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launchcruiser7 March 31st, 2004 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by holodoc2000
tee hee! I'm snatching thread once again! :D

*throws water balloons at the fella's* :D

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

launchcruiser7 March 31st, 2004 03:42 PM

much better doc see you later :warrior:

holodoc2000 March 31st, 2004 03:55 PM

tee hee! Where ya running off to launchcruiser? You should stick around for things are sure to pick up around here soon. :D

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Bombadil March 31st, 2004 04:06 PM

Oh, wow, is it ever lonely when the CF server goes down (or fills up!) And then I had some off-site business to attend to between 4 and now. I'm glad the site is back up--I was starting to suffer from withdrawal symptoms.

Mushies! More than just something daggits eat!.

Bombadil March 31st, 2004 04:08 PM

Now I got some more business I gotta attend to for a couple hours.


Rowan March 31st, 2004 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Thomasbombadil
Oh, wow, is it ever lonely when the CF server goes down (or fills up!) And then I had some off-site business to attend to between 4 and now. I'm glad the site is back up--I was starting to suffer from withdrawal symptoms.
Mushies! More than just something daggits eat!.

you are loved and missed!!!
see you back here soon (wink and smile)

Antelope March 31st, 2004 04:54 PM

I'm glad the server is up again. It was a slow day. There were no really new military stories that you can't read in 20 minutes. I found myself reading about potential alien beings, which is something I hadn't done in about a year.

By the way...I stole the thread.

Antelope March 31st, 2004 05:26 PM

Antelope comes to the Cafe and everyone runs away. What's up with that. I was going to the thwack thread and thwack some cheer into Dawg and found out he closed the thread. (I'm serious!).

Now that is irony. I looked above and guess it was a bit out of control.

I am heading off to get my daughter. Good luck to all. I hope I hear you all tomorrow. Dawg I am leaving some cheer for you here and I hope to find some of yours tomorrow.

Good luck Rowan, I better quit referring to you as a vixen. From here on out Rowan=Vixen in my PG post!

Rowan March 31st, 2004 05:42 PM

ok antelope but I'm sure there is nothing not pg about the word vixen according to my dictionary it means a female fox or a cross bad tempered woman... the rest is all in your imagination antelope and well if vixen for you holds a non pg rating no one can sensor your thoughts! be my guest! heck make it X-rated ;) :D
but the actual definition of vixen is completly inocuous! so nothing wrong with using's all about ones own interpretation !
Sexuality is all in the brain!! ;) :D

I HAVE THE THREAD so what are you guys going to do about it hun!!! come on wanna go....just try and take it ....chickens!!!! ;) :D

Bombadil March 31st, 2004 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by holodoc2000
Where the all the fella's today? Haven't seen anything from them in awhile now.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Can't speak for the rest, but I couldn't get on most of the day because of server problems, and then the site got full and got turned off. Then I could only get back on briefly because I had other stuff that needed doing. Not long enough to play. Been a full day.

Too bad that Dawg closed the Thwack thread. If he's concerned about PG ratings some of us need to be more careful elsewhere, too. Or else go jump on Dawg.

Rowan, go win that fight. You've nothing to lose if you fight honorably, and much to gain. I'm pulling for you.

holodoc2000 March 31st, 2004 06:07 PM

tee hee! I'm snatching thread from ya Thomas! :D

Where is Dawg? He hasn't been here to this thread now in a few days & it just not the same without him.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Bombadil March 31st, 2004 06:17 PM

Hey, guys! I just made a rare visit back to the Sci Fi board and I found a post from Patricia_1947. Back when I first came to CF I liked it so much I went back to SciFi and personally invited Patricia to come over. She did, and posted some comments to the effect that she like us. But I guess something negative happened. Anyway, I'm going back over there to post her a personal invitation to try again, and to visit this particular thread. If anybody cares to join me over there, look for a new thread marked Personal to Patricia.

"When I went back to ColonialFleet after its reopening, I felt , , ,-unwelcome and surrounded by people who strongly disagreed with my own opinions.

But there are many fans like me who just want to enjoy the company of like-minded folks and pick apart favorite scenes or actors' performances to their hearts' content, *without* fear of having our media taste attacked or questioned. That is the essence of fandom for us. "

I think that having a 'safe place' is essential at this point, so soon after the flamewars. I made a conscious choice to avoid Colonial Fleet at this point in time . . .
We just can't let somebody keep on feeling this way about us! :)

braxiss March 31st, 2004 07:37 PM

mine, i think

is the board up or am i dreaming?

Rowan March 31st, 2004 07:51 PM

I'm afraid you must be dreaming braxiss ;) :D oh wow I missed smilies!!!!

braxiss March 31st, 2004 07:53 PM


Rowan March 31st, 2004 07:55 PM

((((((((((((((((((braxiss)))))))))))))))))))))) ;) :D
I'm suffering from separation anxiety when fleets dissapears now I know how my dogs feel whenI leave them alone! ;) :D

braxiss March 31st, 2004 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Rowan
((((((((((((((((((braxiss)))))))))))))))))))))) ;) :D
I'm suffering from separation anxiety when fleets dissapears now I know how my dogs feel whenI leave them alone! ;) :D

i know, i just sit and stare at the computer wondering what to do with myself

Rowan March 31st, 2004 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by braxiss
i know, i just sit and stare at the computer wondering what to do with myself

wwwwellllll I could think of something...... ;) :D

sorry that was more than I could resist! ;)

holodoc2000 March 31st, 2004 08:06 PM

tee hee! I'm snatching thread from ya braxiss! :D

*pulls out pillow & hits braxiss with the pillow* :D

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

braxiss March 31st, 2004 08:10 PM

as braxiss is hit up side the head with a pillow he see's stars spins in circles and hits the floor unconsceince

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