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Bombadil June 6th, 2004 02:02 PM

All Kidding Aside
This is a thread for those who want to lay aside their "party personna" and get serious about things for a while. Many of us (most of us?) play role games whenever we are here, and, like the proverbial class clown, we don't let people get too close to the "real me". They just know the personna. That's OK, but sometimes we need to get genuine with our friends, talk about how we really feel, let others tell us how they really feel. So this will be a serious thread. No artificiality. No role-playing. Just the truth. You don't have to reveal anything you aren't comfortable revealing (as always, be careful about revealing personal information on the internet), but everything you say has to be true, not made up. Other than that restriction, this is a wide open thread.

Laura June 6th, 2004 02:14 PM

OK. All kidding aside, I am in love with :heart:Bombadil:heart:. I have been married to him for 28 years. We have 5 grown children. He was enjoying himself on the board, so he introduced me to Fleets. It is fun to play on Fleets with him. We have always enjoyed doing things together. He's a wonderful husband. Just as witty in real life as he is here on Fleets.

Bombadil June 6th, 2004 02:35 PM

I admit to being glad that "Laura" decided to join me on this board. Naw, that's not her real name, but it's a name she likes.
I think one of the problems with internet forums is that so many of the people who frequent them are really lonely in real life. ("Real life". I'm not sure I like that particular expression here. What we do/say in this forum is perfectly "real", it's just more or less separated from our flesh-and-blood lives. That doesn't make it "unreal". Maybe I better pursue that thought separately, later.) Anyway, I like having my own wife interested in the same things I am interested in. Does that make me weird? Probably. But I don't care. Fact is, after 28 years my wife and I still like each other. A lot. I enjoy that.

amberstar June 6th, 2004 02:40 PM

No wonder the two went for that walk :)

It is good to know that two people can have such a wonderful relationship, and still be close with the passing years!


Laura June 6th, 2004 02:46 PM

Thanks Amber. Yes, it is wonderful. We have also worked together for years.

julix June 6th, 2004 04:54 PM

:thumbsup: I congratulate you guys on 28 years of marriage....that is so wonderful. Now I understand about the "walk", but I thought it was cute anyway. I am new to the boards and trying to get "up to speed" . I have fun here it is nice to have a place to hang and chat. I also like the idea of a more serious thread............ :salute:

Laura June 6th, 2004 04:59 PM

Thanks Julix. I am new to the board too. I was wondering what everyone thought about Laura and Bombadil being so obviously out on a date.

julix June 6th, 2004 05:07 PM

I thought it was so cut especially the way he responed with the um....okay and the blush(how sweet) My husband and I are comming up on 6 years...he has his boards and is trying to give me tips.... :nervous:

Laura June 6th, 2004 05:33 PM

Why don't you invite him to join us on Fleets. Then Bomb and I won't be the only couple.

julix June 6th, 2004 06:15 PM

I know he is so busy with like three other forums he does and he plays Star Wars Galaxies(online) and bulids computers and is super Dad etc.....he is spread a little thin................... :D

Laura June 6th, 2004 06:22 PM

Too bad. It would've been fun.

bsg1fan1975 June 7th, 2004 03:34 AM

i'm just a plain old fashioned gal. what you see in here is what you get.

Laura June 7th, 2004 04:07 AM

The world need more people like you, BSG.

unowhoandwhy June 7th, 2004 11:36 AM

OK, here goes:

"My name is Jen and I am addicted to Colonial Fleets, vanilla ice cream, and men in uniform (not necessarily in that order)."

bsg1fan1975 June 7th, 2004 12:41 PM

i was raised to be old fashioned like my mom and dad wanted

julix June 7th, 2004 01:57 PM

Uno(Hi Jen)

I agree with you about the men in uniform...just imagine Apollo and Starbuck in their uniforms and feeding me spoons of ice cream...............what a dream............ :blush: :D

Laura June 7th, 2004 03:01 PM

I am rather fond of the red uniform worn by the RCMP's!

Rowan June 7th, 2004 03:43 PM

They do "look" good but the days of them behaving like gentlemen in this neck of the woods are long gone! I see nothing but offensive behaviour from them now they are getting more and more violent with the way they deal with people, I'm fast losing respect for them unfortunately. They used to make me feel safe now I fear and loath them.:/: :(

I've discussed this with the people in charge of their schools in BC and they tell me things are changing for the future, more social studies and psychology courses are helping but that the transition between old school and new school will take time.

Laura June 7th, 2004 03:48 PM

That's interesting. I have read a lot about the good way that the RCMP has handled things in the past, especially in regards to carrying out the peaceful policies that Canada followed with the Indians, in contrast to the way that America handled them. If the RCMP has really squandered all that good will, that's a real shame.

amberstar June 7th, 2004 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by bsg1fan1975
i'm just a plain old fashioned gal. what you see in here is what you get.

