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Old September 10th, 2006, 02:04 PM   #1
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Stargate The Stargate Episode That Will NEVER Be Made...

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Below is a synopsis of an SG-1 episode that will NEVER be filmed, because the producers are too scared to try.

This ep is set sometime between Season's 3 and 5.


Title: Nightmare

[Opening scene]

The Gate activates -- Master Brytac comes through for a pre-scheduled meeting at the SGC; Hammond, Tealc and O'Neill are waiting for him. After Brytac steps through, the iris slams shut behind him. As greetings are exchanged, the gate activates again.

Gate Control Officer: "Unscheduled off-world activation -- General, it's SG-15! They're sending their emergency code!"

Hammond: "What!? They're not sceduled to make contact for three more days. Open the iris!"

Brytac: "Why is this important?"

Hammond: "SG-15 is reconning a gate address that was not in Ra's 'map room' on Abydos."

Brytac: "It may be a System Lord hide-away. Some System Lords know of such worlds..."

The iris opens as security troops take their positions, aiming in on the gate. SG-15 scrambles through the event horizon -- they are firing over their shoulders, their faces are grimly determined. They are also dragging an unconscious prisoner; he is dressed in a strange uniform, but it is obviously not a Jaffa; O'Neill has a worried expression on his face, as something about the man's uniform reminds him of some distant memory.

Major Anderson, the Team Commander, is carrying something in his free hand. With no words, he walks directly to General Hammond, and holds the object out.

At first, Hammond thinks that it is an SGC helmet, but quickly realizes that it is different: it is made of steel. And on the left side of the helmet is a picture that makes Hammond's blood run cold: inside a shield is a stern-looking eagle, sitting as if perched on a limb. And grasped in its talon's.....

....is a swastika.


SG-15 has found a world inhabited by Nazi survivors -- and their descendants -- of WW2.

Over the course of the episode, interrogation of the prisoner (an SS commando) -- by REAL interrogators -- reveals the following:

Nazi scientists from the SS Historical division (I can't remember the actual name) discovered the Gate in Antarctica in 1938...and got it to work. The world they found was not on Ra's radar; it was a "bolt hole" belonging to Chronos.

Chronos had found the world by accident, and had placed there a small temple to himself, and a tiny population of non-Jaffa humans. The temple contained a number of items: a sarcophogus, an underground repository for weapons storage, a small fabricator plant to make staff weapons and their larger "support weapon" cousins, some spare parts for Death Gliders, Cargo Transports and Pyramid Ships, and a large facility for manufacturing crystal cores, both for drive and computer controls, but also for the tunnel-boring systems seen in use by the Tok'ra. There is also a small refinery for the limited Naquada deposits on-planet.

The planet was intended as a fallback position in case Chronos ever needed a hideout. He would visit the planet every century or so to remind the locals who he was; his last visit had been 1930, Earth time.

Not wanting to chance a spy for another G'ould transmitting the planet's location, Chronos had installed communicator suppression systems and forbade anyone from keeping any neat-o FTL communicators; he left a small company of Jaffa troops to keep the locals loyal, and went on his way.

With WW2 intervening, the Nazi's never sent more than simple recon group through, and they never made contact with the locals, although they observed them. This information, in garbled form, led the reinforcement of numerous myths of the Hollow Earth, as well as 'Vril' aliens helping the Nazi's.

When the war went badly, however, some people in the SS and Party heirarchy knew about the Gate, and fled Germany in a fleet of UBoats as the Russians began their assault on Berlin.

The UBoat convoy -- 40 strong, including several cargo vessels -- made it to Antarctica (sinking a British destroyer squadron along the way). They made it to the Gate, and slipped through. The last group set an explosive device on the second Gate's DHD, to ensure that no one could follow them.

(Adm. Robert Byrd's "Operation Highjump" expedition to Antarctica in 1946 was actually a cover to search for the UBoat convoy. Although the scuttled hulks of the UBoats were found, no trace of survivors ever was...for obvious reasons.)

