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Old March 31st, 2004, 01:45 PM   #61
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I've thought all along that you could get Richard Hatch in the show so long as its a real role and his character is not killed off.

Assumming Richard Hatch "breaks ranks" I expect it likely we may see Dirk Benedict also. He however will also need to get a real role. I wonder if either of the two are going to be the new "Commander Caine" figure?

If that happens it will open the flood gates to Herb Jefferson and the rest to appear even in one time episodes without a return.

Although some may be angry at them I think it may help the show be having the "TOS" influence around and maybe opening the door for some fans that refused to give the show a chance.

I'm not knocking those of you that watched the mini but didn't like it. I am referring to the audience that didn't like it before they knew what it was. The old cast will indirectly be reaching out to the "just give it a chance" crowd.

As I say, "Hope for the best" maybe Richard Hatch's potential involvement will move the show in the direction some of you are still waiting for but haven't seen yet.

This reminds me of when the NFL had the strike and played the games with the scab players. I cheered the scab Dolphins because they were still my team and the games counted. I cheered when some veterans broke ranks and rejoined the team. I cheered when the strike was over and we were all one happy family again.
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Old March 31st, 2004, 02:08 PM   #62
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Although some may be angry at them I think it may help the show be having the "TOS" influence around and maybe opening the door for some fans that refused to give the show a chance.
Having the "TOS" actors in the new show will make NO difference to me. You see, Antelope, it was the direction that Moore took the show that I didn't like. Hell, they could resurrect Lorne Greene, John Colicos, Lloyd Bridges, and Jonathan Harris and it would still make no difference. It's Moore's telling of the story that I didn't care for, not who was in it.

Just the same, thanks for trying to reach out. It's appreciated.
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Old March 31st, 2004, 02:11 PM   #63
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You're just a cheerful person, aren't you, antelope?

Just for the record, nothing has been said yet about even a role being offered. There has been a meeting our two. Remember, too, that both of them have refused appearance opportunities on this thing before now.

And Richard won't be "breaking ranks" with anybody, even if he were to accept a role. To use a term like that is to perpetuate a split between TOS and mini fans that really isn't there (except in the minds of a few who enjoy conflict).

When casting choices and actor signings are announced is when anything said on these boards goes beyond uninformed speculation.

And it still won't make any difference at all.

Edit: What BST said. Yeah.

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Old March 31st, 2004, 02:17 PM   #64
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It been a while since I posted but I thought I would put me two cent worth.

Simply put, too much is being made out of this. Some are suggesting that Ron Moore is desperate to get more support. Others believe its a rating gimick.

Well, first of all, the series has not started yet and the mini had good rating so how can this be a need for desparation? And I don't think a deal with Hatch will make or break the series. As for a rating gmick, well Duh!!! Like George Clooney and Noah Wyle playing doctors on Friends, or Harry Connick Jr. play Grace's husband on Will and Grace. Whoopi Goldberg on Star Trek. Did you know that Robin Williams wanted to play a part on STNG but was too busy. Celeberty guest and cameos are not unsually but they do get a lot of attention when it happens.

If Richard Hatch does do an episode, I believe there will be a rating spike when it airs (its called curiosity). In the end, it Richard Hatch's decision and I wish him well on whatever he decide to do.

BST make a very good point. I am a big fan of Star Trek and a big fan of Scott Bakula but I just can't seem to like Star Trek Enterprise. The concept does not work for me. Although the new Galactica does work for me, I know people think overwise and no matter who you cast it won't change their view of the show. Take you favorite Pop song, then it made into a country song? Would you like? What if you don't like the sound of country music? Its still the song but not "your song".

