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oldwardaggit February 19th, 2003 10:23 AM

I'm Sorry
I have been here at the Colonial fleets for quite some time now and I feel like I know most of you. Over the years we have interacted and I have come to know some better then ever.

That's why I feel like I can't carry on what I have been doing any longer.
I must confess whole heartedly that I have been telling a lie about who I really am. Yes, what I'm saying is that I'm not really a Battlestar Galactica fan. My name isn't really T. Shawn Hardy and I don't play in a rock band. I'm not even Canadian. I'm sure short notice is a fine band but I don't even know them. The Guitar player did the Galactica theme and Radio Galactica but my involvement was to only come here and take the credit for it.

And now with a heavy heart and a lowered head, I will speak the truth.

My real name is Pong Pong and I'm from the planet TIHSFOLLUFMI
The reason why I deceived you earthlings is because our studies have shown us that if Galactica fans do something distracting like drink water or talk to crazy people like OWD, they get distracted and won't even notice that they have been probed.

The only thing is now I'm feeling guilty. The job is over and all of you have been probed in a way that involves some sort of a grunt if it happens to you while coherent.

My planet will benefit because we will clone you and that will help us to bring our favorite earth show back ( Mork and Mindy ) because you are the most unstoppable fan base that we have ever seen.

Please note that all of you will be receiving a phone call in the next few days that will notify you of what we have done. Our budget does not allow for long distance so if you are out side the calling area of our planet( which most are ) You will receive a call sounding like this ( You have a collect call from,” you have been probed" Do you except the charges.

We apologies for any inconvenience (Mainly when you sit down at the computer) and we hope that you accept our complementary used wipe nappies that we have gotten from Kentucky fried chicken.

Being along way from home, we were forced to eat out a lot and got hooked on KFC. We tried ordering a Pizza once and it was free because they didn't get it to our space ship in 30 minutes or less but we didn't care for the taste of it.

Anyways, in case of discomfort, we left you a card and on the back are instructions on how to make Jell-O. We thought that might take your mind off of the discomfort.

Thanks for your time and DNA.

PS. Does anyone know how long KFC coupons are good for?
Because we won't be back for another thousand years.
The alien formally know as OWD

oldwardaggit February 19th, 2003 10:24 AM

I'm Sorry
I'm Sorry
I have been here at the Colonial fleets for quite some time now and I feel like I know most of you. Over the years we have interacted and I have come to know some better then ever.

That's why I feel like I can't carry on what I have been doing any longer.
I must confess whole heartedly that I have been telling a lie about who I really am. Yes, what I'm saying is that I'm not really a Battlestar Galactica fan. My name isn't really T. Shawn Hardy and I don't play in a rock band. I'm not even Canadian. I'm sure short notice is a fine band but I don't even know them. The Guitar player did the Galactica theme and Radio Galactica but my involvement was to only come here and take the credit for it.

And now with a heavy heart and a lowered head, I will speak the truth.

My real name is Pong Pong and I'm from the planet TIHSFOLLUFMI
The reason why I deceived you earthlings is because our studies have shown us that if Galactica fans do something distracting like drink water or talk to crazy people like OWD, they get distracted and won't even notice that they have been probed.

The only thing is now I'm feeling guilty. The job is over and all of you have been probed in a way that involves some sort of a grunt if it happens to you while coherent.

My planet will benefit because we will clone you and that will help us to bring our favorite earth show back ( Mork and Mindy ) because you are the most unstoppable fan base that we have ever seen.

Please note that all of you will be receiving a phone call in the next few days that will notify you of what we have done. Our budget does not allow for long distance so if you are out side the calling area of our planet( which most are ) You will receive a call sounding like this ( You have a collect call from,” you have been probed" Do you except the charges.

We apologies for any inconvenience (Mainly when you sit down at the computer) and we hope that you accept our complementary used wipe nappies that we have gotten from Kentucky fried chicken.

Being along way from home, we were forced to eat out a lot and got hooked on KFC. We tried ordering a Pizza once and it was free because they didn't get it to our space ship in 30 minutes or less but we didn't care for the taste of it.

Anyways, in case of discomfort, we left you a card and on the back are instructions on how to make Jell-O. We thought that might take your mind off of the discomfort.

Thanks for your time and DNA.

PS. Does anyone know how long KFC coupons are good for?
Because we won't be back for another thousand years.
The alien formally know as OWD

LucianG February 19th, 2003 10:39 AM

I was wondering what that mildly uncomfortable feeling was. Now it's been explained!

oldwardaggit February 19th, 2003 11:21 AM

Yes and its time for J, E , LL , O


Whitestar February 19th, 2003 11:44 AM

I'm REALLY shocked!
I thought I had told you, not to drink Heineken beer!!? Now you know WHY! Hope you will make it back. If not and for the time it will take, I'm wondering if the emphasis is on PING or PONG?


P.S.: If I won't hear anything from YOU OWD within the next 24hours, I'm gonna drink some Heiniken too, to get you out of there. At least I'll try...
Any other volunteers for a little rescue-squad?
:beer: :beer: :colwar: :beer: :beer:

repcisg February 19th, 2003 11:55 AM

My daughter has a guinie pig named PingPong, any relation?

vmnjn February 19th, 2003 12:00 PM

What if it was not a grunt?
I am pretty sure I felt something but I would describe it differently.

