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Old December 19th, 2003, 05:51 PM   #1
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Default What would change if you had the opportunity to redo BSG?

What would you do if you had the opportunity to do a BSG remake?
I would:

1. Keep all the characters like they were in the original but edit out Muffit.
2. Keep the original ship and cylon designs but make them look sleeker and more hi-tech and maybe add some new models.
3.Give the cylons more living leaders, and have them debate over how to deal with the humans.
4. Have more aliens.
5.The human fleet would include more military ships.
6. Keep the same lasers but also add missles, torpedos, EMPs and other weapons.
7. The human race never finds Earth and becomes totally wiped out (just kidding)

What do you guys think?
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Old December 19th, 2003, 05:59 PM   #2
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Here's what I would do:


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Old December 20th, 2003, 07:23 PM   #3
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Default Re: What would change if you had the opportunity to redo BSG?

Originally posted by agent404
What would you do if you had the opportunity to do a BSG remake?
I would refuse to do a remake.

If the opportunity precluded a continuation per sé, then I would try to convince TPTB to instead allow me to make either something like TNG or a different story or story aspect set in the BSG Universe (updated but faithful to what has been established in BSG).

I would have no interest in doing a remake. The public wouldn't buy it beyond a gullible few, it would have no enduring qualities, and I would not wish to be seen as the laughing stock who defiled a timeless piece of art.
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Old December 20th, 2003, 08:15 PM   #4
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Default Gullible few???

Hardly so!

I will admit I have an apparently different value system.
Different view of what is timeless and what is art.

I do not really mind smack talk or trash talk though.It doesn't really hurt MY feelings.

I am going to look for an appropriate place in the forum to suggest a "smack talk" area where it would be cool for raging fans on either side to duke it out.

Even so,I will work with those of you with opposing views where we CAN agree.
May've been the losing side. I'm still not convinved it was the wrong one.
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Old December 21st, 2003, 03:28 PM   #5
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Default Re: Gullible few???

Originally posted by Darth Marley
Gullible few??? Hardly so!
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Old December 21st, 2003, 09:02 PM   #6
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Default Re: Re: Gullible few???

Originally posted by Corwwyn
Just that fans of the miniverse are not (necessarily) gullible,or few as stated in some post above,unless I was hallucinating again.

Different strokes,etc.

The statement is a broadside attack aginst mini fans.

If I were to redo the mythos,I would likely make the universe more earth-like,more "dark," and relationships would be more"adult" in nature.

I would lose the notion that the good guys are always good,or right.
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Old December 21st, 2003, 09:35 PM   #7
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But should keep the original story line the same. Keep the characters the same and add a few new-comers. The outfits the same with a few still in original to show transition. Use a little updated Vipers and keep in use quite a few of the originals, because on the run like they are, there would be little time and space to update them too much. But loose the mini. It did nothing but rob and chop up the original story idea. Larson said it correct when he stated that it was like watching your daughter giving a lap dance!::uhdrop: We need continuance. And not just sex to sell this story to a new audience. The votes are in, and more people want and demand the original Galactica to continue forward with re-caps of lost time.
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Old March 16th, 2004, 08:41 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by agent404
What would you do if you had the opportunity to do a BSG remake?
I would:

1. Keep all the characters like they were in the original but edit out Muffit.
2. Keep the original ship and cylon designs but make them look sleeker and more hi-tech and maybe add some new models.
3.Give the cylons more living leaders, and have them debate over how to deal with the humans.
4. Have more aliens.
5.The human fleet would include more military ships.
6. Keep the same lasers but also add missles, torpedos, EMPs and other weapons.
7. The human race never finds Earth and becomes totally wiped out (just kidding)

What do you guys think?

1.I like that idea but i would keep a muffit type character even for target practice(joking)

2.sounds good too I would make only small change's to the Galactica and that would be only to the landing bays. and bridge complex

3.more living leaders? like in the book based on reptiles or a baltar type

4.Absolutely, could not agree more with you on that. lot's more good and bad some help and give aid. the others well you know.(dinner)

5.small attack craft or a blockade runner type ship and have other storys within it.

6. Absolutely could not agree more with you on that.
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Old March 17th, 2004, 07:57 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Darth Marley
The statement is a broadside attack aginst mini fans.
Not just mini "fans", but against anyone who watched and enjoyed it.

I'm working on the assumption that this would be a remake of the TOS pilot, so...

