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Old February 4th, 2005, 02:05 PM   #181
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me too
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Old February 4th, 2005, 05:24 PM   #182
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my callsign here is newton because its my last name, my avater is apollo he looks like me there. My signature is my site because its so awesome

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Old February 4th, 2005, 11:33 PM   #183
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Such a cool thread!
I've always wondered about how people come up with the things that replace their physical presence when we are all in cyberspace!!

Great side discussions about history, too.
I don't think there is anything weird about liking history AND sci fi. Been like that for decades, myself, and hang with a bucket load of like minded bods.

I like my history as the ancient to medieval variety, and to re enact/ recreate not just read or collect. For that particular itch in my life the scratch is the SCA.

For sci fi, well, that part is summarised in my profile, but I have too many books, DVDs and got cable for the classic sci fi FTA wasn't giving me.

This is only the 2nd forum I have joined, altho I have been on a few SCA lists.
Both here and at CA, my handle is Lara. Originally it was going to be Lara's Cat, but the CA board wouldn't take it and locked out any changes (it wasn't the mods, the system..) Sandy rescued Lara out of it for me.

Either way its related to my BSG fanfic, more specifically to fanfic I used to write with penfriends back in the early 80's, but that I continue on my own now.
Lara is a warrior like Sheba was or Athena should have been.
Lara's Cat is the image she allows an entity to take when she has a near death experience after a launch bay accident, that is something close to an angel or spirit. At the time she doesn't believe its real. The proof comes later, but the use of the Cat for me, is to represent a presence that is real, but malleable.

No avatar at this point in time (I'm not clever enough yet to capture one..)

No sig here.
The first one I used at CA (and would use again) is a reference to Lara's conversation with the cat the second time she sees it,

Lara said: You are here?" and Cat replied:
"You CALLED me this time.. Not that your pain isn't a beacon across the seven realities.."

It was appropriate at the time of the clone wars and the diappointment over the deSanto projects demise

The one I use currently there is a quote about the need for Middle Earth in our lives, at this point in history.
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Old February 7th, 2005, 04:11 AM   #184
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Originally Posted by Lara

I like my history as the ancient to medieval variety, and to re enact/ recreate not just read or collect. For that particular itch in my life the scratch is the SCA.
Lara thank you for participating
I've been interested in the SCA for many years ever since Adrienne Clarkson did a show on it for the CBC. I attended one meeting to see what it was like a few years back but never ended up joining although I'm still considering it. How long have you been a member? and which kingdom do you belong to? Can you tell me a little about what you've experienced? Why you like it? Thanks Lara
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Old February 8th, 2005, 12:05 AM   #185
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Well, you may have noticed I have changed my av since Sept. 5, 2003. I chose the Eagle because I like Space:1999.
Populos stultus viris indignas honores saepe dat. -Horace
Fortuna est caeca. -Cicero
"You know the night before was a tough one when even the sound of the fizz hurts your head." -Mike Hammer.
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Old February 8th, 2005, 04:20 PM   #186
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Let see, hmmm where did I get Bojay from........

The Battlestar Pegasus!!!! You know the one that didnt have weenie civilians telling Cmdr Cain what to do.

My avatar ( when I get to 25 posts is...... BOJAY!

Why did I choose this, easy, he got to follow Anne Lockheart (er Sheba) all over and wing with her too!!

Silver Spar Squadron all the way
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Old February 8th, 2005, 04:56 PM   #187
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ok...little brother... my turn

Name......Emerita means "Woman who has achieved a place of honor"..... "So respect me dammit"

Avatar..... Well, I picked Sam Carter because I love StarGate and I resembled her when I was younger...I still do, except for a few wrinkles. Same hair, smile and sense of humor........and I lost my avatar that Warrior made for me......rats. I thought I had stored it and now I can't find it.......double rats

Sig........well, Older chicks do rule and we are wonderful. It is always good to have an older chick in your corner...we have been there and done that and we have lots of experience....
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Old February 9th, 2005, 01:06 AM   #188
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Thumbs up

Why did I choose this, easy, he got to follow Anne Lockheart (er Sheba) all over and wing with her too!!
damn good reason to use the name of bojay if you ask me

Name......Emerita means "Woman who has achieved a place of honor"..... "So respect me dammit"
ok ok!! I respect thy ..

