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Rowan March 29th, 2004 12:55 AM

Sorrell just a wanring my computer is doing it again so if I dissapear it's not of my making and if it does that I'm just going to quit her tonight ok?
Well it's a long story some of it is posted in one of the cafe threads I think the beaver cafe I'm not sure which, but suffice to say the co-ordinator of the programe is trying to oust me from the program an is orchestrating it ...I need to learn to keep my mouth shut I am to outspoken for my own good. It's hard to be treated like a child when you are 40 questions like did you call your teacher to tell her that you were not coming to class today drive me insane it's university for goodness sake I'm a grown woman! drives me nuts I hate the politics of this program! GGGGGGRRRRRR!!!!

As for loneliness I am a loner by nature! I'd probaly be a hermit if people would let me ;) but sometimes I feel isolated and school has driven away so many friends over the last several years and those that are left are parents with spouses and they are busy with their lives, I don't fit in anymore. That is why I appreciate having this outlet I get to fell intouch with the world but when I want to not when others want me too, very convenient when you need to study all the time. :D ;)

kitty March 29th, 2004 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Rowan
Sorrell just a wanring my computer is doing it again so if I dissapear it's not of my making and if it does that I'm just going to quit her tonight ok?
Well it's a long story some of it is posted in one of the cafe threads I think the beaver cafe I'm not sure which, but suffice to say the co-ordinator of the programe is trying to oust me from the program an is orchestrating it ...I need to learn to keep my mouth shut I am to outspoken for my own good. It's hard to be treated like a child when you are 40 questions like did you call your teacher to tell her that you were not coming to class today drive me insane it's university for goodness sake I'm a grown woman! drives me nuts I hate the politics of this program! GGGGGGRRRRRR!!!!

As for loneliness I am a loner by nature! I'd probaly be a hermit if people would let me ;) but sometimes I feel isolated and school has driven away so many friends over the last several years and those that are left are parents with spouses and they are busy with their lives, I don't fit in anymore. That is why I appreciate having this outlet I get to fell intouch with the world but when I want to not when others want me too, very convenient when you need to study all the time. :D ;)

That co-ordinator sounds like what we call a "jobs-worth".
I does frack me off when you do come across these sad individuals, who get a job title and think they are god.
Believe me, I have met a few. One of them is incharge of my work loads.
Shes a sad, vindictive *****, and probably the reason why I went through a dry patch for the last 2 months. Luckily new work today, so I can replace my savings that I have been living on.
I find that I can not keep my mouth shut and refuse to kiss ****.

Rowan March 29th, 2004 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by sorrell
That co-ordinator sounds like what we call a "jobs-worth".
I does frack me off when you do come across these sad individuals, who get a job title and think they are god.
Believe me, I have met a few. One of them is incharge of my work loads.
Shes a sad, vindictive *****, and probably the reason why I went through a dry patch for the last 2 months. Luckily new work today, so I can replace my savings that I have been living on.
I find that I can not keep my mouth shut and refuse to kiss ****.

YUP! and it only gets worse the older I get.
I recently had injured my foot and the night before clinical she called me athome and told me I was not allowed to go to clinical because of it. But there was all ready a presedence for it because my girlfriend who had broken her foot had attende clinical so during our meeting I brought this to her attention whe said but this girl had a doctors note saying she was ok to attend so I said well if a doctors note was all that was required why did you not say so that night I would have gotten one. to which she replied there are no doctors at tha time of night and I said yes the walk in clinic a few doors away is open till 9 or I would have been prepared to wait 4 hrs in emergency if I had know all I needed was a note but you never said this. She knows that without those 12 hours of cinical I techincally can't pass this semester so I'm out of the program she deliberately denied me going to clinical and with held the info I neede nice hun?!

kitty March 29th, 2004 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by Rowan
YUP! and it only gets worse the older I get.
I recently had injured my foot and the night before clinical she called me athome and told me I was not allowed to go to clinical because of it. But there was all ready a presedence for it because my girlfriend who had broken her foot had attende clinical so during our meeting I brought this to her attention whe said but this girl had a doctors note saying she was ok to attend so I said well if a doctors note was all that was required why did you not say so that night I would have gotten one. to which she replied there are no doctors at tha time of night and I said yes the walk in clinic a few doors away is open till 9 or I would have been prepared to wait 4 hrs in emergency if I had know all I needed was a note but you never said this. She knows that without those 12 hours of cinical I techincally can't pass this semester so I'm out of the program she deliberately denied me going to clinical and with held the info I neede nice hun?!

