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amberstar April 15th, 2004 05:00 PM

You've had it long enough Kitty ;)

Bombadil April 15th, 2004 05:20 PM

Tom picks up his pillows and reloads, ready for anything Holo or RifleKitty can throw/shoot at him. But where is Amberstar lurking? That could be a problem.

amberstar April 15th, 2004 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Bombadil
Tom picks up his pillows and reloads, ready for anything Holo or RifleKitty can throw/shoot at him. But where is Amberstar lurking? That could be a problem.

You''ll never know where I might be;)


Bombadil April 15th, 2004 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by amberstar
You''ll never know where I might be;)


Where did that voice come from? What do you want from me?

amberstar April 15th, 2004 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Bombadil

Where did that voice come from? What do you want from me?

The thread my dear Tom! :D

Bombadil April 15th, 2004 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by amberstar
The thread my dear Tom! :D

You mean this thread?

amberstar April 15th, 2004 05:45 PM

Yes!!!! Thank you for finding it for me:)

Bombadil April 15th, 2004 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by amberstar
Yes!!!! Thank you for finding it for me:)

Why certainly, I'd be happy to find it for you any time.


amberstar April 15th, 2004 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Bombadil

Why certainly, I'd be happy to find it for you any time.


;) Just when I thought I had the thread all to myself...............

thomas7g April 15th, 2004 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by amberstar
;) Just when I thought I had the thread all to myself............... get surrounded by Toms!!!

Muffit April 15th, 2004 06:04 PM

Does that mean she's hearing -- Tom-Toms??? :laugh:

amberstar April 15th, 2004 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by thomas7g get surrounded by Toms!!!


amberstar April 15th, 2004 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Muffit
Does that mean she's hearing -- Tom-Toms??? :laugh:

LOL muffit! I think I might be! At least the thread is mine...... for now;)
Wonder who will sneak up on me next??????

Muffit April 15th, 2004 06:26 PM

I think I'll SNARE it from ya! :D

Bombadil April 15th, 2004 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by amberstar
LOL muffit! I think I might be! At least the thread is mine...... for now;)
Wonder who will sneak up on me next??????

Now, really. . .who did you think?:D

thomas7g April 15th, 2004 07:00 PM

Naw its the OTHER one. :D

amberstar April 15th, 2004 07:10 PM

You guys have had the thread long enough............ I'm taking it for safe keeping:)

holodoc2000 April 15th, 2004 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Bombadil
Tom the Bomb staggers back to his feet, blood gushing from the. . .
(no, wait, this looks like a new carpet, and red looks awful on this color. OK, no blood.)
Tom staggers to his feet and leaps to the pursuit of cowardly Holodoc, who is running away in vain hope of keeping the thread. Tom tackles her. . .(heyyyy, that was fun!) and snatches the thread out of her desperate fingers. :naughty:

tee hee! Two can play that game Thomasb! :D

*tickles Thomasb sides* :duck:

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

amberstar April 15th, 2004 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by holodoc2000
tee hee! Two can play that game Thomasb! :D

*tickles Thomasb sides* :duck:

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

While youre playing a game with ThomasB ;), I'll take off with the thread......


Rowan April 15th, 2004 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Muffit
Does that mean she's hearing -- Tom-Toms??? :laugh:


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