Avatar..... Well, I picked Sam Carter because I love StarGate and I resembled her when I was younger...I still do, except for a few wrinkles. Same hair, smile and sense of humor
Well!!.... hello there a rose for the lovely lady.

Sam Carter is the kind of women I like to know..smart, tough, drop dead gorgous.
Thank myself (I am a god after all) that film makers no long portray women as screaming, fainting Dumb Blondes or Brunettes, But given credable parts and some great lines. (for that matter).
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Old February 9th, 2005, 02:48 AM   #189
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Originally Posted by Rowan
Lara thank you for participating
I've been interested in the SCA for many years ever since Adrienne Clarkson did a show on it for the CBC. I attended one meeting to see what it was like a few years back but never ended up joining although I'm still considering it. How long have you been a member? and which kingdom do you belong to? Can you tell me a little about what you've experienced? Why you like it? Thanks Lara
Hi Rowan,
I've been in the SCA for 20 years, since joining while at Uni. I reside in the Barony of Innilgard, in the Kingdom of Lochac.

Lochac has only recently gone to Kingdom, previously we were a Principality of the West. Southren Gaard (NZ) were part of Caid, but joined with us to form Lochac, thus breaking the Wests hold on the Pacific rim!!

The SCA is a big and diverse place. Lochac is a really cool part to be in, as we take our SCA quite seriously in both authenticity and fun.

Lochac is a big Kingdom geographically, but since the population of Aus & NZ is only 22 million, group sizes are ususally per capital city and approx 150 people for each group. Our annual get together is held over Easter, and is like a Renn Faire but for members only, so you get to do 5 days of continuous SCA. The Kingdom's biggest war and the best market are there. Innilgard is known for literally taking a truck load of stuff including our own feasting hall and kitchen, and running a big feast for group members and invited guests.

My interests are the english settlement and the anglosaxons, and also food and feasting. I have interest in food from most periods with in the AD 500 to 1600 timespan we play in, and have organised such feasts for up to 120 people in the field or 160 in a hall. I have a few awards and memberships of a few orders, and I've served as group Baroness for 5 years, some time back which was great fun and a lot of hard work..

I get satisfaction out of serving the Crown, Their representatives and the populus with my skills and my energies. (corny, but true..) I love to be able to use my reseach and reading in a practical way. I like that the SCA often brings out the best in people, with courtesy, honour and truth still be assumed first .
I'm also a complete sucker for a good tourney, as we are full contact martial sport, Hard physical contest is a joy to watch.
Its an interest I share with my husband, who cooks too, and does wood and leather work, sings and teaches dance. He used to fight, too, but not so much lately.

I've met wonderful people from all over the world, and one day, when I travel I will attend Pennsic, or even Estrella war. The standing promise while we were B&B was if we won the state lottery (prize is usually 5 million or more) we would take the whole Barony to War..

Mind you, it is a voluntary group, and therefore there are committees, and all the other petty politics that can arise, so not every group is a model of harmony and sharing, all the time. Some Kingdoms are more authentic than others, and many have a timespan they prefer.
We can be sussed out effectively from a distance, as the SCA is all over the net , (It has a high number of computer literate people) As with any large group, some of the net presence is utter rubbish, or plain wierd, but in there there is some cutting edge research and some lovely people just sharing a hobby. There are also the writings of some great thinkers, who philosophise about chivalry and service.

I hope that helps.. feel free to ask other stuff if you want.

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Old March 10th, 2005, 11:18 AM   #190
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Lara thank you soooo much for sharing this - very cool!!
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Old March 10th, 2005, 03:14 PM   #191
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TopGun is the username I use on all Fourms (Top-Gun if TopGun is taken). It stems from a PC Game (well I had it on the Amiga) called Wing Commander where I used it as my Call-Sign, which stems from the Movie Top Gun (funny thing about Wing Commander is that the character you play in Wing Commander I, later becomes Christopher Blair (In WC I and II you choose his Name and Call-Sign), whose's Call-Sign is Maverick )

Since this is a BSG Fourm, I chose a BSG Avatar, the Classic Viper.

