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Old October 25th, 2004, 07:38 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by Rowan
Um I'm from Quebec born and raised Let me assure you it's a very small noisy bunch who feel this way. Quebec has had 2 referendums on this issue and both time the vote was in favour of remaining apart of Canada, I think that is pretty clear that they don't want to leave.
You'd never know based on what we see on the news here.

No insult intended Some great people have come from that province (You and Bill Shatner to name a couple.)

I've been to Montreal twice and don't plan on going back. I don't speak French and no more baseball (can't see my Pirates there anymore).
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Old October 25th, 2004, 07:50 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by warhammerdriver
That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure.

Shows how much I really know about my neighbors 90 miles to the north

(Well, they are the ones who want to secede because they think speaking English is an insult. Talk about arrogant. I'd MUCH rather deal with a tourist from New Jersey than one from Quebec.)
Um I'm from Quebec born and raised Let me assure you it's a very small noisy bunch who feel this way. Quebec has had 2 referendums on this issue and both time the vote was in favour of remaining apart of Canada, I think that is pretty clear that they don't want to leave.
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Old October 25th, 2004, 07:54 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by warhammerdriver
You'd never know based on what we see on the news here.

No insult intended Some great people have come from that province (You and Bill Shatner to name a couple.)

I've been to Montreal twice and don't plan on going back. I don't speak French and no more baseball (can't see my Pirates there anymore).
Sooooooo, you like the Buccos, too?
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The night is falling
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Old October 25th, 2004, 10:16 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by Bijou88
It was a pretty close vote if I recall correctly. It also seemed to break along generational lines. Younger Quebecois (Spelling?) wanted to secede while older citizens of Quebec wanted to stay a part of Canada. I can see the romance in an independent and soverign Quebec. But I feel it would cause more problems than it would solve.

In 1980 the vote was 59.6 voting to remain a part of Canada with 85 % of registered voters voting
in 1995 it was 50.58 voting to remain with 94% of registered voters participating
The thing to remember though is that during that time period there were at least 2 major mass exodus of business and people from Quebec after bill 101 many Quebecois were disenfranchised with the ruling party and where Quebec was headed. Instead of fighting what was happening big business tucked their tails in and ran to Toronto.
So when it came time for the second referendum it was mostly the French people of Quebec voting by then.
The other thing to understand about the French people of Quebec, They have been a deeply religious people who basically blindly followed their religious leaders, in the last 60 or so years the French people of Quebec went from blindly following their religious leaders to blindly following their political leaders. They are tempted by a dream that was dangled in front of them by political leaders without considering the logistics of it and the full ramifications of it.
They are tempted by a dream that was dangled in front of them by political leaders without considering the logistics of it and the full ramifications of it. Ignorance accounts for the high percentage of the yes vote or you could say the yes votes represent the amount of dreamers in Quebec
Unfortunately I was too young to vote the first time and not living in Quebec by the second referendum, but people from all over Canada showed up for that Referendum they flew, bused and drove in from all over Canada to lend their support it was a truly amazing moment in Canadian history!

The October 1995 "NO!" rally in Montreal, The entire downtown Montreal core was closed to cars and was overrun with waving flags.

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Old October 25th, 2004, 10:23 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by warhammerdriver
You'd never know based on what we see on the news here.

No insult intended Some great people have come from that province (You and Bill Shatner to name a couple.)

I've been to Montreal twice and don't plan on going back. I don't speak French and no more baseball (can't see my Pirates there anymore).

