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Rowan March 15th, 2004 10:55 PM


kat March 15th, 2004 11:04 PM

Thanks for the link and the thread. What was TRIAD basied on? :warrior:

Rowan March 15th, 2004 11:11 PM

it seemed to have elements of hand ball and basketball only instead of a basket it was a hole in the wall and the "teams " consisted of two players each side.:) I only have 4 of the shows on video and one of them is "murder on the rising star" which happens to show the game being played:)

kat March 15th, 2004 11:18 PM

I had thought it might be like that Mayian game but of course people died in those. Do you know where I could find out what the inspiration for the game was?

Rowan March 15th, 2004 11:30 PM

sorry kat your going to have to ask wiser bsg fans than I, the guys would pobably know...:)

kat March 15th, 2004 11:34 PM




Rowan March 15th, 2004 11:39 PM

Very cool :thumbsup: hey kat I sent you a private message do you know how to use that yet?:)

Senmut March 16th, 2004 12:07 AM

<sneaks up in my pirate ship, ravishes the ladies who deserve it, and make off with the thread!!!!HAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Any ladies want to come along and be ravished????)

Rowan March 16th, 2004 12:18 AM

hello Senmut:)

Rowan March 16th, 2004 12:47 AM

once again I'm all alone out here in...where am I in? eating my sushi! everyones gone to bed...all I wanted was someone to play with ...anybody hiding out there who wants to play?:)

bsg1fan1975 March 16th, 2004 03:12 AM

Tag your it from an early riser! And the thread is mine!

Senmut March 16th, 2004 05:21 AM

until I reach around you, hidden behind your chair, and steal the thread.
Ta ta!!!!!!!

Rowan March 16th, 2004 06:59 AM

Good morning all, Hi ho hi ho it's off to school I go...and I'm taking the thread with me:)

warhammerdriver March 16th, 2004 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by braxiss
does anyone still have snow?
it's been in the sixty for the last week here.
guess i'll have to take my chances with water

The forecast is for 6-12 inches overnight here. <anticipates throwing snowballs at holodoc with glee>

I'll take the thread, too.

unowhoandwhy March 16th, 2004 09:23 AM

I'll take time from my lunch break to snatch the thread and head off quickly, hoping to hide it in the foot of snow we are about to get.

One step closer to my first raider (Rowan has shamed me into posting more, I fear.)

holodoc2000 March 16th, 2004 09:29 AM

tee hee! Hello everyone! :)

*throws snowballs at warhammer* ;)

*POUNCES on Dawg & tickles him ALL OVER* ;)

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

unowhoandwhy March 16th, 2004 09:35 AM

MMMMMRRRRMMMPPPPHHH!!! Mouth full of yummy sandwich, unowhoandwhy snatches the thread again. :duck:

holodoc2000 March 16th, 2004 11:35 AM

tee hee! I'm snatching thread once more. ;)

*throws more snowballs at warhammer* ;)

*throws a few snowballs at unowhandwhy* ;)

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

bsg1fan1975 March 16th, 2004 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by warhammerdriver
The forecast is for 6-12 inches overnight here. <anticipates throwing snowballs at holodoc with glee>

I'll take the thread, too.

Same here in CT. My fiancee has an hour drive from work to home and in bad weather as this is it makes me worry for him. :nervous:

psst, the thread's mine!

Rowan March 16th, 2004 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by unowhoandwhy
I'll take time from my lunch break to snatch the thread and head off quickly, hoping to hide it in the foot of snow we are about to get.

One step closer to my first raider (Rowan has shamed me into posting more, I fear.)

Hey unowhoandwhy nice to meet you I'm glad to have provided some inspiration, it's a lot more fun when there are lots of people participating keeps things really lively:D my crazy out of control posting is because I’ve been in college for 6 out of the last 10 years and have lost touch with most of my past friends due to the time constraints school/studying imposes. This is really the ideal medium for a student. I can pop in and socialize when I need it and not feel torn between doing my work and socializing as I don’t need to leave my work, to participate…being in such an intense program is socially isolating, and this really helps me to keep my sanity and reduce stress…hence my enthusiastic participation :D :salute: ;) P.S. I have the thread...

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