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JLHurley February 10th, 2004 07:51 AM

Bryan Singer's next project...
From Newsarama:

"While details on Marvel’s Reloaded X-Men event are still trickling out at the pace of molasses, Variety revealed that X-Men movie director Bryan Singer would take a swing at a year’s worth of Ultimate X-Men along with screenwriters Dan Harris and Mike Dougherty. According to the trade, the three will write a year’s worth of the series, before writing X3.

For more, go here:

Man...if I had the respect and the bucks that Mr. Singer has--and was the "true-blue" BATTLESTAR GALACTICA fan that I am--I sure wouldn't spend a minute writing comic books when I could be spearheading the return of the original BG. (And this coming from a comic book reader of 30+ years who would be in Heaven if he were to ever see a comic project in print.)

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