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StarshipTrooper May 4th, 2009 06:22 PM is Offline for 48 Hours
The site will be offline for the next 48 hours. I know it was just offline recently (it was moved to enhanced server space and upgraded from vBulletin 3.6.8 Patch Level 2 to vBulletin 3.7.4 Patch Level 1). As I mentioned at (soon to be owned by Anne), vBulletin 3.7.4 PL 1 was an older version of the software downloaded this January. The intention for that installation was to get the forums operating on our enhanced server space. Tonight I renewed my vBulletin membership, and downloaded the latest version to be installed on So here is the agenda for installation and configuration over the next 48 hours:

vBulletin 3.8.2
vBulletin Blog 2.0.2
vBadvanced CMPS 3.1.0
FlashChat 5.0.11

Why vBadvanced CMPS (free) instead of vbPortal (paid) that I own? vbPortal is in a transitional period and could go in a number of directions: discontinued, moratorium, or sold. Who knows. You can visit the site for more information:

And what about PhotoPost vBGallery (paid) that I own? Well, the latest version is for vBulletin 3.7 and not 3.8. There is a beta version for 3.8, but I am not comfortable installing that on our production server. Besides, with vBulletin 3.7 and newer, there is a brand-new User Gallery feature.

And lastly, what about Inferno vBShout Pro (paid) that I own? Well, the manufacturer and website, quite simply, vanished from the face of the Web. You can visit the former location, but it's a dead link:

As with the recent upgrade, this one is major. It's the type of upgrade that takes place once or twice each year. All of the old code is removed from the server, and the brand-new code is installed from scratch and then the database is updated. It's not a minor or incremental upgrade where a handful of old files can simply be replaced by newer code.

And for those following our story, I'm going to a mtg. tomorrow (Tuesday) to pickup some papers and a driver's license. If everything goes according to plan, Anne and I will sign the papers together on Friday.


StarshipTrooper May 7th, 2009 03:44 PM

Re: is Offline for 48 Hours
Oy... I needed a vacation day yesterday. The site will be online late tonight.

StarshipTrooper May 8th, 2009 01:39 AM

Re: is Offline for 48 Hours
The site is online! I'm going offline for Star Trek in the afternoon. Night all!

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