How convenient that she "forgot" to give you all the info.
Was she full of that false "i was looking out 4 u" smile.
Is there any way to change co0ordinator or appeal.
It is horrible when your face does not fit.
IT will be great if you can finish the course and qualify.
What a "up yours" that will b 2 her.

Rowan March 29th, 2004 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by sorrell
How convenient that she "forgot" to give you all the info.
Was she full of that false "i was looking out 4 u" smile.
Is there any way to change co0ordinator or appeal.
It is horrible when your face does not fit.
IT will be great if you can finish the course and qualify.
What a "up yours" that will b 2 her.

That 's true you know sorrell I hadn't looked at it that way. I could appeal but no one ever wins that I know of. yes she was full of that fake smile and concerned attitude...made my skin crawl she must have loved to see me grovel. I F/ing hate her she has gotten rid of some of the finest talent my class has know! Yes it was all so convenient. I also pointed out that my teacher called insick and I lost 12 hours as a consequence andwhy could I not make that up she had some crap about that as well even the counselor tried to explore that one but she did her bull felgercarb routine and totally confused us with regultion quoting that after awhile we were too confuse to follow it any more.

I got to get to bed it's 2 am and I need some sleep thanks for listening Sorrell, talk again tomorrow :)

amberstar March 29th, 2004 03:31 AM

Rowan I'm sorry to hear about what happened. Hope everything will be better today.


bsg1fan1975 March 29th, 2004 03:39 AM

I'm backkkkkkkkk! And I'll take the thread after a restful weekend!

thomas7g March 29th, 2004 03:50 AM

I'm just popping in to let people know the avatar problem is fixed.

But if you excuse me, I've been working on my PC all night, and I need to sleep. :)

Night all!

bsg1fan1975 March 29th, 2004 03:55 AM

mornin' Tom! And thank you so much for the thread!

Bombadil March 29th, 2004 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by shiningstar
Thought I'd never make it in ............. Hubby's been a BEAR today :mad:

~~~~~~~~~~ by the way ~~~~~~~~ thanks for ~~~~~~~the thread~~~~~~~ ;)

And your point is??
Bears are good.
Gentle Ben.
(Well, OK, there's OTHER Smokey.)


bsg1fan1975 March 29th, 2004 04:00 AM

yep, but that kind o' Smokey gives out tickets! and 99.9% of the time he not so nice as the other Smokey t. Bear! lol

Bombadil March 29th, 2004 04:23 AM

When I gave my little girls some stuffed bears, I named them, too.
One was "Barely"
The other was "Bearable"

Rowan March 29th, 2004 06:40 AM

well I exist again but she's too blurry must go and thank poor very tired tommy... :D ;)

holodoc2000 March 29th, 2004 10:00 AM

tee hee! Time for me to snatch thread for awhile. :D I see there has been some action here while I was away. :D

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Bombadil March 29th, 2004 10:02 AM

Hah! I see everyone's gone over to the "How Blondes Print a Word Document" to play. Getting lonely over here.

Bombadil March 29th, 2004 10:03 AM

Hi, Holodoc!:)

kitty March 29th, 2004 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Thomasbombadil
Hah! I see everyone's gone over to the "How Blondes Print a Word Document" to play. Getting lonely over here.

I will play with you if you want

holodoc2000 March 29th, 2004 10:19 AM

tee hee! I'm snatching thread once more. :D

*pulls out pillow & hits Thomas with pillow* ;)

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

kitty March 29th, 2004 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by holodoc2000
tee hee! I'm snatching thread once more. :D

*pulls out pillow & hits Thomas with pillow* ;)

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Not for long
looks like its mine again :D

holodoc2000 March 29th, 2004 10:25 AM

tee hee! I'm snatching thread from ya Sorrell. :D

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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