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KJ November 3rd, 2008 11:57 AM

Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture

Lesser quality than previous ones, but its there again for a short while again i reckon.

Universal should've released this by now cos if they don't youtube certainly will, again and again!


Hey somebody please save this for me!!!!.....



Gemini1999 November 3rd, 2008 07:29 PM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
I just saw this too..... It was my first time seeing it since I first heard about it years ago. I was pretty impressed! CGI's come a long way since 1999, but it still looked pretty good. I can see why people got so excited about it way back when. If only I knew of a way to save it to my PC or something....


Darrell Lawrence November 3rd, 2008 08:28 PM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
Search the web for a Flash video grabber.

gmd3d November 4th, 2008 01:59 AM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
if you use firefox .. there is an add on called "Downloadhelper" .. its handy for youtube

Raymar3d November 4th, 2008 05:46 AM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
I see the news has reached Colonial Fleets. I just learned last night that the trailer was online, and have notified Richard via voicemail and email.

I hope you enjoy it while it's there, because I'm pretty sure he'll get it removed. It looks like it was dubbed off an official copy, so that's not good IMHO. Bad enough to see a camcorder snuck into the screening, but this looks like a dub. :(

It has been 9 years since the trailer was made, and even with pretty crummy resolution of YouTube, it still looks pretty good, but I'm also sad to see it with such a low resolution distribution.

For those who have not seen it, I'm glad you are getting a chance. But I wish it were with Richard's approval and not behind his back. I would also have preferred to see this in high quality distribution IF it were to be online.

This is unfortunate.

But I do hope you enjoy what you see, especially if it is for the first time.

Now, go vote today.


Reaper November 4th, 2008 06:35 AM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
ok, That is just so amazing. It sadens me to see this and then know it was wasted. Witht he advances in CGI, and seeing what some people have been able to do with Fan Films, this could be such a great project!!!

gmd3d November 4th, 2008 06:47 AM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
it had great possibility's the effects where great .....

on wonders if there is still hope to see the TOS reunited ..

Raymar3d November 4th, 2008 07:36 PM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
There is always hope. :)

I still think that a BSGTOS fan film could be done, similar to Star Trek New Voyages, with different actors in the roles, and always the possibility of TOS actors appearing as older versions of themselves or something.

STNV did a great job with bringing Chekov and Sulu back. Why couldn't a fan film for BSG do the same thing?

Set it immediately after Hand of God, and just continue right along. New actors in a fan film, but true to the characters and everything else. At this point, that might be the best future for TOS BSG.


Gemini1999 November 4th, 2008 08:43 PM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
Well, however the trailer got out there, I'm happy about it. I thought that I'd never see it - ever. The last time I saw Richard Hatch at a convention was in the mid-90s, which was well before Second Coming was a gleam in anybody's eye. The trailer might not be of the highest quality and I've heard that it's a shorter version than that which was shown at conventions, but now I no longer have to wonder what everyone was talking about. It's been under wraps for nearly a decade and only those that saw it a convention knew what it was all about.

I would've loved to see this version as a movie or maybe even a miniseries, but I guess it was just never going to be.


Raymar3d November 4th, 2008 11:10 PM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture

That is the identical version to the final one made. The YouTube quality is extremely poor and you can't see a lot of the detail that you should. But for those who have never seen it, it's better than nothing.

Again, however, to my knowledge, it was not an approved release. I still have not heard back from Richard since I emailed him and called him and left a message about it.


dilbertman November 5th, 2008 05:53 AM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
So Ken what have you been up to lately?


Raymar3d November 6th, 2008 04:43 AM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
Hey Dilbertman! :)

I'm currently working on some projects, including a Star Trek fan film of my own creation called, "Starship Saladin."

I will be playing a recurring role throughout about 18 stories, some will be comics, some direct to fotonovel format, some live action, some prose stories and an audio novel or two. My characters will be appearing first in a comic at as guests in the ongoing comic series there about another Destroyer-Class ship, the USS Tamerlane.

I'm also working on another Trek fanfilm called "He Who Draws the Sword" which can be found at

I spent about the last 3.5 years just playing Neverwinter Nights and writing stories, and I have now approximately 65 200+ page stories written from those adventures. I am over my writer's block at last. :)

I'm also trying to go back to school and get back into the game industry.