The survivors had numerous civilians with them, but also had several platoons of battle-seasoned Waffen-SS and Fallschirmjaeger veterans....The Jaffa never stood a chance.

Now, it is c.60 years later. Ra, Chronos and many other powerful System Lords are dead, and the Nazi's have had sixty yeas to build a society in isolation, with unfettered use of G'ould technology.....

....And SG-15 managed to get into a firefight with one of their training patrols near the Gate.....

[Fade out][credits]

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Old September 10th, 2006, 02:22 PM   #2
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That would have been a mind blowing episode
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Old September 10th, 2006, 03:17 PM   #3
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That would have been a verry interesting ep/story arc. Wouldn't mind seeing a fanfic story out of that premise. Also, something else to consider. The Nazis seemed to have a fixation concerning relics and/or ancient myths. What if they also got on the trail of trying to find the lost city of Atlantis? Wouldn't that have been a shock! Dr. Wier & Company going through to the Atlantis gate for the first time only to be met on the other side by the Gestapo!! Just a thought...
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Old September 10th, 2006, 04:55 PM   #4
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Personally, I think that this would be an interesting idea. I've always been a fan of the "alternate history" fiction, from Nomura's "Luftwaffe: 1946" to Niles and Dobson's "Fox on the Rhine."

What would interest me the most would be how the "pocket Reich" would have changed over 60 years, especially in isolation from the rest of Earth, and the galaxy. It would be very easy to fall into the stereotypical Nazi cliches, but it would be more interesting to see the bitter wages that the ideology wrought.

Just from a visual perspective, I would be interested in seeing something other than death gliders painted with Balkankreuz, or staff weapons in the hands of cheap-SS-uniformed thugs, but instead seeing how the technology would have melded together between the small arms developed at the end of WWII and the ancient Jaffa weapons. What would the third generation offspring of a death glider and He-162 look like? Would the blitzkrieg doctrine still dominate the tactical thinking and weapon requirements?

That having been said, the pocket reich would represent an interesting adversary for SG-1 for a season--but I'm not sure that it would go much further than that.

It'd be fun to work on the production design, though.
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Old September 10th, 2006, 09:06 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by rjandron
What would interest me the most would be how the "pocket Reich" would have changed over 60 years, especially in isolation from the rest of Earth, and the galaxy. It would be very easy to fall into the stereotypical Nazi cliches, but it would be more interesting to see the bitter wages that the ideology wrought.
Well said rjandron!

Sounds very interesting, WarMachine i don't suppose you found any access to this unproduced Stargate story titled 'Nightmare' via a script by any chance? All shows have unproduced scripts but its suprising just how few are on the internet for things like Stargate, Star Trek, Farscape, X-Files and the like etc.

As rjandron pointed out, long as you avoid cliches like the plague this kind of controversial sounding episode could approached all kinds of ways the Nazi's would've continued behaving and living they way history has recorded their existance in our society. Nazi's that didn't grow up on Earth, thats a new one to be sure. Although to be honest perhaps this episode, would've been similar to the villains of Sliders' Kromaggs going by the synopsis here. Nazi's with superior technology and using overly aggressive genocidal measures inwhich to force their will upon others by conquering them.

The Earth parallel here might be a little too forced. Going from aliens posing as our ancient mythological gods using humans as their host and commanding others as their loyal footsoldiers. To radical humans with alien technology seems in way to introduce neo-nazi's into science fiction stories simply cos they'd make well known villains the audience would easily hate and despise. Its sounds like a fresh concept alright, but in another way wouldn't we just be getting Sliders' The Kromaggs or Galactica's The Eastern Alliance, V's The Vistors, War Of The Worlds aliens (Advocates/Morthren) or even Star Wars' Imperial Empire in another form?

Think about that list for a minute!*

Surely Stargate would just be making another incarnation of Germany's Nazi's for a televison show as villains of the week. Much as it seems great on paper, ask yourselves this? Are Nazi type villains really unique in science fiction or are they already so cliched and you've been unawares that you've had them all along for years now!*

Great sounding unfilmed SG1 episode sure, but not that unique once you've weighed all the facts.

