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holodoc2000 July 10th, 2004 10:20 PM

tee hee! :D Gots to keep things interesting for ya braxiss. ;)

Senmut July 11th, 2004 12:41 AM

And while you are being interested, off I go!

braxiss July 11th, 2004 08:04 AM

i got it

ha ha ha ha ha ha

kitty July 11th, 2004 10:32 AM

Kitty returns after an excellent weekend and grabs the thread from Braxis! :D

holodoc2000 July 11th, 2004 10:41 AM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread now. :D

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

braxiss July 11th, 2004 05:11 PM

hey bear looky here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

julix July 11th, 2004 06:15 PM

While braxiss is distracting holodoc Julix takes the thread...................

braxiss July 11th, 2004 07:04 PM

but the gnome quickly steals it back

Rowan July 11th, 2004 07:07 PM

but for how long dear gnome.....Rowan's BAAAAAACK!!!;) :D

braxiss July 11th, 2004 07:09 PM

hey rowan be nice to an old gnome, went dancing with the mrs. friday and my knees or killing me

Rowan July 11th, 2004 07:14 PM

(((((((((((((((((((((BRAXY!!)))))))))))))))))))))))) I'll be gentle I promise! but you have to spill! I want details fill me in on the swing dance thread. I have to go eat at the moment the bf is calling but I want to hear all about it!!!:D :D :D :D :D what did Mrs braxiss think???

braxiss July 11th, 2004 07:15 PM

first i'll take the thread, then i'll move over to the swing thread, see ya in about 45 minutes

Rowan July 11th, 2004 07:48 PM

how about 32 minutes...I snuck away to come and read! LOL! ;) :D

Rowan July 11th, 2004 07:54 PM

I suspect I came back too soon since there is nothing on the dance thread! :( *sigh* I guess I'll just have to be patient! (something I'm not very good at when I'm excited!);) :D

holodoc2000 July 11th, 2004 07:57 PM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread now. :D

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

Rowan July 11th, 2004 08:35 PM

tap tap tap .....oh braxiss it's been 75 minutes now.... don't do this to me! it's pure torture! LOL! ;) :D

holodoc2000 July 11th, 2004 08:40 PM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread once more. :D

I think braxiss is in hiding at the moment. ;)

repcisg July 11th, 2004 08:46 PM


My turn!

holodoc2000 July 11th, 2004 08:48 PM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread once more. :D

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

braxiss July 11th, 2004 09:02 PM

mine once more

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