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Old October 10th, 2006, 06:09 PM   #61
David Kerin
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Thanks guys. That actually means alot. Being a fan for so long I probably would have done these for myself, but getting feedback and such positive support, well it makes all the difference in the world. I'm glad people are enjoying them. If anything, I feel moreso than ever, that the original Battlestar is not going away anytime fast. It has a big support out there and will be around, no matter how many publications try to tell us differently.
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Old October 10th, 2006, 07:42 PM   #62
Aussie Warrior
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I just hope they reward the fanbase in the future and give us a movie

We've seen what David Kerin has done with the models of the Vipers etc incorporated into the original episodes, we've seen the pictures of what DeSanto planned out for a series in 2001 and we've seen what Richard Hatch envisioned in 1999, it shows that BSG can match the standards required for audiences in 2006 and could potentially do something people been asking for, tell a good story
Still working on BSG: The Colonials Desperation after 6 years and a million stumbling blocks
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Old October 12th, 2006, 05:40 AM   #63
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Think its fair to say, its long overdue that Galactica have some kind of special edition based on its pilot episode. Which was to be quite fair, bigger in scale than even the creator and producers knew of at the time.

The first of its kind that cost several million dollars and was very wide scale in its epic nature and depth as a vast space opera. Judging from the 3 episodes of the pilot, its no wonder David's spend alot of time gong over what made the pilot so inspirational in the first place. And as BSGDan said elsewhere's...

I can only come up with two things that would make this Special Edition of "Saga of a Star World" (and other episodes) happen.

First, the stuff that has been seen on YouTube. It looks very good, and needs to be completed for the entire episode. Stock footage that is seen over and over again in the original needs to be replaced with imaginative new shots of exciting Raider/Viper battle scenes. When that is done, it needs to be circulated on the net and throughout the fan community with an open letter to Universal about our desire for an official release of it. Basically, the same tactics that has led to the Donner Cut of "Superman II". It could be posted on-line, and DVDs could be made and distributed by fans to other fans before Universal's inevitable "Cease & Desist" order could be issued. By that time, it would be out there, and the people would be talking. That, of course, would lead Universal Home Video to revisit the idea.

Secondly, if the original episodes of "Star Trek" with the new digital effects proves to be a hit in both syndication and on DVD, Universal may want to revisit GALACTICA in much the same way (for DVD, since there aren't enough episodes for syndication).

So, Mr. Kerin, keep up the good work and give us what we want. It would be a shame if you wern't compensated for your work, but it sure would make many of us happy campers.

Lets hope just like several of the Phantom Menace edited Star Wars fan cuts, that other BG fans make 'Special Editions' of the pilot episode as well! Universal Studios would only take much more interest in Galactica's still untapped potential, if in some respects, TOS BG fans were taking a few liberities with what they owned and then they themselves might finally make the choice to fulfil every Galactica fans request and announce a set of "Special Edition" style episodes along with DVD extras that weren't released on the 2003 Battlestar Galactica DVD's the first time around.

You should be damn proud of yourself David Kerin, for starting this thing and getting its ball rolling. And i've meant what i've said throughout it all. You truly should have your work leaked to the original cast, Glen Larson himself and even Tom DeSanto. I'm sure they'd be flattered somewhat, and god knows if anything Larson and DeSanto need that kind of "mental" push from fans to motivate them into doing something with those copyrights for Galactica's film franchise if its not too late already.

You've given the old girl a paint job she's needed and addressed those nagging questions and errors of the series we've all wanted to see cleared up. I hope you'll could even perhaps hook up with Titon and a few other CGI artists on this BG website for example and together produce special editions of the other Galactica episodes with some help and input from one another. Won't happen now but perhaps such team work can come about later on at another date and time in the future so to speak?!

A collaboration of artists working together might make these BG fan edits even better and more of a fanbase thing rather than one person acting as a rogue outsider, and seeing this effort as a blatant "re-edit" of existing stuff to make bootlegs for the hell of it etc.

Originally Posted by Aussie Warrior
I just hope they reward the fanbase in the future and give us a movie

We've seen what David Kerin has done with the models of the Vipers etc incorporated into the original episodes, we've seen the pictures of what DeSanto planned out for a series in 2001 and we've seen what Richard Hatch envisioned in 1999, it shows that BSG can match the standards required for audiences in 2006 and could potentially do something people been asking for, tell a good story
Well said Aussie Warrior. Now if only those rich but 'out of touch' guys and gals in 'Armani' suits the boardrooms of those fancy Hollywood studio executive offices, who control all those multi-millions could see what everybody else, the fans and average joes have known for the longest time going. And actually invite Glen Larson and Tom DeSanto over for lunch and have a long ass chit chat over the film versions of the original Battlestar Galactica. And we'd have a movie series of Galactica flicks announced and going on into pre-production by now.