One thing I'd change is the uniforms. Pilots would have a "duty" uniform worn while not flying or on alert. Bridge crew and non-flying officers would wear the same duty uniform. Pilots would wear some kind of flight suit while flying or pulling alert. Enlisted would wear a different uniform.

I'd try to work in more enlisted personnel, similar to Chief Tyrol and his deck crew from the mini. Enlisted personnel, not the prima donnas in the cockpits, are the backbone of any military.

I'd postpone the whole casino planet concept to an episode later after the fleet had traveled for a while. The concept was good, but the timing of it wasn't.

No mechanical pets. (Sorry, Muffit. Nothing personal.)

More smaller military vessels. Escorts, etc. Build a battle group around a Battlestar similar to todays carrier battle groups.
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Old April 29th, 2004, 05:50 PM   #10
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I like things the way they are. I would only add more aliens
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Old April 29th, 2004, 07:13 PM   #11
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Why even ask, I thought it was great the first time around

(no other version could ever take the place of TOS in my heart)

Only thing I would have done is have more episodes ....................

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Old April 29th, 2004, 08:01 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Darth Marley
If I were to redo the mythos,I would likely make the universe more earth-like...

I've asked this question before -- when did present-day Earth become the template for story-telling about people who are NOT from here?

I'll be honest, Darth, one of my gripes about the mini-series was the lack of imagination on the part of Moore. Oh, he tells a wonderful story about "misery loving company" but, with him, the glass always appears to be 'half-empty'.

Even with real-life conditions on Earth, as they are, I REFUSE to believe that there is no better way and no hope for us to be able to rise above our failings and mistakes, to make this 'shining blue planet' a better place.

Yeah, I may be an idealist, a dreamer but, without dreams, there is no life and without life, ........well, do I really need to finish that thought?
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Old October 4th, 2004, 12:26 PM   #13
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just to pull up an older thread with some interesting thoughts for the newer folks.
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Old October 4th, 2004, 12:43 PM   #14
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I would make it a show about Daggits.

Jerry: And what is the show about?

George: It is a show about nothing.

Jerry: You want me to go to NBC with an idea about nothing.

George: There you go!
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Old October 4th, 2004, 02:35 PM   #15
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Seinfeld Daggits!!!!!!
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Old October 4th, 2004, 02:42 PM   #16
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Never thought of that one. Survey says, Two Basestars.
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Old October 5th, 2004, 02:36 AM   #17
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Some elements of the original show could be changed to make it a little more today. (I am not talking about 70's haridos or anything like that.)

The movie for an original could be a touch darker. Not overly so, but just a touch because the subject is still "the annihilation of the human race, and its last survivors on the run."

I still think the whole "Carillon" aspect of SASW completely ruins the pilot. I am not saying that the pilot itself is bad, because it did capture my imagination as a kid, and is still very enjoyable to watch today...as did much of the original Battlestar Galactica series .

Muffit could be kept in the show, as long as Muffit was sparingly used, and not just something to appeal to the kiddies. (A mistake that GL made with the Ewoks and the Gungans in the Return of the Jedi, and the Star Wars prequels. NOTE: At least in Star Wars Battlefronts for PS2/XBOX/PC, you can shoot them.)

I would be afraid that if Battlestar Galactica were remade with some of the more kiddie aspects in mind, that it would suddenly be likened with Spy Kids and the Pixar movies. (Not that I don't like those films...I find them very enjoyable.)

The heroes of the story would remain the same in their values. In the current era, chances are their acting abilities have greatly improved. (It certainly looks like it in the end of the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series new preview, concerning Mr. Hatch.)

The villains would need to be much smarter, and only slightly more terrifying. The Cylons (for all intents and purposes) are monsters of a sort..and should be reflected as such. (Not monsters in the Godzilla/King Kong sense, but in the irredeemably vile sense.)

I would also focus on the plight of the fleet. It seems that the original series did not do this enough, and I am not trying to offend the sensibilities of my Classic series comrades, but from what I have seen of synopses of the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series , it looks like it will.

(Here comes another shameless plug) but if you want to see what I would do to make the original Battlestar Galactica series a little more up to date...just read my stories "Battlestar Galactica: Dark Exodus", and it's sequel in-progress "Battlestar Galactica: Reciprocity" . That is probably the best way I can express what I would change, or at least slightly modify about our beloved Classic Battlestar Galactica.

I must confess, I also take some exception to "the gullible" notion. I had some doubts about the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series , and after I watched it, much of that doubt was erased. Does that mean I was gullible? No. It means that I found an aspect of Battlestar Galactica that I enjoyed every bit as much as the established Classic mythos.

