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jewels March 1st, 2005 10:47 AM

Welcome to Muffit's place
Muffit's been our treasured friend for many yahren around here. She was the first person that said hello to me back in the fall of 2002 when I joined here.

Her passion for BG, that 1978-79 epic, has been unmatched save by the expressive words she used to let us see little glimpses of why she so loves it.

She's always encouraged us. She needs some encouragement now it seems, should she lurk these halls once more. We are asking all of you to help as you may.

Some may have just the general encouragement of what she's meant to them personally. Others may have some TOS oriented art that will help BG's legacy live on in a visual way. Still others may preserve the facts of Galactica's quarter century history and the essay on Hollywood politics hidden within that. And others of you are gifted storytellers, adding constantly to the lore of the Colonial's rag-tag fleet.

Her greatest desire is to keep the hope of TOS Galactica alive: please contribute in this forum especially in whatever way you can, keeping out the strife and discord that so hurt our beloved Daggit's heart. No Debate or Discussion here, just whatever positive words (much like Muffit's own musings) may come to mind for you. Or art, or links to things you are up to that keep TOS BG alive.


gmd3d March 1st, 2005 01:19 PM

Yes . I will not have to dig too deep to render something for Muffit. Her words and thoughts here were always full of joy and fun. I am already feeling the loss after only knowing her for a short while. Its finding something worthy thats hard. :)

julix March 1st, 2005 01:54 PM

Dedicated to my dear Muffit......

the most noble of hearts
one that has no match
pure joy and love
surrounds like a cloud
gently and free
whereapon she walks
there is light
and peace if only
for a momment
where is this place
this heaven
here in a home
away from home
it lies within
one who is a
wonderful spirit
a leader
a friend
a mother
a warrior in
the truest of senses

come back to us soon dear one a day without you it is dark indeed

gmd3d March 1st, 2005 01:59 PM

Very . very nice Julix.
Here is something I did its not the best .. but here you are,.
The Heart of Galactica

julix March 1st, 2005 07:58 PM

thanks Taranis and GREAT JOB yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

amberstar March 2nd, 2005 05:51 PM

Sis (Julix) and Taranis you both have so much talent.........really great posts.

shiningstar March 11th, 2005 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Taranis
Very . very nice Julix.
Here is something I did its not the best .. but here you are,.
The Heart of Galactica

I think you did great!

gmd3d March 12th, 2005 12:45 AM

Thanks I wanted to show how important muffit is to us all and how we feel ... jewels
said it the best way in the first post.


Muffit's been our treasured friend for many yahren around here. She was the first person that said hello to me back in the fall of 2002 when I joined here.

newt October 7th, 2005 09:32 PM

Better late than never....I always enjoyed Muffit's "leveling" posts :) Sorry it's been awhile since I acknowledged that.

CaptainTux October 20th, 2005 08:22 PM

It is far more than what Muffit evokes regarding BSG, she brings back my childhood, my innocence, my snese of wonder and passion and love. I could go on for paragraphs but it would be a poor shadow in comparison to the phrases she can turn. I have, in my life, attempted to be many things to many people. Muffit is herself. Her wonderful, sweet souled self and she has touched a part of my life that has been long hidden in a dark corner and I am honestly a better man for hving read her posts and understood the heart behind it.

In my dark times of recent, I have pushed away everyone in my life except what was absolutely daughter. I have missed many friends and she is indeed a part of the BSG forums I have missed the most.

Gold Cylon May 22nd, 2006 11:32 AM

Hey everyone, I am Dale, and the new kid on the block. My first posting here and I thought I would share a little something I have. Yes something in the photo is mine, but you decide what it is :LOL:

Sarika November 6th, 2006 11:47 PM

Okay, I think muffit is really yours, right?
Do I get a prize?

Gold Cylon November 7th, 2006 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Sarika
Okay, I think muffit is really yours, right?
Do I get a prize?

I own the Cylon in the photo, the Daggit is up north at the Space Needle. ;)

Sarika November 7th, 2006 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Gold Cylon
I own the Cylon in the photo, the Daggit is up north at the Space Needle. ;)

Damn!...I had this really strong gut feeling and all...

Athene November 17th, 2008 09:39 AM

Re: Welcome to Muffit's place
I know this is an old thread but I really like Muffit. I'm getting a mini Muffit figurine for Christmas. :)

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