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Laura June 5th, 2004 06:04 PM

It's a nice cool evening outside. Bombadil, do you want to go for a walk?

kitty June 5th, 2004 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by ernie90125
Ernie is still here.....if Sorrell hasn't finished, then I'm not going anywhere !!!!!

Such a gentleman, I hope you will still escort me home later.

How about some party games? ;)

amberstar June 5th, 2004 06:05 PM

:beer: :beer: :corona: :corona: :maitai: :maitai: Went on a beer run........... Those cases I brought earlier just didnt last long!!!!!!!

Here ya go Sorrell :popcorn: :popcorn: Will that work till the pizza gets here?

Cheers :beer:

Bombadil June 5th, 2004 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Laura
It's a nice cool evening outside. Bombadil, do you want to go for a walk?

:blush: Um. . .OK. . .

julix June 5th, 2004 06:06 PM

Hey Amber

Glad your here!

amberstar June 5th, 2004 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by sorrell
Such a gentleman, I hope you will still escort me home later.

How about some party games? ;)

What kind of games Kitty? ;)

kitty June 5th, 2004 06:08 PM

Spin the bottle, etc..
Kitty has had too many, and needs a bed!

amberstar June 5th, 2004 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by julix
Hey Amber

Glad your here!

Thanks, and by the way it is good to see you found your way here too :D

ernie90125 June 5th, 2004 06:08 PM

Sorrell is thinking it is her bedtime....Ernie likes this idea and once again disappears into the night, but this time he leaves the thread so that BST doesn't interupt us....

Bombadil June 5th, 2004 06:09 PM

Oh, I almost forgot. You know that room at the end of the hallway, to the right? The one with the yellow warning sign on the door? Uno says ABSOLUTELY DO NOT go into that room.


Laura and I will be back in a little while. . .

julix June 5th, 2004 06:09 PM

Thanks Amber

Did I hear spin the bottle???

amberstar June 5th, 2004 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by sorrell
Spin the bottle, etc..
Kitty has had too many, and needs a bed!

I haven't played that one in years! LOL

Why don't you lie down on the couch Kitty.......we'll wake you up in a little while.

julix June 5th, 2004 06:13 PM

Hello?....Hello?...(voice echoing) Any one there????

amberstar June 5th, 2004 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Bombadil
Oh, I almost forgot. You know that room at the end of the hallway, to the right? The one with the yellow warning sign on the door? Uno says ABSOLUTELY DO NOT go into that room.


Laura and I will be back in a little while. . .

Pizza time!!

Don't be gone long......... I'll try to save you two some pizza :D

BST June 5th, 2004 06:18 PM

Hey, Bombadil, you and Laura have a nice, uh, walk..... :naughty: ;)

amberstar June 5th, 2004 06:18 PM

While they are gone Amber puts on some faster dance music........and runs away with the thread :)

holodoc2000 June 5th, 2004 06:31 PM

tee hee! I'm claiming thread now! :D

After watching the 2nd Harry Potter movie I went out to dinner with my parents. :) Now I am back & watching Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. :)

amberstar June 5th, 2004 06:33 PM

We're having a party at UNO's again Holodoc, Glad you could join the fun:)

What's your posion?????? :milk: :beer: :corona: :maitai: :colada:

braxiss June 5th, 2004 06:35 PM

sorry i'm late

holodoc2000 June 5th, 2004 06:37 PM

tee hee! :D

I'll have :milk: :D

*tackles braxiss & tickles him all over* :duck:

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