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Old October 12th, 2006, 06:21 AM   #64
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I think the man who done the Phantom Menace cut was Jack Marshall who worked on the Star Trek fan production "New Voyages" and now works on the current BSG series

They've said recently Star Trek was suffering from franchise fatigue etc but when Trekunited done a count up of fan productions the number sits currently at around 25 which is alot of series going on for a tired franchise.
BSG has some fan productions that we know obviously know about and that is a sign that there is so much life in the original BSG and that to satisfy their own tastes, now we got the fan edits it shows that there is a demand for new material even if the fans have to do their own supplying

hopefully a suit has to see this and push for Universal to start making a supply to satisfy the demand, never give up our day can still come
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Old October 12th, 2006, 05:17 PM   #65
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I can't wait till I see DK's Saga. Man I really enjoyed this stuff. The only complaint I had was that the soundtrack on Judgment day didn't quite match up with the lips, was a bit delayed. Other than that, it's really great stuff.
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Old October 12th, 2006, 08:03 PM   #66
David Kerin
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Hmmm... Judgement Day lip sync. Don't have that problem here, I wonder if something happened when I transferred it to xvid format.
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Old October 12th, 2006, 08:15 PM   #67
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No biggie really. It's still enjoyable.
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Old October 13th, 2006, 02:26 PM   #68
David Kerin
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Just an fyi, I have taken the re-edit files off of demonoid. Partly there was little to no activity, and I will be uploading the Saga re-edit hopefully within the week. So the files are out there, Bob and Aussie are helping to share, and I hope fans will share in other ways. Please feel free to make copies for friends who may be intersted.

I'll start a new thread when the Saga edit goes online.

Ah, the weekend is here. A little relaxing, a little freelance to finish, a little garage to clean out so my car can get in the garage... good times.
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Old October 13th, 2006, 02:35 PM   #69
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Where is it, I am a little lost
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Old October 13th, 2006, 05:09 PM   #70
David Kerin
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It is not up yet (Saga). Will hopefully finish any final tweaking this weekend then will upload. When I get it uploaded I'll start a new thread in this section. So if all goes well, it will be online within the week.
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Old October 13th, 2006, 05:18 PM   #71
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Well get busy, let the lawn and garage go, your audience awaits
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Old October 14th, 2006, 08:05 AM   #72
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Great to hear of David, thanks for the update.

And i also want to see SteveW's Galactica based ship designs in the extended pilot cut of BG as well. Looks like both of you will have the chance to show off your 3D CGI ship designs in this thing once its out there to all the masses online. Which no doubt further expands upon all the things in the Galactica universe in a positive new light.

Originally Posted by David Kerin
It is not up yet (Saga). Will hopefully finish any final tweaking this weekend then will upload. When I get it uploaded I'll start a new thread in this section. So if all goes well, it will be online within the week.
Sounds all good. I was wondering though David. Would you consider releasing several alternate versions of the pilot re-edit that you've envisioned in the editing stages? By that i mean other concepts and ideas you might have had or abandoned etc. Or will you put up a minor deleted scenes section on your Saga DVD with alternate clips that you had in mind?

Also, i was thinking since you left out the SFX of the Sci-Fi Channel's re-imaginning version of Galactica in your "Saga" recut. Did you consider including any Battlestar Galactica cutscenes from the "Warthog" Video game? I'm looking for a website that rips video game cutscenes and wondered if you'd be thinking of doing another cut of the pilot later on and wouldn't mind including some of the game's footage instead, since the game is closer somewhat to the original series than the re-imaginning. Or at the very least is a combination of both incarnations somewhat?

Anyways just asking is all. Please don't think of it as any more burdens on your plate from us lot, seeing as you've done so much and need a well deserved break right now.

Wishing you all the best with this "granddaddy" of a special edition and future BG edits chief!

Kneel before Zod!!!
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Old October 14th, 2006, 01:46 PM   #73
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Good news is I can now get my car in the garage. One thing done. Second thing is re-arranging my daughter's room. Wasn't expecting that one. Well underway. Freelance project going okay. And my wife and I have a chance to get out tonight. So with all that, everything is going well.

I have a couple little things I'd like to change, and wondering if they are worth it. (in the re-edit) I know they're small, but they'll always bug me if I dont.