Nice save WHD
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Old October 26th, 2004, 06:22 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by BST
Sooooooo, you like the Buccos, too?
Yep. Spent a lot of time at Three Rivers watching them play. Was at the last game of the '79 NLCS. Had field level box seats. Mom and Dad had to hold me down after the last out to keep me from running onto the field. What can I say, I was 13 at the time.
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Old October 27th, 2004, 03:50 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Bijou88
I can't imagine why someone in the military today would vote for Bush. He clearly put our men and women in uniform in harm's way recklessly and unnecessarily. Prior to the invasion he made it sound like Iraq was floating on a sea of poison gas and disease bacteria. If he let the inspectors do their work he would have found out that Iraq didn't have any WMDs since 1991. Saddam and his sons were all rotton SOBs. But they were toothless bullies who wanted to keep Iraq secular so they could stay fat and happy off of illeagal oil profits. They did not pose an clear and present danger to the U.S.
Afganistan is a different story. This is where Al Queda had a stonghold under the Taliban. It made sense to go where the 9-11 plotters were holed up. Now, however, Afganistan is a side-show to Bush's fiasco in Iraq. Troops and supplies that should be in Afganistan are instead sent to Iraq. Osama Bin Ladin is still on the loose. Afganistan is not secured. Bandits and Warlords rule much of the country. These thugs have returned Afganistan the dubious title of the #1 exporter of heroine in the world. Instead, Bush and his cronies claim that Iraq is an important front on the war on terror. It is...now that he has invaded it. Iraq is Al Queda's greatest recruiting tool. New terrorists are recruited every day to fight American forces in Iraq. If you think America's brave fighting men and women should die fighting imagined threats, vote for Bush. If you enjoy being lied to, vote for Bush. If you like to have your enlistment involuntarily and indefinitely extended...vote for Bush. If you think tortureing prisoners should be even considered...vote for Bush. If you are willing to die so that Halliburton and the Saudi's can cash in...vote for Bush. If you think running up a multi billion dept for Iraq that will take generations to pay off is a good idea...vote for Bush.

George W Bush
It was necessary. The reason why the people in the military are voting for
Bush and NOT for Kerry is they know {USING HIS RECORD as a SENATOR as a GUIDE} that there is NO WAY that KERRY will support them.


And as for fighting in IRAQ for NO REASON those EXPLOSIVES would never
have COME UP MISSING if the LIBERALS and the UN had supported the US
in the first place. The explosives were ALREADY MISSING when America
finally invaded IRAQ. KERRY and CBS are LIEING through their TEETH!

JUST as they did when Rather Aired the "VIETNAM DOCUMENTARY" over
60 years ago about all of the veterans suffering because of the SO
called Atrocities that they 'said' they witnessed or DID. It turned out
on THAT ONE ......only ONE of those 'soldiers' ever SERVED in COMBAT.

JUST as they did when Rather aired the "MEMOGATE" .........The
memo that was actually created on MICROSOFT using a NON EXISTENT
address with the WRONG DATES even.

In my opinion with Senator Kerry OPENLY using QUESTIONABLE tactics
with out right LIES and MORE false documentation ...........
he has reached a BRAND NEW LOW in my book.

In short .......the Military supports BUSH because BUSH supports THEM and
the people in the military know that Kerry won't
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Old October 27th, 2004, 07:32 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by shiningstar
It was necessary. The reason why the people in the military are voting for
Bush and NOT for Kerry is they know {USING HIS RECORD as a SENATOR as a GUIDE} that there is NO WAY that KERRY will support them.


And as for fighting in IRAQ for NO REASON those EXPLOSIVES would never
have COME UP MISSING if the LIBERALS and the UN had supported the US
in the first place. The explosives were ALREADY MISSING when America
finally invaded IRAQ. KERRY and CBS are LIEING through their TEETH!

JUST as they did when Rather Aired the "VIETNAM DOCUMENTARY" over
60 years ago about all of the veterans suffering because of the SO
called Atrocities that they 'said' they witnessed or DID. It turned out
on THAT ONE ......only ONE of those 'soldiers' ever SERVED in COMBAT.

JUST as they did when Rather aired the "MEMOGATE" .........The
memo that was actually created on MICROSOFT using a NON EXISTENT
address with the WRONG DATES even.

In my opinion with Senator Kerry OPENLY using QUESTIONABLE tactics
with out right LIES and MORE false documentation ...........
he has reached a BRAND NEW LOW in my book.

In short .......the Military supports BUSH because BUSH supports THEM and
the people in the military know that Kerry won't

Well said, SS, well said.

The men he served with in Vietnam have openly called him a liar and a cheat. Even his Purple Hearts he recieved are questionable. The Navy has said that the paperwork was in order and the evidence they received was adequate. I do believe that statement to be true. But did the events occur as they were described? Was the evidence clean or was it tampered with? Was the evidence even what it was claimed to be? I don't think so.
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Old October 28th, 2004, 12:21 PM   #69
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I can't answer for his MILITARY Record but Having Read his VOTING record
for the last TWENTY YEARS ..............THAT I can answer for.