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Old March 31st, 2004, 02:50 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Dawg
And Richard won't be "breaking ranks" with anybody, even if he were to accept a role. To use a term like that is to perpetuate a split between TOS and mini fans that really isn't there (except in the minds of a few who enjoy conflict).
I think denying that a split already exists on a lot of levels ends up denying the reality of what in fact is. And while I can't speak for others, I do not "enjoy" any kind of conflict at all. But I do think that if (and I am stressing the word if) this were to happen it would not be good for continuation backers, and would for whatever reasons Richard decided to do it, ultimately give Ron Moore and his supporters the chance they need at getting a credibility boost with TOS fans who remain (justifiably IMO) angry with him and totally undercut the case for a continuation.

While I personally would not use the term "breaking ranks" if it were to happen it would disappoint me, because I felt Richard's valiant attempt to defend the original series in the disgraceful Sci-Fi making of special, which even included a lot of censoring of criticisms he made of the mini, was his finest hour ever IMO (I confess I do not like any of his books). To see him then take part in a project that I think is now trying to exploit the original after running it down for so long, would be very difficult for me to take (as if there hasn't already been enough things abou this that have been difficult to take).

If Richard were to do this, and then others were to follow suit, then the common sense question that would then get asked is, "Why even bother doing anything else with these people called Battlestar Galactica when its obvious they're willing to do the remake?" and that prevailing attitude among the Powers That Be would ultimately carry the day most as far as the viability of a contiunation getting made is concerned.
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Old March 31st, 2004, 03:30 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by bsg1fan1975
I hope there is word from Larson soon. The waiting is killing me and I agree with Shiningstar. The only person who knows what Richard is going to do is him. The rest of us will just have to wait and see.

Well stated. Hopefully the Larson camp will start a website.
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Old March 31st, 2004, 04:13 PM   #67
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"breaking ranks":

I originally put that in quotes specifically because some assume that the TOS actors and writers are on "our team" against the mini. I know some will think Richard Hatch dissapointed them if he takes a role. I myself do not think there is a "team" in the minds of the cast and writers on either "side".

Prior to the announcement of the series it was in some people's interest (and I don't mean the fans) to exacerbate the conflict between the fan base and the mini in the hope of killing the Moore series before it launched. Now that the series is a fact those reasons no longer exist. I think we will be amazed to start seeing a lot more amicable comments about each other by all people professionally associated with all aspects of Battlestar Galactica.

I am trying to be cheerful. Remember my HOPE is to see the new series take off at a point similar to a potential TOS season 2 character and storywise if not necesarily character namewise. If the series is to happen don't we all want it to move toward the spirit of TOS as we perceive it? I have HOPE that we will all be pleasantly surprised with the series. Anything Richard Hatch or any one else can do to move the show in that direction to me is a positive developement.

Dirk Benedict already appeared in the mini "Low Down" so anything is possible.

Thus far Richard Hatch did the smart thing:

He was on record as against the mini before it aired along with the majority of his fans.
If it tanked he would be in the best position he could. Now that it succeeded if he joins he can help "save" the show. If ratings drop and he is in a few episodes he can say no one listened to him (maybe they didn't) and drop out. If it does well he will be part of the rising tide raising all boats.

If Richard Hatch takes a role (which is still speculation) it will be the best move for him, the fans, and the franchise.

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Old March 31st, 2004, 04:32 PM   #68
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Eric P.:
counterpoint to your last point: Why make another thing with the same characters?
To capture that majority of the audience from the original that wanted nothing to do with the remake.

Lost in Space had this happen. The did the movie, many fans hated it, original cast members did cameos. NBC (I think it was) said "lets do a show where we bring the Robinson's back (original cast) rescue them and then lose the rescue party, letting them be the new generation lost in space." The show was either about to shoot or was shooting when Jonathan Harris died unexpectedly. That ended up pausing and then stopping that phase of that project. (I know the current project is a new cast, but this is also about 1.5 years after Harris' death.)

