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holodoc2000 August 19th, 2005 03:28 PM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread from ya now braxiss. ;)

*tackles braxiss & tickles him all over* :duck:

braxiss August 19th, 2005 04:40 PM

you can only have it for a moment

holodoc2000 August 19th, 2005 04:42 PM

tee hee! :D You sure about that braxiss. ;)

*continues tickling braxiss all over* :duck:

Kronus August 19th, 2005 04:48 PM

Mine now

holodoc2000 August 19th, 2005 04:50 PM

tee hee! :D You sure about that klingongeneral? ;)

braxiss August 19th, 2005 04:56 PM

hi there bear, ready for the weekend?

Kronus August 19th, 2005 04:59 PM

Got it back once again

holodoc2000 August 19th, 2005 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by braxiss
hi there bear, ready for the weekend?

tee hee! :D This little bear always ready for the weekends. :D

I'm just never ready for having to go into work on sunday afternoons though. :/:

braxiss August 19th, 2005 05:03 PM

sucks to have to work sundays

holodoc2000 August 19th, 2005 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by braxiss
sucks to have to work sundays

Big time. If I didn't work on sundays though then I would have to work either on friday or saturday & I don't want to do that right now with where I work. So I can handle having to work on sunday afternoons as long as I get friday & saturday off from work. Plus, I used to have to go in on an early shift on sundays for over a year before I was able to get that changed as well.

braxiss August 19th, 2005 05:56 PM

well that doesn't sound to bad then. good luck

holodoc2000 August 19th, 2005 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by braxiss
well that doesn't sound to bad then. good luck

Would rather have a 3 day weekend but that not possible where I work at right now. It is required that everyone had to work at least 1 of the weekend days & they consider weekend days to be friday, saturday, & sunday

braxiss August 19th, 2005 10:52 PM

and now once again i have the thread

kitty August 20th, 2005 05:30 AM

Kitty nips in for the thread!

holodoc2000 August 20th, 2005 08:23 AM

tee hee! :D Hiya kitty! Long time no see. ;)

:milk: :oreo: :milk: :oreo: :milk: :oreo: :milk: :oreo:

repcisg August 20th, 2005 11:26 AM

It's mine, all mine, yeeehaaaaa.........

holodoc2000 August 20th, 2005 11:32 AM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread from ya now repcisg. ;)

mocha2112 August 20th, 2005 01:45 PM

OW!! I got noogied!! Compass noogied a baby seal look-a-like! What a meanie.


Little bear? Could you please go tickel Compass for me? I'll let you hold the thread.... and I'll stop the real Mocha stop from crewing on your bow.

;) thanks...

Kronus August 20th, 2005 06:05 PM

While you guys work things out I shall take this thread for now

julix August 20th, 2005 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by klingongeneral
While you guys work things out I shall take this thread for now

And I shall take it back Klingongeneral ;) :D

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