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Flamingo Girl December 28th, 2002 06:07 PM

I just want to colour it pink because...well...I like pink.

thomas7g December 28th, 2002 07:48 PM

Thank you jewels!!!!


send those tin cans after warrior!

Flamingo Girl December 28th, 2002 08:10 PM

*makes the "wooloo" noise the cylons' eyes made*

Flamingo Girl December 29th, 2002 09:29 AM

13 hours!!!

Where's my prize?

thomas7g December 29th, 2002 02:45 PM

I dunno!

Flamingo Girl December 29th, 2002 08:38 PM


thomas7g December 29th, 2002 08:49 PM

I dunno... maybe I can change your title for ya?

Flamingo Girl December 29th, 2002 09:59 PM

That would be lovely.:)

Flamingo Girl December 30th, 2002 09:09 AM

Look, another 12 hours, has everyone grown tired of this already?

Flamingo Girl December 30th, 2002 07:31 PM

Another 10 hours, and my third post in a row....


*dances nekid*

thomas7g December 30th, 2002 07:53 PM

*thud thud*


jewels December 30th, 2002 09:01 PM

:cylon: :cylon: We are to stop Warrior from Thwapping Tom. One of us wasn't enough.
*they drag Warrior off to a cold chamber to chill out*
:cylon: :colwar: :cylon:

Now this thread is mine for a while, well, until a West Coastie sees it's up for grabs again. Bwaaahaahaahaa!

jewels December 30th, 2002 09:40 PM

*grumbles in disgust at Warrior*

Oh well, a tin can was only a temporary idea to cease the thwacking,
*Thwacks Warrior with a handful of ooey-goey limp noodles*

jewels December 31st, 2002 12:53 PM

NOT like that, Darrell! I am attached, y'know....:laugh:
perhaps I should have said
*gives Warrior a friendly sock in the arm* ????

Flamingo Girl December 31st, 2002 08:06 PM

Hee hee hee hee, you peeps are all insane. I like that.

thomas7g December 31st, 2002 09:16 PM

The Truth is out there!

And its that Warrior is a SADIST!!!!!!

thomas7g December 31st, 2002 09:17 PM


Flamingo Girl December 31st, 2002 09:40 PM

I have a box of shields, how many do you think you need?

jewels January 1st, 2003 10:23 AM

(and I wasn't meaning to make you sad before, Warrior.)

thomas7g January 1st, 2003 03:33 PM


Originally posted by Flamingo Girl
I have a box of shields, how many do you think you need?
just one big one!

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