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BST May 20th, 2019 05:00 AM

Game of Thrones - Season 7, Episode 2 Synopsis
Episode 7 - 2
Title: "Stormborn"
Directed by Mark Mylod
Written by Bryan Cogman
Original Air Date - July 23, 2017

Daenerys sends the Dornishmen with Yara's fleet to Sunspear and the Unsullied to Casterly Rock, following Tyrion's advice to lay siege to King's Landing. She challenges Varys' loyalty and threatens to burn him alive if he ever betrays her. Melisandre arrives and encourages her to invite Jon Snow to Dragonstone. Grey Worm and Missandei consummate their relationship. Cersei summons several lords, wanting their fealty and elevating Randyll Tarly as Warden of the South. Qyburn shows Cersei a prototype ballista capable of killing dragons. Arya is reunited with Hot Pie, who tells her about Jon's ascension to King in the North. She changes her plan to travel to King's Landing, instead setting course for Winterfell. After receiving Samwell's letter, Jon travels to Dragonstone to request Daenerys' help against the White Walkers, leaving Sansa in charge at Winterfell. Jon also sternly warns Littlefinger to keep his distance from his sister. Samwell applies a forbidden treatment on Jorah's greyscale infection. Euron's fleet attacks Yara's. Obara and Nymeria are killed, while Ellaria, Tyene, and Yara are captured. Theon has flashbacks as Reek, hesitating to challenge Euron before fleeing the carnage by jumping overboard.


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