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Old January 23rd, 2005, 12:40 PM   #91
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Thanks, Darth.
I needed that.

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Your sweet and weary head
The night is falling
You have come to journey's end
Sleep now
And dream of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across the distant shore .

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to a time that we will never see.
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Old January 23rd, 2005, 12:55 PM   #92
Eric Paddon
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"Look I love TOS, but it has some classicly 70's cheesiness to it, but that is what makes it an endearing show to me, becuase I grew up with it. However, when looking to reach a broader audience they wanted to get rid of a lot of the "cheese" or whatever people want to call it."

Except here is a problem. When people run down so-called "cheese" of the original (I want to be honest. I HATE that word), they are always focusing on matters of execution that were common to TV of the time. That is a problem that also afflicts "Star Trek" in a whole host of episodes and I don't just mean "Spock's Brain." But has anyone ever said that Star Trek should have been "reinvented" in such a drastically altered way from its original characters and concepts just because of a large share of clunker episodes like "Patterns Of Force" with their cheap way of using WWII uniforms and the height of "cheese", "A Piece Of The Action" (which was "let's find a way to reuse all those leftover props and costumes from "The Untouchables" in a sci-fi series)?

So is it true as well with Galactica from the standpoint of one like me. You simply do as I have done in fanfic stories for the last decade and get rid of those hampering elements of storytelling while staying true to the characters, storyline and conceptual framework that is TOS. I've seen too many good creative minds demonstrate that those kinds of stories can be written and IMO that totally runs against the notion that the change in concept and characters was somehow needed to get this "wider demographic" that only Moore is supposed to have been capable of bringing about.
"They hate us with every fiber of their being. We love....freedom, independence, the right to question. To them it is an alien way of living."-The non-myopic wisdom of Commander Adama, "Saga Of A Star World"

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Old January 23rd, 2005, 04:49 PM   #93
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Nextceo....I take no offense to what you said and I agree.... a lot of people younger than most of us don't see past certain elements of TOS. And these are some of the same people who can't enjoy a classic black and white movie. it does sometimes take I believe someone a little special who can delve into the story itself to see what wonderful things are there. Like for example if I hear one more time about the "70's hair"................lol Anyway Nextceo I think i totally understand where you are comming from and it seems you understand me as well. I want to try to put all my past hurt and pain behind me and move on. Hopefully, I can. I know people say it was "only a T.V. show" and it is true but it is still something I loved and still love and it was handeled wrong and what can you do....???It is out of my hands and always has been other then my support of CFF and my letter writting I have done . The rest is up to the suits and we all know how they feel about us. It looks like some good links were posted to look at.......

BTW....BST....again some great points
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Old January 23rd, 2005, 10:40 PM   #94
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Darth, I've never seen that answer, but I like it very much!
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Old January 23rd, 2005, 10:49 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by Darth Marley
The one, true, correct answer to this age old question: the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

There's almost something "ZEN" about that answer.
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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Old January 25th, 2005, 05:46 PM   #96
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To all, great messages... I think we are on similar pages, I appreciate your comments, it was my goal not to come off wrong in my last post, hopefully it doesn't look like I did. I agree though I hate the word cheese, maybe you'd call it a positive family experience, but that is one of the things I enjoyed about the original. It is definitely less visible in the current iteration and I can see how people don't like the new version because of that (among other things). The current version is definitely more bleak, but I think you will see as the season goes along (yes, I've seen all the eps through 13, and watch weekly on sci-fi!) that the positives start to come out (although you get a heck of a twist in ep 13). Its not nearly as positive as TOS but more upbeat than the mini.

BST I agree with you there is a lot of talking about the bad and less about the good on TV. I think honestly a lot of it is trying to delve into interesting characters and that darker characters with a lot of neroses are easier to pull of than positive ones in the current market. I wish we did have more positive characters on shows (that is why Apollo is my favorite character on TNS (TOS as well), he continues to stand up for what is right down to the end). I do agree with you though we need more positive feedback on TV. I own my own small production company and we primarily cater to doing promotional video and DVD work for companies. I'm currently working on a project to develop an interview show (for distribution on PBS) that focuses on the positives in life (as we need to see more of it on TV) and hopefully we can get that project off the ground this summer.

Thank you for all of your input, I definitely have a better idea of where you are all coming from, and I'm glad I think many of you can see my viewpoint as well. Hopefully we can continue to work for the betterment of BSG, whether we support TOS, TNS, or both....
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Old January 26th, 2005, 10:10 AM   #97
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Originally Posted by BST
Good post, nextceo.

A couple of points I'd like to discuss, though:

A wider demographic? If I recall, TNS is actually directed toward a narrower demographic than TOS, the 18-25 age group, and their location at the 10:00 PM timeslot is indicative of that. TOS, on the other hand, was more widely directed toward the entire family, i.e., prime-time.


You were around when "things went down" ... "think a lot of TOS fans blew things out of proportion..."? I agree that there are no angels on either side of the fence but, give me a break. The first salvos of the Clone Wars were set off by the "new show" proponents. Our reaction may have been less than stellar, in some cases, but I don't fault people for their reaction. When the perpetrator of the Clone Wars was exposed, it was found to be one or two people having created multiple handles which gave the impression of nothing but, undying love for the new show. Combined with Sci-Fi's hard-core moderation of their bboard which, in some cases, meant total censorship of any post EXCEPT ones that praised the new show, and you have the seeds for animosity in full bloom.

Yeah, it happened. We dealt with it and many of us are not proud of that time period but, as you can see, many of us have not forgotten it, either. It was a defining moment of sorts for this fandom and it began the schism that has developed amongst TOS and TNS fans.


..."they just thought it was too "cheesy" because it didn't reach their sensibilities"

One of the more reviled elements, indicated by many of the new show fans, is about the "kid and the daggit". To me, that was one of the more heart-warming parts of the show. Does anyone know why the daggit became part of the show? Go back to Saga when Serina confronts Apollo and explains how 'down-hearted' Boxey is, due to the loss of his pet - his best friend. The subsequent scene has Apollo befriending Boxey and giving him one of his lapel pins. (Later, Apollo works with Dr. Wilker, to develop a mechanical daggit for Boxey, trying to replace the one lost on Caprica.) After the scene with Boxey, Apollo and Serina talk again and Apollo remarks, "What's a warrior to do after losing the big one, .... win a few of the little ones."

That scene epitomized, for me, the love that one person has for another. It's this type of message that endeared TOS to me. It was a quite sensible message, even for a 17/18 year old, to grasp.

But, apparently that type of message is not favored any longer. Now, it appears that each and every person has to have an inner struggle from which to overcome, in order to make things interesting.

Do people, in general and in real life, think that our existence is really that bad? Is there nothing good that people can see, about life?
Do we always have to view the glass as being half-empty? Can it not be viewed as being half-full?

I'd rather have a show that I can sit and watch with kids like TOS was then to have a show where they cannot see what made me a fan of such a show till they were old enough to watch!

Cheese: [has tinfoil on his teeth] I have braces!
Mac: You found that on the ground, didn't you?
Cheese: Garbage can.
-episode "Mac Daddy"Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends"
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