gallery displays for everyone.

All my best,


Lara November 18th, 2011 10:44 PM

Loaded OK from down here..

But then what would I stuff is science and I'm a girl. . . ;);) :rotf:


BST November 19th, 2011 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by TwoBrainedCylon (Post 308071)
I moved the site to a new server. Would appreciate if folks would let me know how its working out.

Also added a small gallery of some of my artwork under "My view of the world". Would appreciate feedback on how the gallery displays for everyone.

All my best,


Looks good. I tried it last night and it worked as well. I think what threw me was the remark in the one box which says, "There are no posts in this category". It made me think that something didn't work right.

TwoBrainedCylon November 19th, 2011 07:59 AM

I figured it out.

All the old links go to vice, which is now the proper link.

Forget the links above. Everything is accessable from the main page at .

I'd appreciate feedback from others as to how this works for them.

All my best,


BST November 19th, 2011 10:41 AM

Now, datsa nize!!!


Dawg November 19th, 2011 03:39 PM

That's nice - and I like the blog entries, too. Read the most recent to Mrs. Dawg, who got a kick out of it.

The gallery also works well for me.

Good job!

I am

TwoBrainedCylon November 22nd, 2011 01:58 PM

Hi Lara.

Hi John.

It all seems to be up and running well.

I added three photo galleries.

Just go to to find them all.

All my best,


Lara November 24th, 2011 03:46 AM

The galleries are cool and a excellent addition to the site.

I think the collection from Afghanistan is great for showing the the people there just 'doing their life'. There is so much they could gain if the politics of tribalism could somehow be worked out.
Did you get to see much of the (terribly threatened) archeology?


TwoBrainedCylon December 31st, 2011 03:09 PM

And my goals for 2012 are now official:

All my best,


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