That, and raising 3 kids is keeping me rather busy. :)

I saw the trailer was online over at on their forum, and then I came here to see what was up.

I have still not heard from Richard, so I do not know what the story is there, regarding the trailer. It's up to him though. I have left him a couple of messages, so I have done my due diligence.

My forum is online again, recently updated, if any of you all who remember me from ages past want to come over for a visit, you're welcome. :) I'm still recovering from AOL dropping several of my webpages, but they will be rebuilt. Some were ten years old or more, so it was time for a change anyhow, but my site is riddled with broken links as of this past Halloween.

I was quite absorbed with my writing, and that's the main reason I've been so scarce. But I plan now to publish some stories, so it was worth it.

Catch you all soon,


(Note: The Starships seen here are made from a model of the Enterprise by Thomas7G, used with his permission.)

KJ November 6th, 2008 11:23 AM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
If you want to save these files quickly, then use this place and save'em.


To save youtube files.


P.S. Hello Raymar3rd, long time no see, hope you're fine my man! :salute::thumbsup:

AlternityOrange November 6th, 2008 12:22 PM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
First of all, Ken that stuff is amazing! Please drop me a line when you can as I have some projects (non fanfilms) I'd like to talk to you about.

As far as Richard and the Second Coming goes, he was in town for a local show over the weekend and we had lunch a couple of times and drinks one night. I did notice during his panel that he's no longer diligent about telling people not to video tape his stuff so I imagine some version of the trailer will be online for ever. That this is an "offical" dub is odd though. I know he was filming a movie this week which is likely why he hasn't responded to the youtube posting. I did just talk to Richard on the phone about something unrelated and he was aware of it though. Hopefully someday everyone will be able to have a good clean copy of it.

Raymar3d November 6th, 2008 08:14 PM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
Hey Kingjason! Good to see you too! :)


Originally Posted by AlternityOrange (Post 278597)
First of all, Ken that stuff is amazing! Please drop me a line when you can as I have some projects (non fanfilms) I'd like to talk to you about.

As far as Richard and the Second Coming goes, he was in town for a local show over the weekend and we had lunch a couple of times and drinks one night. I did notice during his panel that he's no longer diligent about telling people not to video tape his stuff so I imagine some version of the trailer will be online for ever. That this is an "offical" dub is odd though. I know he was filming a movie this week which is likely why he hasn't responded to the youtube posting. I did just talk to Richard on the phone about something unrelated and he was aware of it though. Hopefully someday everyone will be able to have a good clean copy of it.

Thanks for the update, Alternity. I figured he was just busy and out of town. It's been almost a year since I talked to him. Distance does that, unfortunately. :P

Drop me a pm if you want to chat about other projects. :)


KJ November 24th, 2008 12:14 PM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
Hope everyone's got there copy of it now, cos its been removed!

There's was plenty to enjoy upon seeing it for the first time in full, and still quite plenty for fans like us to discuss about it currently.


Athene November 28th, 2008 08:58 AM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
I watched it a few times. Unfortunately, I didn't copy it to my computer.
Anyone have a saved copy and can post a link for it here?

Aussie Warrior December 22nd, 2008 02:06 AM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
I got to see it on another Galactica site to my relief because i been waiting for ages and i was deeply impressed, i was already impressed when i saw the still images but the video only made the appetite for more original BSG bigger

ja steel bonnet December 24th, 2009 10:04 AM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
So where can you get a copy or download of The Second Coming? I missed this.


WarMachine December 25th, 2009 07:43 PM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
Here you go....

ja steel bonnet December 26th, 2009 03:37 AM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture
Thank`s Warmachine.
Though that`s just the trailer isn`t there a full length feature or mini series of this?
I remember when they were filming it all & then the New BSG kicked off that mothballed BSG:TSC to the shelf :(


Centurion Draco February 24th, 2010 03:54 AM

Re: Another youtube BG Second Coming video capture

It's great to see this on youtube. Even though, as with the IMDB page for the proposed new movie, it does eem to attrack comments from those just wishing to knock classic BSG.

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