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Old September 10th, 2006, 09:58 PM   #6
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Default Pocket Reich....

RJ et al,

First, thanks! I appreciate the compliment. This was actually a scenario I ran in two home-brew RPG campaigns from several years ago. First, let me point out a couple of things:

*Operation Highjump was a real operation. In 1946, Adm Robert Byrd, the famous Arctic explorer, took a USN task force to Antarctic waters, ostensibly to "test new cold-weather equipment and training"[...sure...I'll buy that... ]. There are a huge number of weirdness-thingies about Highjump that no one - certainly not the USN - has ever adequately explained.

*Renegade U-Boats surviving long after the end of the European war are a fact: in 1946 (hmmm.....) a U-Boat surrendered to Argentinian authorities. The boat had a skeleton crew, the fuel bunkers were empty, and the boat had no torpedo's...but had several tons of brandy and cigarettes aboard. If the crew was ever interrogated by Allied authorities, no hint of the findings has ever leaked.

In the second game-arc, which the scripting was adapted from (the first was far more complicated), SG-15 tripped over an SS commando/recon team, and immediately got into a firefight with them; they managed to surprise the SS team, which was fortunate -- the SS team nearly killed them when they rallied.

They were not on the main Nazi colony world, however, but on a world "nearby" on the non-Ra Gate system list.

Pocket Reich (PR?) weaponry looks a lot like an FG42 assault rifle with a case of elephantitus: it has a massive "barrel", that still takes a Mauser bayonet on the end. The weapon has all the same "guts" as a Staff Weapon, but with a different exterior arrangment (rememebr Tealc's comment about "N-Tarc's"?[sp?]). It has a ten "cartridge" magazine, but only five cartridges are typically loaded (each cartridge fires exactly 1,001 rounds; the energy for the last shot is used to cycle the rifle's bolt unit to chamber another cartridge); each man carrys a single spare five-cartridge strip-clip -- call it c.10,000 shots, total.

They still use HE/Frag grenades, complete with stick(a design still used by China and many 3rd World countries), and they have independantly developed the "hi-low" pressure system used in current-model 40mm M203 grenade launchers (they use a five-shot GL for indirect infantry support at the squad level, with an underslung Naq-powered carbine). Beyond that, they have fairly "normal"-looking Jaffa support cannons mounted on light, two-wheeled carts, and their fightercraft bare a striking resemblance to tail-less Me-262's...that are armed with a massive six-cannon battery of support cannon. They have also developed a Naquada reactor as a portable power supply.

They maintain 'panzer' and 'panzer-grenadier' units: imagine a Tiger tank escorting a Nazi half-track. The Tiger is armed with a main gun that would be a secondary weapon on a Pyramid Ship, with three support cannons, two in the hull (one next to the main gun) and one atop the turret, as a remotely operated anti-infantry weapon.

The halftrack comes in several varieties, but is mainly either an infantry transport that can keep up with the Tigers, a cargo vehicle, or an anti-aircraft track -- armed with four infantry support cannons in a quad-mount. All vehicles come with their own Naq reactors.

Neither vehicle has a great deal of armor....because both employ larger/more powerful versions of the energy shield seen used by Apophis and Heru'Ur.

They have not gotten to the point of building capitol-ships, but are at the point of constructing large cargo/combat ships; these look something like a wingless C130, and are far better laid-out than the G'ould transport. They are capable of transporting a c.200 man company, 3-5 vehicles, or a combination over similar distances.

They have established their own "Alpha Site" as well....on a world that has no gate that they could detect.

Socially, the SS survivors have made a religion out of Hitler, with "Mein Kampf" as their 'Bible'...but 60 years on, there are few survivors from the original War (they have only just discovered the true purpose of the sarcophogus 5 years ago; a mechanical fault - easily fixed by the G'ould - had made it unusable them until they learned enough about the technology to repair it); as a result, the anti-Semitism gets lip service (its hard to hate someone when they aren't around all the time), as does the "unter-mensch/uber-mensch" issue (the local Humans largely fit the "Aryan" stereotype, and the SS needed as many people as they could get).

