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BlueSquad2001 January 6th, 2004 07:28 PM

The thread???? Hmmmm? So do you ? Or don't you?? HHAAAAAHHAAA!!!:devil:

amberstar January 6th, 2004 07:30 PM

Thank you BST you brought back the thread once again. You have earned that badge tonight!
While you take a good long nap! I'll hold the thread for a while ;)


shiningstar January 6th, 2004 07:34 PM

Now I'll let you have a rest as I take the thread for a bit. ;)

amberstar January 6th, 2004 07:35 PM

Sorry about that BlueSquad, our posts must have gotten crossed somehow...................

Thanks Shinningstar but I'll pass.
I still have control of this thread, at least for now.........

BlueSquad2001 January 6th, 2004 07:36 PM

You ladies rest right here next to me and I'll hold the thread!!!:devil: :D

shiningstar January 6th, 2004 07:36 PM


amberstar January 6th, 2004 07:37 PM

Me toooooooooooo.....................:D

shiningstar January 6th, 2004 07:39 PM

LOL Amberstar! :D

BST January 6th, 2004 07:42 PM


BlueSquad2001 January 6th, 2004 07:43 PM

Here I come to save the thread!!!!:D

shiningstar January 6th, 2004 07:44 PM

Here I come to say good night! ;)

shiningstar January 6th, 2004 07:45 PM

LOL Bst .......... well you won't see me again until tomorrow.
Night all and God Bless :halo:

BlueSquad2001 January 6th, 2004 07:49 PM

Good night Shining Star...and sweet dreams. And remember, no mushies in bed! And it's my thread!!!:D

BlueSquad2001 January 6th, 2004 07:56 PM

Okay, now that the thread is once again MINE...Time for some real stupid jokes!

Why were the refrigerator foods afraid?

Because the milk went bad and turned ROTTEN!:D

Thank-you very much for your time. I hope you liked my Popsicle Stick Joke of the Night.....I know don't thank me. It was good for you too.:D

amberstar January 7th, 2004 03:27 AM

LOL Bluesquad!

Good morning all......... the early warrior gets the thread:D


BlueSquad2001 January 7th, 2004 03:31 AM

Good morning sweetie. Your message was wrong, cause I have it!!! Luv-Ya!:devil: Hugs!:salute:

Starbuck January 7th, 2004 05:54 AM

Mine again! :girl: :choco:

Dawg January 7th, 2004 06:39 AM


Originally posted by amberstar
LOL Bluesquad!

Good morning all......... the early warrior gets the thread:D


But the later ones get to keep it!


'Morning, all.

I am

bsg1fan1975 January 7th, 2004 07:30 AM

bumps Dawg aside and runs away with the thread again.

amberstar January 7th, 2004 05:46 PM

**Amber, helps up Dawg and finds the thread on the ground. Bsgfan must have droped in in the hurry to run off.**

I'm keeper of the thread once again! ;)

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