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conconcv66 August 15th, 2003 07:58 PM

Broken Bong

Rayvn August 15th, 2003 09:11 PM

Bong: a tool of pot-heads.

The 14th Colony August 15th, 2003 10:54 PM

Heads are going to roll when the boss sees you and his secretary shagging on his shag carpet.

Rayvn August 16th, 2003 01:36 PM

Carpet fibers on my clothing will be all the evidence he needs to fire both his secretary and me for our horizontal naughtiness.

BST August 16th, 2003 02:32 PM

Naughtiness can be defined as "doing something you're not supposed to do".

conconcv66 August 16th, 2003 03:15 PM

Do you suffer from pain in the astrums? now theres a cure for Bonnieratiods and Moores swelling of the astrum tissues. Take your pictures of Bonnies and Ron and place them in a ashtray. Take 3 shots of tequila, preferably curvo gold. The cheap stuff doesn't work as well.
After a few minutes take another 3 shots. if the pain hasn't supsided by then pour 3 shots of lighter fluid on the pictures and lite afire. (be sure to have proper ventalation.)
After the pictures burn up take 3 more shots and go to bed. swelling should be gone by morning.

amberstar August 16th, 2003 03:33 PM

I think I have some curvo in the kitchen, it's been there a few years. Might just try it, but I'm not sure I have enough to make all the pain go away.:D
Might have to get the Captain down too!!

shiningstar August 16th, 2003 04:56 PM

Well I'd settle for a fifth of jack Daniels right now ;)

Dawg August 16th, 2003 06:26 PM

Morning is the time we should hang the people who don't pay attention to the thread to which they are posting.

Muffit August 16th, 2003 06:32 PM

Posting is such sweet sorrow :)
-- William Beaverspeare


amberstar August 16th, 2003 07:34 PM

Sorrow? It is more like shame on Amberstar. Did Muffit happen to scatter more spools of thread?
I became confused, I will have to pay more attention in the future. I'm just not a morning person.........

BST August 16th, 2003 07:45 PM


Originally posted by amberstar
Sorrow? It is more like shame on Amberstar. Did Muffit happen to scatter more spools of thread?
I became confused, I will have to pay more attention in the future. I'm just not a morning person.........

Person? Morning person? Amberstar, did you check the clock? It's NIGHTTIME!!! :laugh: :laugh:

(Fearful of Hangman Dawg, I used the last word then, the last 2 words (which would have made more sense), just to play it safe!!)

BST :)

Dawg August 16th, 2003 08:34 PM

(LOL!!!:laugh: :laugh: )

Nighttime is the right time!

conconcv66 August 16th, 2003 11:22 PM

Time? what time is it? Its 420

Rayvn August 17th, 2003 08:28 PM

420 bottles of beer on the wall...420 bottles of not share?

Flamingo Girl August 17th, 2003 10:25 PM

Share some of that good stuff with the rest of us here.

The 14th Colony August 18th, 2003 12:42 AM

Here, there, wherever we happen to be its always a good time and place for a beer.

conconcv66 August 18th, 2003 03:27 PM

Beer goes better with tequila shots and hot wings.

Dawg August 18th, 2003 03:31 PM

Wings was the name of the band Paul McCartney founded after the Beatles broke up.

PlaidSquadron August 18th, 2003 03:34 PM

Up until now, this thread seemingly had no real purpose.

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