There were roughly 100,000 humans on-planet when the SS arrived through the Gate. By demolishing the typically-brutal Jaffa, most of whom on that rotation unfortunately looked a lot like Tealc, as well as the snide priests of Chronos, the Nazi's were able to win over the vast bulk of the local population, giving them a whole new religion to believe in.

And, following long-standing Nazi ideas, the SS makes sure that couples who have more than three children are well-rewarded with medals, awards ceremonies and tax breaks. In fact, it's probably best to think of "Neu Erde" as a gigantic version of Nuremburg......

This brings me to the Ahnernerb (see? I DID rememebr it, finally!).

The Ahnernerb never went away. After digging out all the information that they could from Chronos' archives, they convinced the Chancellor to let them start looking for G'ould-inspired "Aryan Myths". The Chancellor reluctantly let them go to it, providing SS support, but against his better judgment -- he wasn't afraid of running into the "Allies", so much as revealing their presence to the G'ould.

The SS team SG-15 ran into was one of these Ahnernerb units.

Once the survivors report back, according to the captured SS commando, the Chancellor will likely order a "Code Orange" -- this is the evacuation order, which will begin moving the entire population of "Neu Erde" to their version of the Alpha Site, via "Kriegsmarine" transport. Only a skeleton guard force will be left to cover the Gate and recover the other Ahnernerb recon teams, and a few Naquada mining parties - each with an assigned escape transport - will be left behind to strip as much Naquada from the planet as they can. (The commando doesn't know the coordinates to their Alpha Site, and they are only very delicately programmed into the transports computers -- push one button and they're wiped.)

They likely will not completely abandon the planet, as the Gate is simply too useful, but it will no longer be their main location.

The current Chancellor is Reynald Falkenheim; one of the last of the "Old Guard", he is a veteran of the 'Skorzeny Kommando' -- he was one of the men who rescued Mussolini from a mountain-top prison in a daring glider raid, and was also there at the beginning - he was one of the "Brandenburgers", the original Kommando's who slipped into Poland on a windy September night in 1939 to secure the Wehrmacht's invasion routes. Tough, no-nonsense, ruthless and practical to a fault, he has led the Volk as Chancellor since 1968.

Although he is no longer involved in the day-to-day operation of the Reich, Falkenheim is still quite active: he has been closely working with the General Staff for several years on "Operation Hades" - the Reich's expected war with the System Lords. Falkenheim knows full well the reasons for Old Germany's loss in WW2, and has vowed to not repeat those mistakes: every major weapon-system deployed by the Reich has two production lines, one for complete vehicles or weapons, the other for spare parts. Naquada mining/refining, and the ongoing production of Naq reactors and power cells are at the very top of the priority list.

This almost maniacal drive is the result of a "siege mentality" that is a direct result of the Nazi's total loss in WW2.

Strategically, the PR is not ready for a full-scale war, and Falkenheim and the General Staff are fully aware of the fact. Their plan is to fade: stay out of sight until they can develop their industry to match the G'ould. This was the main reason he went along with the Ahnernerb's search plans: he wants Jaffa, and/or G'ould prisoners for interrogation, to update their intelligence.

Most importantly, Falkenheim is not overly worried about the SGC - he has assumed from the beginning that someone else would find the Gate on Earth (no one among the SS knew about the Egyptian Gate); his plan for this instance is either to play up the "We're all Earthmen, even if we disagree" angle...failing that, he drives his industry hard to build enough ships to move nearly 50 million people (not a typo) quickly...now, his planning will pay off.
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Old September 10th, 2006, 10:16 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Lord Kingjason
Well said rjandron!

Sounds very interesting, WarMachine i don't suppose you found any access to this unproduced Stargate story titled 'Nightmare' via a script by any chance? All shows have unproduced scripts but its suprising just how few are on the internet for things like Stargate, Star Trek, Farscape, X-Files and the like etc.


