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holodoc2000 January 17th, 2005 09:54 PM

tee hee! :D Told ya you would make your 8th cylon kill tonight Excalibur. ;)

Excalibur January 17th, 2005 09:57 PM

I knew I would too. :D

I have been averaging around 50 posts a day.

Wonder how quickly that would change if I actually had something to do? :wtf:

holodoc2000 January 17th, 2005 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur
I knew I would too. :D

I have been averaging around 50 posts a day.

Wonder how quickly that would change if I actually had something to do? :wtf:

tee hee! :D Don't have a clue Excalibur. ;) Some days are better than others when it comes to posting #'s. ;)

*tackles Excalibur & tickles him all over* :duck:

Had to get one last tickle in on ya for the night before I head off to bed to get some sleep.

Gravitas January 17th, 2005 10:22 PM

I have the thread back!
*Maniacle laughter*

Excalibur January 17th, 2005 11:50 PM

And you are only 10 posts away from your 2nd kill.

Gravitas January 18th, 2005 01:19 AM


Spike The Cylon January 18th, 2005 02:06 AM


Gravitas January 18th, 2005 02:09 AM

Good Morning.

amberstar January 18th, 2005 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by Gravitas
Good Morning.

Morning ;)

Gravitas January 18th, 2005 04:35 AM

Goodnight. :D

Archangel January 18th, 2005 06:52 AM

:music: Gooood Moooornnnning!!! :music:

Aren't those cheerful people annoying so early in the morning? :D

Spike The Cylon January 18th, 2005 09:18 AM

I don't like mornings, but, my job seems to think I do :D

Archangel January 18th, 2005 09:24 AM

I know what you mean. :D

Spike The Cylon January 18th, 2005 09:31 AM

At least i can relax a bit now, and enjoy this thread :D

Archangel January 18th, 2005 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Spike The Cylon
and enjoy this thread :D

Which is now mine! :D

Spike The Cylon January 18th, 2005 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Archangel
Which is now mine! :D

Or so you think :D

holodoc2000 January 18th, 2005 11:15 AM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread from ya Spike. ;)

Spike The Cylon January 18th, 2005 11:17 AM

I'll just have to snatch it back :P

Mind if i add you as a wingman? :)

holodoc2000 January 18th, 2005 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Spike The Cylon
I'll just have to snatch it back :P

Mind if i add you as a wingman? :)

tee hee! :D I'll just resnatch thread from ya Spike. ;)

I don't mind ya adding me to your wingman listing. ;)

bsg1fan1975 January 18th, 2005 11:32 AM

Give me the thread or I'll cough on your to get it! I am coming down with a cold!

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