As for my Sig, O though Battlestar Medusa sounded cool
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Old March 10th, 2005, 03:15 PM   #192
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We have an SCA group that meets every Sunday afternoon in the park around the corner from my house. They do all kinds of things like sword play. We also just had a huge SCA thing at our fairgrounds complete with jousting with real horses. The costumes were unbeliveable. I keep thinking I['ll take a walk to our park and watch them one Sunday, but I usually forget about it until it is to late....
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Old March 10th, 2005, 03:23 PM   #193
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What is SCA btw?
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Old March 10th, 2005, 03:34 PM   #194
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The Society for Creative Anachronism

The SCA is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Our "Known World" consists of 18 kingdoms, with over 30,000 members residing in countries around the world. Members, dressed in clothing of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, attend events which may feature tournaments, arts exhibits, classes, workshops, dancing, feasts, and more. Our "royalty" hold courts at which they recognize and honor members for their contributions to the group.
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Old March 10th, 2005, 03:41 PM   #195
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Cool thanks for the info Rowan
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Old March 11th, 2005, 10:02 PM   #196
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Originally Posted by emerita
We have an SCA group that meets every Sunday afternoon in the park around the corner from my house. They do all kinds of things like sword play. We also just had a huge SCA thing at our fairgrounds complete with jousting with real horses. The costumes were unbeliveable. I keep thinking I['ll take a walk to our park and watch them one Sunday, but I usually forget about it until it is to late....
Go watch, they won't bite . If its their weekly fighting and A&S (Arts and Sciences) practice its the ideal opportunity to suss them out . Different groups have different focii, so your local group might be big on fighting, tudor costumes, music and dance, the next geographic group might be big on Calligraphy, viking culture, cooking, archery and rapier. After all pre 1600CE Western culture covers a LOT of interests..

SCA heavy combat (sword play) is really cool, as its not choregraphed and it is full contact.

I'm wondering if the event at the fairground wasn't a Renn Fair (Rennaissance Fair) which is not an SCA event, but a public event with a medieval theme? Lots of fun, but not the same. If it was an SCA event, it may have been a regional gathering to cellebrate the Coronation of the next King and Queen...

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Old January 30th, 2006, 02:35 PM   #197
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... some additional reading material for folks interested in (the title of this thread)

Lay down
Your sweet and weary head
The night is falling
You have come to journey's end
Sleep now
And dream of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across the distant shore .

Children are a message that we send
to a time that we will never see.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 02:59 PM   #198
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Big Grin

My name is based upon one of my favorite toys: Space Glider from the 1970's MICRONAUTS line (MEGO).

Its that simple.

Liberal, Atheist, and just as Patriotic as you.
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Old March 25th, 2006, 03:11 PM   #199
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Battlestar Galactica 2004

My name choice should be obvious. However, since we're not aloud to discuss TNS, then I can't tell you all about my character, unless you PM me, of course.
Capt. Zak "Ares" Adama
CAG - Red Squadron Leader
Battlestar Prometheus BSG-68

So, what's the charge this time? - Lee Adama

Striking a superior @$$hole. - Kara Thrace

Ah. I bet you've been waiting all day to say that one. - Lee Adama

Most of the afternoon, yeah. - Kara Thrace

Right. - Lee Adama

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Old November 24th, 2006, 09:55 AM   #200
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libernull is a name i've used just about everywhere, for quite some time now. It loosely translates to 'book of nothing' in Latin. When I was younger, it was what I named my sketch-books, each one being a book of nothing. Online, it became not only my handle, but what I'd name my virtual galleries - book(s) of nothing.

And, yes, for anyone who's curious, I've read libernull & psychonaut - but my handle has absolutely nothing to do with it.
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Old November 24th, 2006, 10:38 AM   #201
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Cool .... Never heard of the books .. what they about ?
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Old November 24th, 2006, 11:10 AM   #202
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Wildcard is just a nod to my second favorite sci-fi series Space:Above and Beyond as well as being a nostalgic pull back to the first forum I joined way back when.
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Old November 24th, 2006, 11:28 AM   #203
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Originally Posted by Taranis
Cool .... Never heard of the books .. what they about ?
Its a book on the theory of chaos magic. I read it because people kept asking me if my name was based on it. It was interesting, aside from the horrible writing, but... ymmv.
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Old November 24th, 2006, 12:00 PM   #204
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aH .

Seen this is also about Avatars ....

