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Compass August 6th, 2005 06:25 PM

Please give it back to me.

holodoc2000 August 6th, 2005 06:28 PM

tee hee! :D Just what do you have planned for the thread? ;)

Spike The Cylon August 6th, 2005 06:34 PM


Compass August 6th, 2005 06:41 PM

I plan to play Microsoft(R) Monopoly(tm) with this thread.

holodoc2000 August 6th, 2005 06:45 PM

tee hee! :D Think again Compass. ;)

Compass August 6th, 2005 06:47 PM

I'll offer you 1000 Colonial Credits to stop posting in this thread, plus unlimited coffee.

holodoc2000 August 6th, 2005 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Compass
I'll offer you 1000 Colonial Credits to stop posting in this thread, plus unlimited coffee.

tee hee! :) You trying to bribe this little bear?

Compass August 6th, 2005 07:00 PM

No, but I'm offering to buy you out. I hope that you'll accept... or else!!! :)

holodoc2000 August 6th, 2005 07:12 PM

tee hee! :D Try again. ;)

*tackles Compass & tickles him all over* :duck:

Compass August 6th, 2005 08:34 PM

*wrestling with Holodoc*
I am not ticklish. But I have had enough of your impertinent, happy-go-lucky attidue in this thread, not to mention your comments that you wrote to me in the other thread, young lady!
*struggling to pick up Holodoc and carry her over my shoulder*
I am putting you outside, out of my thread. And don't you dare come back in here. You have permission to post NICE things about me in the other threads.
*drops Holodoc outside, and struggles to disentangle himself*
Behave like a respectful, polite, proper young lady from now on!
*goes inside and locks door*

holodoc2000 August 6th, 2005 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Compass
*wrestling with Holodoc*
I am not ticklish. But I have had enough of your impertinent, happy-go-lucky attidue in this thread, not to mention your comments that you wrote to me in the other thread, young lady!
*struggling to pick up Holodoc and carry her over my shoulder*
I am putting you outside, out of my thread. And don't you dare come back in here. You have permission to post NICE things about me in the other threads.
*drops Holodoc outside, and struggles to disentangle himself*
Behave like a respectful, polite, proper young lady from now on!
*goes inside and locks door*

:wtf: :cry: :wtf: :cry: :wtf: :cry:

Spike The Cylon August 7th, 2005 11:53 AM


holodoc2000 August 7th, 2005 11:58 AM

tee hee! :D Hiya Spike! :D

Spike The Cylon August 7th, 2005 12:06 PM

what's up?

holodoc2000 August 7th, 2005 12:08 PM

tee hee! :D Not much right now. Have to head out to work in a few minutes though. :(

Compass August 7th, 2005 02:35 PM

people are back in my thread already? ;)

Excuse me while I reach for my garden hose. If the Cylon over there isn't waterproof, I expect that he'll short-circut...

Spike The Cylon August 7th, 2005 03:31 PM

I'm pretty sure I'm water proof :D

Compass August 7th, 2005 07:29 PM

Hmmm, water was ineffective at doing anything other than getting the Cylon's attention, which is now uncomfortably focused on me. Maybe I can talk to it. "Ummm, hi. That was Holodoc who was trying to tickle you. Water? What water?" :nervous: "Oh, ummm, I thought that you were my new chia pet..."

holodoc2000 August 7th, 2005 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Compass
Hmmm, water was ineffective at doing anything other than getting the Cylon's attention, which is now uncomfortably focused on me. Maybe I can talk to it. "Ummm, hi. That was Holodoc who was trying to tickle you. Water? What water?" :nervous: "Oh, ummm, I thought that you were my new chia pet..."

:wtf: Trying to get me into trouble I see Compass. :wtf:

*pulls out super soaker & fires at Compass*

Compass August 7th, 2005 10:59 PM

Some people seem to have short memories. I am holding the garden hose. Does shooting a supersoaker at me sound like a good idea? I suppose that if someone wants to get chased and (inevitably) caught and drenched...

*with hose in hand, chases Holodoc*

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