And with the way he has voted; our country would be better of WITHOUT
this MAN as Commander in chief and President of OUR country.
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Old October 31st, 2004, 12:38 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by shiningstar
In short .......the Military supports BUSH because BUSH supports THEM and
the people in the military know that Kerry won't
Have you listened to the taped conversation with Lt. Rieckhoff? I posted it here in the hopes that people would at least listen to what someone in the military is saying about the Bush administration and the war in Iraq and Afganistan you might be surprised to hear how they actually feel and not what the propaganda would have you believe.

If Bush supports the military then
  • Why did he cut 6 billion in Veterans benefits in the 2004 fiscal year?
  • Why did he oppose the 6,000 dollar increase in benefits to families of soldiers who die in combat?
  • Why did Bush close 7 veteran Hospitals?
  • Why has he never attended a single memorial for soldiers killed in Iraq?
Kerry actually fought! unlike Bush. Kerry has been in the military and experienced what they are experiencing who better to understand the military than someone who has been there and lived what they are living!
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Old October 31st, 2004, 01:52 PM   #71
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plain and simply, i have family fighting in iraq as we speak and i know what they think

and it's not proaganda they hate kerry and his lies, and they are extremly p$#$ed off

at the lies the media are portraying, the iraqie people are glad to be rid of

hussane and are happy to have troops there.

i'm sorry if anyone is offened by my words, but i will not stand and listen to

people bad mouth my counrty, my militery, or my president.

if you live in the u.s. and hate it so much........leave we won't miss you

if you don't live here and don't vote for our leaders, i don't beleive you have the

right to bad mouth the U.S. or it's leaders.

again if i have offended anyone sorry, but i've had it with all the crap being

thrown around
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Old November 1st, 2004, 03:59 PM   #72
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I believe that people get the governments that they deserve. If Bush is re-elected ( or should that be elected for the first time?) it will be our fault when the house of cards he is constructing collapes around us.
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Old November 2nd, 2004, 01:12 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by braxiss
plain and simply, i have family fighting in iraq as we speak and i know what they think You can proud of them.

and it's not proaganda they hate kerry and his lies, and they are extremly p$#$ed off

at the lies the media are portraying, the iraqie people are glad to be rid of

hussane and are happy to have troops there.

i'm sorry if anyone is offened by my words, but i will not stand and listen to

people bad mouth my counrty, my militery, or my president.

if you live in the u.s. and hate it so much........leave we won't miss youAccording to your constitution, they do have the right to bitch and complain about things they don't like.

if you don't live here and don't vote for our leaders, i don't beleive you have the

right to bad mouth the U.S. or it's leaders.I'm not so sure. I understand that this may be difficult for most American's to see, but your country, since WW2, has been engaging what could best be termed 'gunboat diplomacy'. Washington seems to have this belief that since they are the lone, remaining superpower. Every other nation pretty much has to comply with their demands. It's either that or face sanctions or worse. Citizens of other nations do have the right to complain about it if Washington does something they don't like, because the thing that we are afraid of most is voting in someone with a worse foreign policy record than GW.

again if i have offended anyone sorry, but i've had it with all the crap being

thrown around
This isn't a slam at you, B. But the respect that used to be directed at the US has slowly been evolving into fear. And either Washington hasn't noticed, or doesn't care.
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Old November 2nd, 2004, 01:20 PM   #74
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Now that being said, I vote that Osama shaves in a shark-tank.
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Old November 2nd, 2004, 04:25 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Archangel
Now that being said, I vote that Osama shaves in a shark-tank.
with no shaving cream/soap and a dull, rusty razor
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Old November 2nd, 2004, 04:48 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Archangel
Now that being said, I vote that Osama shaves in a shark-tank.
That sounds good to me.
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Old November 3rd, 2004, 04:50 PM   #77
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My brother in the U.S. Air Force who has been to both Iraq and Afghanistan during this war and served like me during the Gulf War called me this morning to say he was up all night watching the election. He said, "We dodged a bullet. Thank God Bush won." He then told me that of every airman in his shop only one supported Kerry. I think his perception is the norm in the military. I wouldn't take the word of the one Kerry man in his shop and think it reflects the reality of the military view of the war.

I have many friends that have served in Iraq and one going back for a third time. Everyone of them voted for Bush.
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