A Fizz,
a Fazz,
a Fizz Fazz,
a Rips**t,
a Teara**,
a Snorter,
and one that goes,

Toledo Windowbox

If that was me being probed, how many clones do you need?
Did your schedule require probing more often after chili cook-offs?

Were the probes disposable or did Richard Gere clones have to clean them?

At least I will take comfort in the fact that my clones will rule the Nielsen Ratings on another world.


Flamingo Girl February 19th, 2003 03:14 PM

Pong Pong! It is I, Ju goo. I have been searching for you for 300 years! You have blended in far too well here, give a girl a break. I have urgent news from the High Head of Gorftug, the Flebblr rebels have overrun the capital. Do NOT return to TIHSFOLLUFMI! I repeat, DO not return to TIHSFOLLUFMI!

Word will be sent when it will be safe.

In the meantime, I'm sure you can find some way to pass the time. Get some fried chicken.

Flamingo Girl February 19th, 2003 03:40 PM

Pongpong, there are you, I have an urgent message for you, but I've already posted it in the Cafe area, and don't want to seem redundant.

ojai22 February 19th, 2003 06:02 PM

Re: I'm Sorry

Originally posted by oldwardaggit

My real name is Pong Pong

You had to do it, didn't you? You just had to tell everyone about this sorry plot. The worse part of it? The very worst part? Since I'm your Twin, and you're PongPong, that makes me :cry: PingPing! :cry:

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

The Shame! THE SHAME!:yikes:

shadehntr February 19th, 2003 09:41 PM

Hey cool!I always wanted another clone of me so I can lay more tacks in chairs and the other me get in trouble for it,LOL.Oh and those KFC coupons is good for a yahren!

shadehntr February 19th, 2003 09:45 PM

lol Ojai does anyone remember the game Pong?I wonder if he made that now.

Muffit February 19th, 2003 09:51 PM


You are too much OWD! I'm glad I'm only a mutant beaver, otherwise I'd be jealous :)

May the Forceps be with you :D

oldwardaggit February 19th, 2003 11:37 PM

Muffit I down right love you and who here doesn't because you are what we all want to be. Boxey thanks for the finger licking info. Flamingo Girl, I guess I should get over and read that massage. :)

vmnjn, we remember probing you and it was because of the fact that you were board at the time and didn't frown when we probed you, that we needed to make more copies of you to understand this great mystery. The best that we can guess is that you are far sighted and have no feeling in your bum.

repcisg, we have come to find that your daughter is a lot smarter then every one on this planet and she could save TV and Movies if she gets into that bizz.

Camouflage, who are we trying to kid? Let’s just get drunk on anything that says 5% or over and worry about sitting on the toilet in the morning.


oldwardaggit February 19th, 2003 11:45 PM

ojai22, My heavens you can make me laugh at the drop of a hate.


Hey twin, I wonder if any one caught our Backwards message ? It's in one of the words that we used.


conconcv66 February 20th, 2003 05:33 AM

ok since everybody is coming out, My real name is cani bus, and i am from the planet buzz. my mission is to get everyone on this rock, buzzed so we can over through you goverments. so beware

oldwardaggit February 20th, 2003 08:20 AM

Hey cani, I think I met you before. Did you ever hang around musicians ?


conconcv66 February 20th, 2003 11:11 AM

espically musicians, they are a favorite of mine

oldwardaggit February 20th, 2003 05:21 PM



emerita April 13th, 2003 07:27 AM

Em finds this thread, reads it, smiles and steps back through the Stargate so she will not have the same inclination to reveal herself.....mystery is good.

emerita April 13th, 2003 08:47 AM

Ouuuuu...I was wondering what that sensation was..

bsg1fan1975 April 16th, 2003 04:13 AM

hi there PongPong. Just call me Crazy.

Flamingo Girl April 16th, 2003 08:54 AM

Warrior is an amazing guy, he's in your pocket, with me, and building a brick wall.....

oldwardaggit April 16th, 2003 09:13 AM

I guess no one found the backwards message yet in one of the words.

I will give you a hint, It's in the name of my planet.


Flamingo Girl April 16th, 2003 09:23 AM

Was I supposed to make an announcement?

And I noticed your CGI got lost in the move. That's so sad.

emerita April 16th, 2003 09:33 AM


Originally posted by oldwardaggit
I guess no one found the backwards message yet in one of the words.

I will give you a hint, It's in the name of my planet.


Yes sweetpea...we know you are tihsfolluf.....but we love you anyway and like having you around

thomas7g October 16th, 2004 09:47 PM


emerita October 17th, 2004 06:27 AM

Em steps through the event horizon after getting a radio message that someone was here.....she peers around seeing Warrior sitting on the ramp rubbing his head...ouu sweetpea, that's what happens when you climb out of my pocket.... Was Thomas just here? Well, let's not dial home just yet...and see if someone else heard the transmission. Have you per chance talked with OWD lately? Is he still on " tihs fo lluf " I heard they have great pizza there. I have the address........lunch?

emerita October 17th, 2004 07:21 AM

Em pats her pocket, "We'll keep an eye on the transmissions and came back if anyone shows up." Em dials P94-7765 and steps through the event horizon......

thomas7g October 17th, 2004 01:48 PM


I tawt I taw a kangawoo step into a wertical tacuzzi!!!!!

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