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thomas7g March 28th, 2004 06:07 PM

Appleseed: The future of animation!


2D animation look out! There is a new wonderful way to do animation. The new look achieved by the new Appleseed is completely revolutionary!

Appleseed is a new animated movie from japan. It stems from a comic book series that was popular in the 80s and 90s. its also from the same creator who gave us the original Ghost in the Shell. Appleseed takes place in the neer future in a world where the police have integrated cyborg mechanisms into their bodies.

The animation takes recent efforts to mimic standard cell animation with computer generated 3D animation. The results are impressive!

Make sure you check out the trailers!

here is the trailer in quicktime format.

And remember, you heard it HERE first! unless you heard it somewhere else...

Rowan March 28th, 2004 06:26 PM

Wow Thomas ! that is unbelievable very cool! :thumbsup: Some of the machines reminded me a little of the futuristic shots in Terminator.
Thanks for sharing. :D ;)

amberstar March 28th, 2004 07:51 PM

:D That was great Tom! Thanks for letting us know about it!


thomas7g March 29th, 2004 08:02 AM

I'm glad you like! I thought this was amazing. I just wish I was a young kid in japan. That girl looks like my drawing style. I would love to be working on this. But japanese animation salary stinks. Living in Japan is like living in New York. But a starting animator makes about $1500 a MONTH. And a senior animator with ten years experience can still be under $20,000 a year.

So I guess I'm not going over there anytime soon. ;)

Gemini1999 March 29th, 2004 09:17 AM

Tom -

I know that Appleseed has been around for a while, but you talking about it has got my curiosity up. I with the sudden premium of time I have now, I will check to see if has it in their library and add it to my rental queue and give it a go....


P.S. - I just finished watching the first 8 episdodes of Last Exile for the THIRD time - I think it's time to send it back to Netflix!
Oregon dispensaries

ernie90125 March 29th, 2004 12:49 PM

Hi Thomas7g,

I'm not too into animation of this kind, although I have checked out your website. I have no idea how long they take to make (?) but has anyone ever though about creating animation to go with the audio continuation ????

I made a post a while ago asking, although I accept as a multimedia designer I may not be able to help with this myself, whether people think it is possible with the technology we have nowadays to create our own BSG continuation ?

This animation is an example of how this could conceivably be achieved ?


General Phoenix March 29th, 2004 09:06 PM

Damn - that's even better than the Final Fantasy movie. At least the characters have facial expressions. :)

Very impressive work there!

Ernie, that's not a bad idea. It would take quite a while, since most of the people working on it would be doing it in their spare time, but if we got skilled people who were really passionate about it, it could be done.

In fact, I wouldn't mind donating my voice talents to it, not to mention some writing if it was needed.

ernie90125 March 30th, 2004 04:38 AM

Dear General Pheonix,

Thank you for your reply. I too would be more than happy to donate my voice and writing skills to such a project....

I think such a project, if done just right, could send a message to the studios which I do not know of having been sent before. - The day and age of technology means we the fans when ignored, can do it without you.... Please re-think you're treatment of dedicated fans...

But my primary reason for suggesting this though, is not to fire shots, but because I think it would be a fascinating project, and the end result would give great pleasure to Continuation fans....

jonahlee March 31st, 2004 03:35 PM

Yea, I am an old school Appleseed fan. I loved the Manga, and even have the new figures of Deunan and Briarios that came with Appleseed DVD's. I wasn't much of a fan of the old anime though, but here is more news.

Anime Nation News has news that there will be another Appleseed movie.


The Japanese homepage for the 2004 Tokyo International Anime Fair has revealed that official confirmations of plans to produce an Appleseed 2 theatrical movie, and an animated adaptation of Masamura Hiroshi's whimsical fantasy manga series Atagoul, will be made during a press conference scheduled for Friday, March 26th.
The source page is in Japanese, but I have linked to it anyway.

And all this before we even get to see the first one!

thomas7g April 1st, 2004 06:41 AM

Thanks Jonah!

Hey, by any chance can you find me the production cost of this film? I hear it was pretty reasonable for a theatrical film!

Bombadil April 2nd, 2004 08:58 AM

Never mind animation! How many years do you think it will be before a movie can be created entirely from artificial characters that look and act even better than the JP dinosaurs.

At first the characters will be sampled from real people. How much longer do you think it will take to achieve artificially-created actors?

jonahlee April 2nd, 2004 09:01 AM

i don't know but I think Gollum was pretty amazing.

jonahlee April 2nd, 2004 05:04 PM

There is an interview with the Producer Fumihiko Sori in the April 2004 issue of NewTypeUSA.

martok2112 November 10th, 2004 03:10 PM

I agree with Commander Taggart that the stories must be adult oriented, with action and character exploration. I think that is why I liked the Batman/Superman/Justice League cartoons, because to an extent, they were that. But Galactica cartoons could take it a step further. (Justice League had a three part episode that took the heroes back to World War II that was really adult oriented...even down to the language at one small point...which made my jaw drop.) A Galactica cartoon would not need to go to the language length, but it would do well to cater more to the adults.