My new Avatar is a comic book Character seen in 2000ad Judge Dredd ... bit this is not Dredd himself but a Irish Judge
from one of the stories .. Judge Joyce I thought it was appropriate
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Old November 25th, 2006, 12:15 AM   #205
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Hi Taranis...

I came across your user name, and I believe it is a celtic mythological name, meaning the Thunder God, is it not?

Great name! Oh and the kipper thing kind of gave a hint to your celtic origins...

My name is coincidently an Arabic name, and means princess or noble.
Also, it happens to be a combination of my first given names...and voila! Sarika was born.

My avatar is obviously the beautiful Jane Seymour, the memorable Serina....

And my signiture was chosen, because those last verses of the opening narrative , still haunt me to this day, as a beautiful and inspiring haunting feeling.

As for the " surviving Piscon Princess" thing well, I am a Piscean and ....just sounded good!
◊ Sarika ◊

The Last Piscon Siress

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Old November 25th, 2006, 01:30 AM   #206
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Originally Posted by Sarika
Hi Taranis...

I came across your user name, and I believe it is a celtic mythological name, meaning the Thunder God, is it not?

Great name! Oh and the kipper thing kind of gave a hint to your celtic origins...

My name is coincidently an Arabic name, and means princess or noble.
Also, it happens to be a combination of my first given names...and voila! Sarika was born.

My avatar is obviously the beautiful Jane Seymour, the memorable Serina....

And my signiture was chosen, because those last verses of the opening narrative , still haunt me to this day, as a beautiful and inspiring haunting feeling.

As for the " surviving Piscon Princess" thing well, I am a Piscean and ....just sounded good!
That Right Taranis was a celtic god . I was think of Thor but that never felt right
but here is what I found about him

Taranis is the Celtic god of the sky. He is not exclusively associated with thunder, for he is constantly present throughout the year. The eight-spoked wheel is one of his symbols, which represents the festivals of the Celtic Year. His other symbol is a lightning bolt. Representations of Taranis have been found in several locations across Europe, and there are several surviving altars.

Taranis is also associated with fire, and it is possible that sacrifices made in wicker man structures were for the Celtic sky god. The red of the sunset was believed to be fire created by Taranis.

As the Sky Father, Taranis is companion to the Earth Mother. Rain brings fertility to dry soil. The weather is directly linked to the continuation of life, and every mood of Taranis has a reason behind it.

The sky is an ever-changing canvas of colour and beauty. It is a constant source of inspiration, and it is the gateway to the stars. Taranis balances light and dark and paints the backdrop to every landscape. He allows us glimpses of the ethereal realms at twilight, and wakes us with a sense of renewal every morning.

Yet it is during storms when the true elemental energy of Taranis is revealed. Lightning and thunder show the sky to be a mighty elemental power, living and breathing with spiritual substance. Taranis reminds us of our place in the universe.
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Old November 25th, 2006, 01:31 AM   #207
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On page 1 of this reincarnated thread I answered to the name CaptainTux. For those who have seen the threads of old on the CA and skiffy boards, you will remember I used to end my posts with cheers. I still end my emails and phone calls with it. I have many friends in Australia and the UK and I picked up Cheers from them. My avatars change often and are usually reflective of my moods. Currently, it is an avatar of me. I've been working hard to shed some depression pounds and I no longer wish to hide behind a pic of others. I like me alot these days. I had a bad run of luck with the marriage gone south. It broke me that things did not work out and my self esteem was shattered. It is over and my daughter still lives with me. She is happy and I am happy and I am discovering sides of myself I did not know I had. The current avatar is reflective of that. The romantic and the dreamer. The man who lives by a different standard and is...not fearless...but adventurous. Kinda having fun these days.

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Old November 25th, 2006, 01:41 AM   #208
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Hello fellow Warriors,
My callsign is pretty straightforward. Since this was my first forum that I joined, I didn't have a name ready to use. I wanted one that was unique for me and stated how I felt about Galactica without being disrespectful of those who enjoy the other show with the same name. I finally chose CBSG4ever, which stands for Classic BattleStar Galactica 4 ever.

My signature is somewhat eclectic in that they are lines that I thought were rather eloquint and/or humorous from a variety of shows/movies. Most are SciFi shows.

