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holodoc2000 November 5th, 2004 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Archangel
Hi, Little Bear :D
I aplogze for the long delay, :D But last friday I had spaghetti and started chocking on it. While that was happening I tried to ingest it through my nose, (as my mouth was still full). Very messy! It took until now to get everything all cleaned out. :D

:wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

julix November 5th, 2004 01:14 PM

archangel that does sound messy...messy...messy(voice of the magician on frosty the snowman)

Archangel November 5th, 2004 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by holodoc2000
:wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

It was a joke that was supposed to give you a weird mental image. By the wtf, I see it fell flat. :D

holodoc2000 November 5th, 2004 01:25 PM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread again. :D

*continues tickling Archangel all over* :duck:

Archangel November 5th, 2004 01:28 PM

Not for long ;)

Spike The Cylon November 5th, 2004 01:30 PM

got it again! hehe :D

Archangel November 5th, 2004 01:34 PM


Rowan November 5th, 2004 01:36 PM

Actually I have the thread Sir and if you want it you're gonna have to come and get it!!;) :D

Archangel November 5th, 2004 01:40 PM

Oooooo, that sounds like it may be fun! :drool:

Rowan November 5th, 2004 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Archangel
Oooooo, that sounds like it may be fun! :drool:

Well.....I could make it fun if you like ;)

braxiss November 5th, 2004 03:33 PM

my turn for the thread

Rowan November 5th, 2004 03:40 PM

Turn over !;)

braxiss November 5th, 2004 03:41 PM

hey rowan long time no see

Rowan November 5th, 2004 03:42 PM

:eek: you can see me??;) :D

braxiss November 5th, 2004 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rowan
:eek: you can see me??;) :D

yes, that's the joy of being a demon

Rowan November 5th, 2004 03:47 PM

LOL! So do you like my pink lacy teddy then?;):D

braxiss November 5th, 2004 03:49 PM

:D :devil: beutiful

Rowan November 5th, 2004 03:52 PM

Why thank you - glad you like it ;) :D what are you wearing Braxiss ? :D

braxiss November 5th, 2004 03:53 PM

not much, just got out of the shower

braxiss November 5th, 2004 04:12 PM

well here's the thread, i'm off for a couple of days

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