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Rowan March 4th, 2004 07:49 PM

Hello I'm back! I'll take of the thread at least until holodoc shows up;)

Hello holodoc:) I know your out there...

holodoc2000 March 4th, 2004 07:51 PM

tee hee! I'm here & I'm snatching this thead for a little while. :D

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Rowan March 4th, 2004 07:55 PM

Hey did I call that or what! Hey mysterious holodoc do you erver say HI?;)

holodoc2000 March 4th, 2004 07:57 PM

tee hee! :D Hi Gaelen :D

*throws snowballs at Dawg & 14th Colony*

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

Dawg March 4th, 2004 08:03 PM


Boy, that felt good! Haven't had a good POUNCE all day!


I am

Rowan March 4th, 2004 08:17 PM

The very first sentece I ever said as a child was
"I am a tiger"
So if anyones doing pouncing around here look out for the tiger...


holodoc2000 March 4th, 2004 08:19 PM

tee hee! I'm snatching thread again. ;)

*POUNCES on Dawg & tickles him*

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

Rowan March 4th, 2004 08:24 PM

Hi holodoc
I didn't know Dawg was ticklish...hhhmmmmm
pouncing and tickles if he doesn't read this he's missing out!;)

amberstar March 4th, 2004 08:30 PM

Looks like things are getting rough tonight :)


holodoc2000 March 4th, 2004 08:47 PM

tee hee! Just picking on Dawg a little while snatching thread. ;)

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

Rowan March 4th, 2004 08:53 PM


if I make it in pink does it sound less rough?:)

Dawg March 4th, 2004 09:01 PM

*Dawg likes being pounced on!! :naughty:

I don't miss out on much. ;)


I've got the thread!

Good night, all!

I am

holodoc2000 March 4th, 2004 09:04 PM

tee hee! ;)

*POUNCES on DAWG again & tickles him more*

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

thomas7g March 4th, 2004 09:04 PM


holodoc2000 March 4th, 2004 09:06 PM

tee hee!

*throws snowballs & water balloons at thomas*

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Rowan March 4th, 2004 09:17 PM

snowballs and water baloons, but he's not well yet now it's getiing rough

All right sir always happy to oblige;)


amberstar March 4th, 2004 09:34 PM

:D While Gaelen is busy pouncing on Dawg, Amber sneaks in and steals the thread.......


holodoc2000 March 4th, 2004 09:50 PM

tee hee! Snatches thread back. :D

*pounces on Dawg & tickles him again*

bsg1fan1975 March 5th, 2004 03:40 AM

don't look now but here comes the thread thief! oops, you looked!

shiningstar March 5th, 2004 07:44 AM

Good morning all! :D

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