Same here! ;)

Rowan June 7th, 2004 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Laura
That's interesting. I have read a lot about the good way that the RCMP has handled things in the past, especially in regards to carrying out the peaceful policies that Canada followed with the Indians, in contrast to the way that America handled them. If the RCMP has really squandered all that good will, that's a real shame.

I know Laura but in Canada the RCMP also can be employed as local police and it's generally in that role that they run into problems. :/:

Rowan June 7th, 2004 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Warrior
Like our Star Goddess bsg1fan1975, what you see here with me is what you get: I'm deadly serious when I post as such, and I'm a big of a flirt offline as I am online ;)

Just ask TracyB! :D

I have to agree with Warrior and bsg I'm the same person here as I am off line:D ;)
I'm NOT old an fashioned girl though! LOL!;) :D

Oh Tracy......;) :D

Bombadil June 8th, 2004 04:01 AM

Ah, yes. Online vs. offline personalities. In my case, there is a difference, but when I think about it, it isn't so much online/offline. It's the "class clown" thing. "Showing off" in public. Guilty! As a teacher, I was struck by how often I would describe a child as being talkative, sometimes to the point of being disruptive, and the parent would reply that "he's not like that at home; he hardly ever talks at home." Very common. I was like that myself as a student. Even now, I still get told that I am very reserved, to the point of being stand-offish, at first, but that I am a different person when you get to know me. Haven't gotten over that in fifty years; probably never will.
But I enjoy relaxing with friends and saying what I really think. Getting past the wall of reserve. That's why I started this thread--to see if it can be done online.

Laura June 8th, 2004 04:18 AM

Old fashioned. . .what does that mean? A lot of things that are old are not good. For instance racial prejudice is old fashioned but not good. Being a harlot is very old fashioned but again not good. So if you mean holding to moral principles like don’t lie, cheat, steal, or commit adultery then I am old fashioned. If you mean wearing outdated clothing and never have any fun then I am NOT old fashioned.

kitty June 8th, 2004 04:56 AM

I wouldnt say that there is much difference in my on line/ off line personality.
The only difference on line, is that my humour is toned down a fair bit, but that is because this is a pg board. In real life people may find my sense of humour be a bit bluer, and I joke alot more.

Bombadil June 8th, 2004 05:38 AM

Yes, humor! The oil of human relations, but can get you into so much trouble! I can't recall how many times I have put my foot in my mouth by making a joke that somebody misunderstood and took wrong! Actually, that's one of the reasons I am so reserved: I am often afraid to say something wrong, so I will say nothing at all. ("It's better to stay silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Words to live by! LOL!) Partly that's because I tend to crack jokes that fly right over many peoples' heads. I love atrocious puns and arcane references. So I have to be real careful not to go too far and hurt somebody's feelings.

unowhoandwhy June 8th, 2004 07:33 AM

I am very reserved when I first meet people and, once I feel comfortable, I become more outgoing. I am very honest (sometimes brutally so, I have been told) which tends to get me in trouble.

As for being what my parents wanted me to be, I rebelled against family tradition by joining the Army instead of the Navy, but that was about it for being "bad." I was just angry that my mother wouldn't help pay for college. Now I wish I had joined the Navy... or tried for a scholarship.

cranky1c June 8th, 2004 08:02 AM

I'd say I'm pretty close to authentic on these boards. I'm mindful that there is an inverse relationship between the distance from personal contact and the level of manners people show, so I tend to over-correct in the direction of being polite. I'm also mindful that I come here to kick back and have fun, so I resist the urge to fight when I read something that I find especially provocative or irritating. Aside from that, the sarcasm is real.

As for being old fashioned. I figure that whatever fashion I am will become old sooner or latter.

Ian_W359 June 8th, 2004 02:42 PM

I think that my online persona is pretty similar to my real self - quiet most of the time, only saying things when they need to be said, but I do have the odd moment of madness.... :P:

One thing I agree with other posters in this thread is the use of humour/humor - there are things I can say on-line but not off-line, and vice-versa.

Ian W359

amberstar June 8th, 2004 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Laura
Old fashioned. . .what does that mean? A lot of things that are old are not good. For instance racial prejudice is old fashioned but not good. Being a harlot is very old fashioned but again not good. So if you mean holding to moral principles like don’t lie, cheat, steal, or commit adultery then I am old fashioned. If you mean wearing outdated clothing and never have any fun then I am NOT old fashioned.

I think BSG and I ment Old fashioned like the girl next door. Morals and values that you mentioned above;)

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