<snip> Its sounds like a fresh concept alright, but in another way wouldn't we just be getting Sliders' The Kromaggs or Galactica's The Eastern Alliance, V's The Vistors, War Of The Worlds aliens (Advocates/Morthren) or even Star Wars' Imperial Empire in another form?

Think about that list for a minute!*

Surely Stargate would just be making another incarnation of Germany's Nazi's for a televison show as villains of the week. Much as it seems great on paper, ask yourselves this? Are Nazi type villains really unique in science fiction or are they already so cliched and you've been unawares that you've had them all along for years now!*

Great sounding unfilmed SG1 episode sure, but not that unique once you've weighed all the facts.



Nope, this is mostly from my own noggin'. The closest SG-1 ever came to this was the episode with Rene "Odo" Auberjonois[sp?], and the pseudo-Nazi analogs; I haven't watched the last couple of seasons at all, but I think the Ori might be an attempt at this. The main reason for building my own scenario actually came from a truly sad attempt at a similar concept in the first Stargate RPG -- it was so atrocious, I HAD to come up with something better.

Actually, the "Nazi's In Spaaace" idea used to get a decent amount of treatment in sci-fi; it only became a cliche when writers gave up, and started doing "Nazis-but-not" shows.

I don't think this episode would have been made, however, because it would imply a certain "noble heroism" in the Nazis, not from any sort of retread based on poor writing. That's not a concept Hollywood is willing to cross. Any attempt to make this ep would require the Nazi's to be portrayed as comicbook villains.

I don't see any heroism in the Nazi's at all, beyond a certain basic military type of heroism; I picture them as a more realistic version of S.M. Stirling's "Draka": outwardly, you are tempted to respect them, but ultimately you are utterly repelled by them.
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Old September 11th, 2006, 08:06 AM   #8
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Oh i see!

Fair enough

Originally Posted by WarMachine
Actually, the "Nazi's In Spaaace" idea used to get a decent amount of treatment in sci-fi; it only became a cliche when writers gave up, and started doing "Nazis-but-not" shows.
Exactly which is why my analogy list of similar villains for various sci-fi creations is more or less dead on.

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Old September 11th, 2006, 10:39 AM   #9
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One of the big problems with the portrayal of space nazis has not necessarily been their proliferation, but their shallowness. They are all shown as being utterly, inhumanly evil to a level that makes the Go'auld seem like saints by comparison and the Space Nazis tend to be about as complex as a Saturday Morning Cartoon villain.

One of the key elements of speculative fiction is the speculation--asking "what if?" With the Space Nazis, be they Kromaggs, Visitors, Hirogen, Ekosians, or any one of a dozen other repugnant villains of the week, the trappings of Nazi regalia are often used to show "Look, we're evil. No, honest. We're really, really eeeevil." It's hardly speculative, merely reducing the villain of the week to a cardboard figure. Often the thugs used by the regime can't shoot straight and have little to no conscience, so they represent no credible threat to the heroes either physically or morally.

Instead, it would be more interesting to speculate on how such a regime could have survived. Running the space Nazis as simple villains of the week would be wasting the opportunity to delve into interesting characters and moral dilemmas on both sides of the conflict. For example, given that the war has been over for 60 years, how will SGC respond to the sudden appearance of fragments of the Third Reich? Do they declare war on an enemy that was defeated before they were even born? Is there a way to bring them back to Earth? What about the current German government and how it would respond to the discovery?

One of the more interesting pieces of speculative fiction in this genre I read was Harry Turtledove's "In the Presence of Mine Enemies" where he follows a Jewish family hiding in the heart of a Nazi Germany that won WWII. Although the plot is a ripoff of the August 1991 coup attempt in the Soviet Union (complete with a Yeltsin-type figure), the study of the family forced to maintain a secret existence and how the Germans around them react to the political changes sweeping through the Reich are what I found most interesting here.

The backstory you've created looks very interesting, and I think that rather than limiting it to a single episode, it would be a fun story arc to pursue over a season or two.
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