Although we here at the Fleets are trying to make it a peacable atmosphere for fans of both the original Battlestar Galactica series and the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series , we have to avoid these "veiled" attacks from either side.

I would have to respectfully disagree with you though, Darth, about the idea of having a "smack talk" thread here at the Fleets. Even though it might be a thread meant in good natured fun..there will ALWAYS be someone who will take it too far. Even if the "smack talk" were kept to one specific portion of the forums, I would be concerned that someone would be petty enough to drag their arguments and immaturity out into the general Fleets forums, only to strike up further dischord among the fandoms that are trying to get along. Even if it were restricted to a particular forum in the Fleets, it would be detrimental to the overall atmosphere we are trying to provide here.

But this thread (sorry to have digressed, folks) is about what, if anything, would you change about Classic Galactica if you got the chance to write it?

So, I return you all to the regular thread already in progress.

Respectfully to all,

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Old October 5th, 2004, 01:22 PM   #18
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I'd go back in time to 1978, and...convince ABC execs to keep it on for a while longer!
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Old October 5th, 2004, 02:45 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by martok2112
The heroes of the story would remain the same in their values. In the current era, chances are their acting abilities have greatly improved. (It certainly looks like it in the end of the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series new preview, concerning Mr. Hatch.)
Martock, Richard was nominated for a Golden Globe for playing Apollo in TOS (just fyi). Those aren't nominations (then or now) that get handed out to the "just pretty faces" that are the fluff of TV. Since they are voted for by the foreign press, they tend to be less political than our Emmys. To contrast with a modern 20-something counterpart: Jennifer Garner of Alias was nominated for a Globe in their first season--she's definitely not just a pretty face. IMHO: our guy improves whenever he's not written stiffly and could be an asset to any show interested in him/that he's interested by. (that's not to say he hasn't improved over time, just to say he had a good base to begin with).

Dirk's always been a fine wine (Broadway and film work with some truly classic actresses/actors will do that to you), and continuously improved so there's just no getting around that he just needs to be let play Starbuck as he sees him (like Glen did the 1st time, as Tom DeSanto would have done in his version).

Dang it sometimes you can just almost taste how good this would be, dusted off, updated here & there with a new generation.....

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Old October 5th, 2004, 03:23 PM   #20
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Since we're talking remake, anything goes.

I would have:
a) dumped the Kobolian vocabulary. I researched that almost in the same depth as qmodo/Susan Paxton and found that it was confusing, inconsistent, and silly. A dog is a dog is a dog. Not a daggit. And don't ask me "what is a Centon". I don't care any more.
b) goodbye Boxey, goodbye Muffit
c) featured more of the Cylon backstory as well as the Kobolian back story and the Colonial origins.
d) returned Baltar back to the human fold, where he would be more dangerous. (I've felt this way ever since I heard they did this in the Galactica Discovers Earth script)
e) multiple-episode storylines
f) more stories about the fleet, less Earth-like alien cultures and space Nazis
g) given J. Michael Stracynski complete creative control over the series. ;-)

The new series has done many of these things but they've missed the boat in others. In Galactica the human/Cylon war was an extension of a larger war between the greater powers. ( They did this in a much better way in Babylon 5. ) They won't be doing this at all in the new series. I don't think we'll be seeing a Count Iblis storyline.
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Old October 5th, 2004, 03:29 PM   #21
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IMHO the quagmire here is 1978 television. There were more don'ts than do's. Good point John about JMS. The story arc was his baby unheard of until B5. I also wondered what happened to Count Iblis. In the scripts submitted from Larson pertaining to season 2 no mention of him was made.
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Old October 5th, 2004, 04:21 PM   #22
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A few more thoughts on the subject:

When I watch something, either in a theater or on TV, I want something that catches my interest and touches my heart. This may seem to be a rather obvious statement, of course we want to view something interesting and touching.

Looking back on the original Battlestar Galactica series , I readily admit that there were some less than stellar moments - Carillon, Hector and Vector, and Young Lords to name a few. However, there were also a great many instances where the character portrayal was rivetting. There was also great use of the ensemble of actors/actresses that made up the Galactica family.

Some of the scenes that I loved are as follows:
  • Adama--The "weeping" scene on Caprica, at the ruins of his home, where he clutches the picture of Zac and Ila. This was right before his "Let the word go forth..." speech. The enormity of what had happened hit him, personally, and he grieved, the same as any of the other survivors on Caprica or any of the Colonies. Compounding his grief was the overwhelming task of being responsible for the safety of the remaining Colonial survivors.