As for alternate versions, there really aren't any. One would have been the Serina illness scenes, but I scratched that early on so I never worked those in. And I initially used some Warthog game animations in the Experiment in Terra re-edit, but they really stood out against the original footage. So I eventually took those out and decided to stick as much with the original as possible. There stuff is beautiful though.

I'll probably put as an extra on the DVD all the raw fx footage created for the re-edit, for those who may be curious. If all goes well I may be uploading Sunday night.

Fingers crossed.
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Old October 14th, 2006, 01:49 PM   #74
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Sounds great David
Now back to work

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Old October 15th, 2006, 09:11 AM   #75
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Battlestar Galactica 1978

The goosebumps are forming already for this puppy

Can't wait.

Anyways, how big will this thing be? Not that it matters to me cos if the iso for the re-edit is over 4 gig for quality and whatnot. I suggest everybody use "DVD Shrink" to make it ready to fit onto a regular sized DVD (4.7gig). Although i take it most people on here can burn a 'dual layered' DVD (8.5gig) though.

Originally Posted by David Kerin
As for alternate versions, there really aren't any. One would have been the Serina illness scenes, but I scratched that early on so I never worked those in. And I initially used some Warthog game animations in the Experiment in Terra re-edit, but they really stood out against the original footage. So I eventually took those out and decided to stick as much with the original as possible. There stuff is beautiful though.

I'll probably put as an extra on the DVD all the raw fx footage created for the re-edit, for those who may be curious. If all goes well I may be uploading Sunday night.

Fingers crossed.
Yeah the 'Warthog' stuff is great, i figured the 'asteroid Viper/Raider chase' and 'Fuel Tanker battle' along with the 'hyperspace jumps', might be good to insert at the end of the BG pilot seeing as most of that had repeat stock footage used too much and all. And brief snippets of the Cylons talking to Imperious Leader. But then you'd have to include the Warthog styled Cylons into 'Saga' which is way too much to balance out here for a mere fan edit? Be better to make you're own fan film in that respect instead.

Moving on, i was thinking along some funnier humorous kinda way. What would be a great way for get Dave's saga recut out to the masses besides the internet?

So in jest, entertain these theories and wonder what might happen if this were so.

1) Hire the original DVD release of Battlestar Galactica from Blockbusters for two nights and replace it with Dave's cut when you return it. Then brag to the person on the counter Where exactly did you find this special edition of Galactica from, its fantastic all those new scenes and whatnot etc!.

Tell them its so good, that they should watch it, copy it and spread it around etc...

2) Hire the original VHS tape movie edition of Galactica and record the David Kerin special edition cut onto a 3 hour tape, THEN return it back to the shop. [insert same counter conversation with the shop employee as before etc]

3) Instead of the latest movie being torrented online at the current moment, lie and replace the file with the DK BG fan re-edit. (downloading the wrong movie happens all the time doesn't it?)

4) Replace Empire Magazine's offer (see Empire Magazine out now!*) for a free DVD of the BG movie with Dave's cut instead. Ring up the Empire offices and offer them Dave's cut instead.

5) Get a job working at one of the biggest shopping mall chains, in the high street. And replace the movie versions of the official Battlestar Galactica movie DVD with the Dave Kerin BG fan re-edit SE of SOATW. Er....come to think of it replace the 2003 re-imaginning mini series for sanity reasons, with the soon to be released excellent DK cut as well!!!

Ah, if only huh.

Seriously though, its only going to be for fan entertainment and further enjoyment of BG for fans and casual sci-fi folks alike. So i take it, the humor here is understood right? I'm passionate for BG, but not that PASSIONATE!

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Old October 15th, 2006, 09:38 AM   #76
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Starting to type new topic, will see it shortly.
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Old October 15th, 2006, 09:38 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by David Kerin
*a DeSanto Viper appears in one shot.
I hope the next fan re-edit of yours has a Steve Paraday "Scarlet Viper" in it, as well as Mike McAdams styled Colonial Viper making a cameo appearence in the background too.

And what about those Cobra Vipers? or Colonial Bombers. Has anyone in fandom designed a 'Duet' Viper from the Battlestar Pegasus from the novel 'Warhawk' or any other Richard Hatch novel addition to the Galactica universe yet like the unseen Azure-class Vipers even?

If the DeSanto Viper can make a cameo "easter egg" appearence, certainly fans would surely ask for other designs to rear their heads and all too.

Well at least for now we're getting SteveW's ships in there. Which should be neat for starters.

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Old October 15th, 2006, 09:44 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by David Kerin
Starting to type new topic, will see it shortly.

Thank you sir!

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