(Anybody here remember the animation styles used in Heavy Metal the Movie back in 1980?) Now that would be an ideal animation style for Galactica as well, but it would be impractical on a weekly basis.

I would love to see 3D starships mixed in with 2D animation as well.

To the end of writing stories or providing voice work....I'd fall in for those jobs in a heartbeat as well if we, the fans, were able to take up such an endeavor. We have the talented people would be a matter of time. We have 3D artists, 2D artists, writers, voice actors, special effects guys, sound engineers, musicians, etc. Hell, we have some of the makings of a Colonial Fleets Production Company. It would be far less costly than trying to make a fan-film where costumes have to be designed and made, some props might have to be built, etc.

If anyone else here wants to take on such a project, COUNT ME IN!


repcisg November 10th, 2004 09:31 PM

Martok is right on point - we have all the tallent we need to make what ever we want = a TOS continuation or original matirial.

All we need is the will!

thomas7g November 21st, 2004 11:25 PM

Well... right now we have a few major stumbling blocks. Basically everyone knows how to make ships. I'm the only one who can draw these. And no one has character animating skill outside of some poser level stuff.

But it is possible! And doable. Look out for what DeSanto may do when he gets time.


repcisg November 22nd, 2004 07:53 AM

As I said in an earlier post we will be pushing some boundaries, but then if it were easy - everyone would be doing it.

It is always a challenge to learn something new, to go beyond our known skills. The question is are we willing to try?

thomas7g November 22nd, 2004 01:20 PM

I'm alwasy learning something new :D

Hito November 22nd, 2004 06:47 PM

I downloaded a couple of the trailers.
The Cell shading technique is incredable.
A lot of times the look of Cellshaded 3d is jaring but this flowed as smoothly as an akira or macross:dyrl

thomas7g December 16th, 2004 02:45 PM

I've finally gotten to see some extended clips of this! I hope to get the chinese dvd soon. I don't know why its available in chinese first but go figure.

The graphics are incredible!!!!!

The city is so beautifully detailed. It is designed better than most cities you see in scifi movies. It blows away both the old and the new BG in terms of the design. It looks futuristic and real. There is also a wasteand section that really looks like a warzone took out a major metropolis.

The characters are nicely designed. The movements are rough at times when they aren't in battle. And its a little jarring to see cartoon characters and extremely realistic backgrounds at times. But I think I can get used to it.

The one thing to get used to is the very shiny glossy surface everything seems to have. Its like that CG ballroom scene in Beauty and the Beast where its obviously CGI.

I only got to see about ten minutes of it. But I was very impressed. Alot of work went into this film and it shows. And the part I saw was very entertaining.


thomas7g December 18th, 2004 05:45 PM

I finally got to see the whole thing and I really like it!

The story is pretty good. Alot better than the first Appleseed anime that came out in the 80s. I'll say more. I'm going to gather up some images and do a big write up on it.


thomas7g February 3rd, 2005 02:05 PM

Here are some more images!!!!!


Gemini1999 February 3rd, 2005 02:14 PM

Tom -

The images look great, but where and when can I see this?


thomas7g February 3rd, 2005 02:26 PM

The movie is available to a small group of theaters. Sofar there is no listing I know of for a USA release on dvd. But that is only a matter of time.

It is of course available from various internet download groups. But I'm a little tepid about posting a link in public. But it is easily findable.


Rowan February 3rd, 2005 02:30 PM

Gemini I have to say I was really impressed with the look of this show the intricate detail blew me away! I loved the working solar panels on that one building (Thomas know about that I all ready gushed about that to him LOL) that kind of attention to detail is just amazing and I like the story too! :D

jewels February 3rd, 2005 03:05 PM

Um, that's very impressive. That would work for BG. Wow.

thomas7g February 3rd, 2005 03:30 PM

Currently its playing at these theaters

peter noble February 3rd, 2005 03:32 PM

I've just watched the trailer (thanks Tom) and was really impressed. Over here it may get a theatrical showing or go straight to DVD, anyhow, I want to see it!

Quite a few TOS fans are quite keen on seeing a BSG continuation done this way and I think it could be huge, bigger than SpongeBob anyways! ;)


Gemini1999 February 3rd, 2005 03:34 PM


San Jose is a bit far, if it was San Francisco or Berkeley, I would go this weekend! Maybe, I'll have to take the "alternate" route....

I'll wait and see what the movie releases show after Friday.


Titon February 3rd, 2005 04:52 PM

Holy Crap! Hito!

Good to see you sir.


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