  • Apollo--The scene immediately following Serina's death where he breaks the news to Boxey. No matter if you're a parent or not, the scene is a heartbreaking one.

  • Starbuck--The scene on the Ship of Lights where he (and Sheba) were confronted by the BOL. Starbuck's willingness to sacrifice himself, for Apollo, speaks volumes. The "lovable rogue" would pay any price, even the ultimate one, for his friend.

  • Cassiopeia--Her scene, aboard the Galactica, just before Starbuck and Apollo take the Cylon raider "behind enemy lines", where she grilled Starbuck about going on the mission. For me, the ending lines of the scene were especially meaningful.

  • Sheba--The very next scene, aboard the raider, with Apollo. She, finally, broke down and revealed her feelings toward Apollo. Just the realization that everyone "lost" something or someone and everyone was trying to hold on to whatever or whomever was meaningful to them.

For me, scenes like these epitomize what was "right" about the original Battlestar Galactica series . It was a very dark time that was being portrayed but, at the same time, there was that small sliver of light called "hope" which had yet to be extinguished. That was what carried them through the painful times.

Those are the elements that I would NEVER change. Those are the elements which I believe made the original Battlestar Galactica series what it became (to us).

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Old October 5th, 2004, 04:34 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by BST
A few more thoughts on the subject:

When I watch something, either in a theater or on TV, I want something that catches my interest and touches my heart. This may seem to be a rather obvious statement, of course we want to view something interesting and touching.

Looking back on the original Battlestar Galactica series , I readily admit that there were some less than stellar moments - Carillon, Hector and Vector, and Young Lords to name a few. However, there were also a great many instances where the character portrayal was rivetting. There was also great use of the ensemble of actors/actresses that made up the Galactica family.

Some of the scenes that I loved are as follows:
  • Adama--The "weeping" scene on Caprica, at the ruins of his home, where he clutches the picture of Zac and Ila. This was right before his "Let the word go forth..." speech. The enormity of what had happened hit him, personally, and he grieved, the same as any of the other survivors on Caprica or any of the Colonies. Compounding his grief was the overwhelming task of being responsible for the safety of the remaining Colonial survivors.

  • Apollo--The scene immediately following Serina's death where he breaks the news to Boxey. No matter if you're a parent or not, the scene is a heartbreaking one.

  • Starbuck--The scene on the Ship of Lights where he (and Sheba) were confronted by the BOL. Starbuck's willingness to sacrifice himself, for Apollo, speaks volumes. The "lovable rogue" would pay any price, even the ultimate one, for his friend.

  • Cassiopeia--Her scene, aboard the Galactica, just before Starbuck and Apollo take the Cylon raider "behind enemy lines", where she grilled Starbuck about going on the mission. For me, the ending lines of the scene were especially meaningful.

  • Sheba--The very next scene, aboard the raider, with Apollo. She, finally, broke down and revealed her feelings toward Apollo. Just the realization that everyone "lost" something or someone and everyone was trying to hold on to whatever or whomever was meaningful to them.

For me, scenes like these epitomize what was "right" about the original Battlestar Galactica series . It was a very dark time that was being portrayed but, at the same time, there was that small sliver of light called "hope" which had yet to be extinguished. That was what carried them through the painful times.

Those are the elements that I would NEVER change. Those are the elements which I believe made the original Battlestar Galactica series what it became (to us).


All EXCELLENT moments, my friend.

I would list the ones that I thought touched me in TNS, but right now, I have to get ready for work, Frack!

I will get back to this later tonight.

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Old October 5th, 2004, 05:31 PM   #24
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Well said BST. I was watching and noticed something new. As the attack is taking place and the crew is watching helplessly, everybody on the bridge was crying including Adama, Tigh, Athena, Rigel, ect. That is one of the most powerful scenes of the pilot. When I saw the mini I cried. An abomination!!!!!!!!! The best part was the ending credits, it was over hopefully not to return. Bam now a series.
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Old October 6th, 2004, 12:58 AM   #25
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Ahhhhh....now that I am back...

I found very moving moments in the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series . I do not compare these to the original Battlestar Galactica series because again, it is two different levels of appreciation for me.

In the miniseries....The scene where Laura Roslin goes to the cockpit of Colonial Heavy 798, and finds out from the pilot that Caprica and several other colonies had been nuked. The pilot is trembling bad, and Laura calms him down by taking his hand and reading the report herself. That was pure genius. How anyone can NOT see the emotion in that scene is beyond me.

