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kitty April 6th, 2004 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Thomasbombadil
HEY!! [Thomas looks all around to try to find where pillows are coming from.]

Here you are, I will Give you one. THWACK!
Sorry- wrong thread.

shiningstar April 6th, 2004 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Thomasbombadil
HEY!! [Thomas looks all around to try to find where pillows are coming from.]

As Shiningstar sneaks off with

~~~~~~~~~~~the thread~~~~~~~~~~


kitty April 6th, 2004 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by shiningstar
As Shiningstar sneaks off with

~~~~~~~~~~~the thread~~~~~~~~~~


My kitty can not resist a moving thread as pretty as that one!

shiningstar April 6th, 2004 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by sorrell
My kitty can not resist a moving thread as pretty as that one!

Neither can I ;)


kitty April 6th, 2004 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by shiningstar
Neither can I ;)


My kitty is impressed, not many can pounce so well! :)

bsg1fan1975 April 6th, 2004 12:17 PM

time for me to grab the ~~~~~~~~ while everyone else is looking the other way!

unowhoandwhy April 6th, 2004 12:19 PM

While everyone is busy comparing pounces (except thomasb who is still trying to figure out where the pillows came from) unowhoandwhy sneaks in and snatches the thread.

bsg1fan1975 April 6th, 2004 12:21 PM

bsg melts into the shadows after taking the thread from uno.

shiningstar April 6th, 2004 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by bsg1fan1975
bsg melts into the shadows after taking the thread from uno.


kitty April 6th, 2004 12:22 PM

Kitty realises that Shinigstar was trying the destraction technique, so the others can nab the thread!

shiningstar April 6th, 2004 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by sorrell
Kitty realises that Shinigstar was trying the destraction technique, so the others can nab the thread!

~~~~~~~~~the thread~~~~~~~~~~


bsg1fan1975 April 6th, 2004 12:25 PM

Bsg rubs kitties fur and contemplates her next move, which is getting the thread. "See kittie, I told you it was easy!"

shiningstar April 6th, 2004 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by bsg1fan1975
Bsg rubs kitties fur and contemplates her next move, which is getting the thread. "See kittie, I told you it was easy!"


~~~~~~~~~the thread~~~~~~~~~~~


shiningstar April 6th, 2004 12:29 PM

This is fun ;)

~~~~~~~~~~~the thread~~~~~~~~~~

bsg1fan1975 April 6th, 2004 12:29 PM

kitty bares her claws at shinging until bsg whispers to her and the claws retract. bsg has the beavers distract Shining so the kitty can take the thread!

kitty April 6th, 2004 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by bsg1fan1975
Bsg rubs kitties fur and contemplates her next move, which is getting the thread. "See kittie, I told you it was easy!"

Kitty is getting confused, Bsg has been nice to her, gives her a nice fuss, but the thread keeps getting taken away.

kitty April 6th, 2004 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by bsg1fan1975
kitty bares her claws at shinging until bsg whispers to her and the claws retract. bsg has the beavers distract Shining so the kitty can take the thread!

Kitty loves Bsg, she's her friend :love:

bsg1fan1975 April 6th, 2004 12:31 PM

bsg whispers to kitty to hold the thread at all costs, even if it means using her claws!

unowhoandwhy April 6th, 2004 12:31 PM

But not as sneaky as I am, thanks for the thread!

kitty April 6th, 2004 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by bsg1fan1975
bsg whispers to kitty to hold the thread at all costs, even if it means using her claws!

Kitty asks Bsg if she could use one of her other weapons, as theres nothing worse than breaking a claw, especially after a french pedipaw

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