As for the avatar. I chose that particular one because, out of all the cast, I slightly resemble that character the most. (hair color, etc.) There's a pic of some of us from Fleets that attended the San Diego Comicon this year. I'm second from the left.
This and other photos were posted here at Fleets in the Convention thread under Comicon 2006 pics by our own BlueSquad2001. Best always.
With Respects,


"You're gonna need a bigger boat..." Chief Brody - Jaws
"Kind of a bummer gettin' your butt kicked by a dead guy" - Col. T.C. McQueen, S:AaB-(Ray Butts)
"A kind word and a 2-by-4 is better than just a kind word" - Marcus Cole, Babylon 5
"WIVES...uh...aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves?" Starbuck - Living Legend
"Every creature in the Universe is out to exterminate us and YOU want to hire a vocal group." Boomer - Saga of a Starworld
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Old November 27th, 2006, 10:08 AM   #209
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My User name: Why I came to use it? Well it has been some now that came up with this name and stuck with it ever since and regardless of the BB or site that I frequent, I use it because in days and years of past, I had used many different names and it was getting to confusing for me to remember which user name for which BB / Site I wanted to log into. So that is when I decided to just change to just one user name and stick with it and when I joined up here at "colonialfleets" at first I was thinking maybe I will think of something new, but then I thought about it a little and I figured that It just might fit in.

How I came up with this user name, and seeing as I'm still the new kid on the block here I don't know who may or may not be a Gamer here, and for those that are, you may or ma not may remember a Game called "Earth And Beyond" Yes I’m a gamer. Anyhow the game was an online Multiplayer Role Playing Game and it was closest thing to a BSG and Star Trek (yuppers I’m Guilty I'm a Trekkie as well) that was a role playing game, and when you first started the game you had to pick / create a user name. I thought long and hard to come with it and what I felt it could or would mean and seeing as I like the philosophy (Honor,Respect,Honesty,to Better one self) of the Japanese People and for which they strive for everyday, in ones own life and family.

And thought back on the days when I was younger, I used to study the Martial Arts, not just to learn how to fight, but to learn how not to Fight and know ones own limits and to know when to just walk away and yet to learn how to defend ones self if and when the time came to. And That if you want Respect you have to earn it, is not given out just because you ask for it, in every day life and as well as within a family and then I thought back on Star Trek and the Charactor "Spok" he to embodied the same kind philosophy, then I though of which Charactor from BSG had embodied the same philosophy "Adama" but I wanted to different. I did not to come across as having to copy someone or thing, as much as I liked the ideas of both charactors, I wanted my user name to be unique and to be able to fit in and in more than one place alone. So Hence "JaiQwan" was Born

As for my Signature: I have always from the first time I heard "Spok" say "The Good Of The Many Outweigh The Good Of The Few Or The One" as he gave his own life to save the rest of the crew (yes I know it is just movie and charactor) but the idea of that line and that he was so willing to give up his life so others would not have to die. That not so simple act made me think of my own life and my family and the safety of my family, as well as what I would do If given the same choice? And so that is why I use that as part of my signature, as for the rest of it, it is the New (well it's year old now) Computer that I built for my self and to show the one creative side of me and for the Gamer in me "I never Wanna Grow Up" - "I'm A Toys R Us Kid"

Oh yeah as for my Avatar, there is not much I can choose from here, I'm guessing that is because Im still the new kid on the block and I need earn my stripes sorta kinda and have to fly some more missions. Well either that or get some more time in on Viper Training

Ummm okay I think that just about covers a wee wittle bit of me I think maybe kinda sorta
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Old November 27th, 2006, 04:56 PM   #210
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Originally Posted by JaiQwan

Oh yeah as for my Avatar, there is not much I can choose from here, I'm guessing that is because Im still the new kid on the block and I need earn my stripes sorta kinda and have to fly some more missions. Well either that or get some more time in on Viper Training

Ummm okay I think that just about covers a wee wittle bit of me I think maybe kinda sorta
Hi JaiQwan,

Welcome to Colonial Fleets!!

Regarding the Avatar, you may also upload an avatar from your home PC. The maximum dimension limits are 120x120 pixels and 20KB. Other than that, the only other qualification is that it be in good taste.


Lay down
Your sweet and weary head
The night is falling
You have come to journey's end
Sleep now
And dream of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across the distant shore .

Children are a message that we send
to a time that we will never see.
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