When news of the attack on the colonies is issued by Commander Adama, granted we do not see a lot of the crew crying, but they are maintaining their composure as best they can...Dualla did cry, and that said enough for me. With all due respect, I don't have to have everyone crying on screen to know that these people are probably terrified and at a loss.

Adama's scene when he thought that he had lost his eldest son in a Cylon fighter attack sent chills up my spine. Tigh moving in to comfort his friend was beautiful.

Starbuck's prayer : "Lords of Kobol, hear my prayer. Take the souls of your sons and daughters lost this day. Especially that of Lee Adama." Sweet! I choked up when I heard her say that with the conviction of someone who had lost another who was close to her, despite their conflict.

The reunion scenes with Tyrol and Boomer, Apollo and Starbuck, and the innocent kiss shared between Dualla and Billy (President Roslyn's aide), and the reunion between Apollo and Adama were beautifully portrayed. The musical theme only heightened my connection with these people.

This is not intended as a slam, but I must say that I know that some (not all) of the original Battlestar Galactica series fans who decided to watch the mini, only did so to spitefully poke fun at it. They did not watch with an open mind, therefore, the bias was already in place, and anything that did convey emotion was completely lost on them. Again, it is NOT a slam. I know many the original Battlestar Galactica series fans were wounded deeply that this is not the Battlestar Galactica that they wanted.

Thankfully, I cannot turn around and attack the original Battlestar Galactica series because I am also a fan of the original Battlestar Galactica series . Therefore, it is my duty to make fans of the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series feel welcome here.

I can see that this will not be easy, as long as there is the underlying hostility that I still see. The hostility might only be geared toward the show, as far as many might be concerned, but please understand that fans of only the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series might see this as personal hostility, just as some of only the original Battlestar Galactica series fans see people who praise only the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series as a hostile act...regardless if they have said nothing of the fans.

I hate it when people talk smack about my beloved original show, but I also hate it when people talk smack about the mini too. (Again, I am only a "potential" fan of the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series . The show has not yet proven itself to me, so I can only defend the miniseries.) This is a precarious position to be in that many times has made me want to abandon Galactica (and sci-fi) fandom altogether.

Everyone has opinions, but unfortunately, opinions here are and abroad are still carried out all too "matter of factly." Opinions are NOT facts. and BELIEFS are only vehemently held opinions.

I wish I could pick one side or the other, but damn it, I cannot! I love everything that I have seen except for Galactica 1980, save for "The Return of Starbuck".

Ok...I am gonna stop here before I show the dark side of a really pissed off Klingon.

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Old October 6th, 2004, 03:15 AM   #26
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The only good thing in `bg 80, besides the Starbuck episode, was that they finally made a two seated viper. Though that was really a cheap extention job.

I did like the motorcycles at the time...but I was like very young. Having flying motorcycles are too campy now. Though it is possible with alot of advances.....

Btw Martok, alot of those scenes you mention above didn't hit me the same way. I didnt get a strong read of emotion in the performances. Though the one scene with Sackhoff I liked was when she made a confession about Zac. (though I did like her viper scenes in the final battle.

To me when Adama thought his son died was kinda wooden. Its amazing how two people can see the same seen. Though for me, it was less a EJO performance issue but a directoral/editing thing. I don't think the director was a good choice. (Besides all the obvious things that would get a original `bgfan upset).

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Old October 6th, 2004, 03:48 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by thomas7g
The only good thing in Battlestar Galactica 80, besides the Starbuck episode, was that they finally made a two seated viper. Though that was really a cheap extention job.

I did like the motorcycles at the time...but I was like very young. Having flying motorcycles are too campy now. Though it is possible with alot of advances.....

Btw Martok, alot of those scenes you mention above didn't hit me the same way. I didnt get a strong read of emotion in the performances. Though the one scene with Sackhoff I liked was when she made a confession about Zac. (though I did like her viper scenes in the final battle.

To me when Adama thought his son died was kinda wooden. Its amazing how two people can see the same seen. Though for me, it was less a EJO performance issue but a directoral/editing thing. I don't think the director was a good choice. (Besides all the obvious things that would get a original Battlestar Galacticafan upset).

Agreed that in many cases, a director can really break even an actor's efforts. The actor may have a better take on the scene than even the director, but usually it is the director who prevails. He may have wanted Olmos to appear shocked beyond emotional conveyance, but that can be difficult to do convincingly. EJO is a tremendous actor, and he may have gotten precisely what Rymer was looking for...but it may not have come across to many people the way it did to others.

Starbuck's confession to Apollo was great. The tension in her voice when she says: "It's the end of the world, Lee. I thought I should confess my sins." was subtle. And her expression when Apollo asks: "We're comin' in a little hot, don't you think?!" I swear it looked like she was channeling Dirk Benedict himself with that face. "No! Not really!" That look of nervous confidence is priceless.

Yes, it is interesting how two different people can perceive the same scene. Again (and this is something I often forget) it is the beauty of humanity.

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Old October 16th, 2004, 05:52 AM   #28
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I wouldn't change much. None of the scripts, yes even greetings from earth part2 and the Young Lords. I would add things though. A larger cast and seperate them to different parts of the fleet so you get different perspectives of everyone's situation. The civilians, the politicians, the military.

I like Ron Moore's idea of human Cylons, for espionage only though. No fembots, leave porn in pornography. There is no need to make the show "darker". The human race is on the brink of anihillation, how much darker can it get? You need the heroes to be bright knights in shinning armor as a beacon of light and hope to guide others through the dark. Not self loathing depressed people that have little hope or faith in themselves. we have to much of those characters already, in this situation such people are not reliable.

I would update the technology, not the actual designs of the ships, but the view screens and gadgets they use. I would update Muffit to appear more canine like.

I would have placed the Carrilon episode later in the series, instead finishing the pilot off with lost planet of the gods.

I would have introduced Serena into the series as Apollo's wife with Boxey as his son, or as Zak's wife.

Would place more emphasis on their plight as the last remnants of humanity. I would do this by showing the destruction of all other types of military vessels, thereby showing the audience that the Galactica is the ONLY means of defense against the Cylons. I would have had a character, or taken an existing character and changed his background slightly, that came from one of the starving freighters to give perspective to the show. I would show them drafting people from these ships to replenish the military. I would show them hodgepodging and jerry-rigging new military ships from existing ships, space debris, or floating derilicts. Show them going on salvage missions.

I would have them picking up other species that the Cylons were trying to annihilate along their way.

I would have had a John Crichton type character from Earth eventually joining the cast to give them a glimpse of what they are journeying to, and if it's such a good idea. He would eventually become a viper pilot and be their advisor on earth. Plus a veritble wealth of pop culture referances like Crichton.

I would have cut the comedy out of the cylons and Baltar. I would present them as a truely terrifying threat. They are out to wipe out ALL sentient lifeforms, so any backwoods planets they come across have not even heard of the Cylons. The Cylons would not be dumb and predictable, but dangerously clever and adaptive. They would not be fooled by the same trick twice. Baltar would have been altered into a cyborg, his sentiant life is "tollerated" only for his insight as a human. Neural monitors detect any sign of deception to ensure his loyalty. More different cylon models and ship designs.

More story arcs. I would have liked to have seen a 5 or 6 ep story showing a pyrric victory over the Cylons that forced them to crash land their convoy onto a planet and establishing a base there out of neccessity. The larger ships were no longer space worthy. And once they have the opportunity to repair them, would everyone be willing to leave? Or a story arc about cylon "criminals". Cylons who developed invividual thought, some good, some evil. They are fugitives for being traitors to their species, free will and individual thought are the highest crimes a Cylon could commit against its people.

Would like to have Tim Minnear, David Abramowitz, or Bill Panzer on board, if not all.

I woud have said Ron Moore for what he did for TNG, but he made too many unneccessary changes for me. It was too earth, and it's not about earth. It's about "brothers of man who are fighting to survive somewhere beyond the heavens" The show should reflect that it is not from earth.
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Old October 16th, 2004, 09:26 PM   #29
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I really wonder it Moore made all those changes by himself or if he was directed to by Hammer and told to keep his mouth shut about her influence.
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Old October 30th, 2004, 10:39 PM   #30
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I would take my cues from the Robert Thurston novelizations, which- obviously- were very faithful to the original TV series, but had a lot of great ideas (I'm particularly fond of Thurston's multi-brained, armoured organic Cylons) and eliminated some of the more juvenile aspects of the TV series. I'd being back all of the original characters, and they'd all be faithful to the originals (eg Tigh and Boomer would be black men, Starbuck a white man, etc.) I might slightly update and simplify the costumes somewhat, but definitely retain a mythological, otherworldly aestetic. Essentially, I'd just do a more thoughtful and scientifically plausible version of the original series with a new cast.
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