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Old March 31st, 2004, 08:14 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by jewels
To capture that majority of the audience from the original that wanted nothing to do with the remake.
Well yes, that's why I want to see a continuation, but I think my point is that the people who are responsible for greenlighting such a project ultimately, which have to include studio execs and/or distributors who would have to be sold the idea by Larson, DeSanto or whoever, will ultimately take the position of why should they bother if the original cast is already now playing a semi-major to big role in the reimagined version in new roles. Ultimately it isn't just Larson and DeSanto who need convincing, it's other people in the industry as well who can help insure that such a continuation would be a quality effort with a good budget etc. And I don't see them being impressed by the viability of a continuation separate from the remake if original cast members start jumping on board the remake bandwagon.
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Old March 31st, 2004, 08:28 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by antelope526
Prior to the announcement of the series it was in some people's interest (and I don't mean the fans) to exacerbate the conflict between the fan base and the mini in the hope of killing the Moore series before it launched. Now that the series is a fact those reasons no longer exist. I think we will be amazed to start seeing a lot more amicable comments about each other by all people professionally associated with all aspects of Battlestar Galactica..
I can't agree with that for the simple fact that for fans like myself, and I think there are many who feel the same way, we do not *want* this series to succeed. I will be the first to admit I want it tank and fail big time because for me, I do not believe a continuation of what I have hoped and wished to see for 25 years will ever happen if the series is a hit.

Originally Posted by antelope526
If the series is to happen don't we all want it to move toward the spirit of TOS as we perceive it? I have HOPE that we will all be pleasantly surprised with the series. Anything Richard Hatch or any one else can do to move the show in that direction to me is a positive developement.
For myself, seeing the remake suddenly try to emulate the original after going out of its way to trash the legacy of the original as much as it did for a whole year prior to its coming out, this would be further rubbing of salt in the wounds, and while this may just be the sound of cynicism at its worst to some people, I find it very suspicious that Moore would suddenly want to start emulating the original series at this point. My honest opinion, which I don't have reason to feel differently about at this time, is that Moore knows that suddenly making the remake more like the old will only undermine efforts to get a continuation made because the Powers That Be who must ultimately back such a film project, will be far less inclined to do so under those circumstances. Once it became clear to him that a movie is only a pipe dream, I would fully expect him to take the series back in the way he prefers it, which is to make it totally different from Galactica as much as possible. That might be a cyncial, negative spin of things, but that's the only kind of spin that fits the image of Ron Moore after all he's done in the last year from my standpoint.

Originally Posted by antelope526
Now that it succeeded if he joins he can help "save" the show. If ratings drop and he is in a few episodes he can say no one listened to him (maybe they didn't) and drop out. If it does well he will be part of the rising tide raising all boats.
Here's another issue where we disagree. I do not believe the case has been made that the miniseries was "successful." It's numbers were far lower then some of the spin I saw put out after it's airing which put the numbers as high as 4.0 when it was actually 2.8. The long delay before a pickup finally happened also tells me that there were likely circumstances other than the numbers which caused it to get picked up. The numbers it pulled were decent for a cable show, but hardly runaway earth-shattering or creating a groundswell phenomena. If Sci-FI didn't have so much pride invested in their vision of Galactica as they saw it, I really think it wouldn't have gotten the pick-up.

But what this comes back to is a matter that I have to concede will demonstrate the permanence of a gulf between remake backers and a good many TOS fans like myself (I will not presume to speak for the whole of TOS fans or claim majority status, only that we represent a sizable faction of the Galactica fanbase) who feel that the best interests of the kind of continuation we've waited so long for, and been denied through more sad twists of fate than I can remember, lies in Moore's vision failing and becoming forgotten like "The New Perry Mason" did in the mid-70s.

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Old March 31st, 2004, 08:35 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by antelope526
Prior to the announcement of the series it was in some people's interest (and I don't mean the fans) to exacerbate the conflict between the fan base and the mini in the hope of killing the Moore series before it launched.
That's an interesting description of the "fan wars". Most of the "give it a chancers" and remake supporters in fact jumped ship with the Filmjerk outline and Michael and Edward's script review. Prior to the unifying of the fanbase against the new production, the owner of this bulletin board actually took issue with one member (qmodo) for not joining in on the fight to the kill the new series.

I'm not going to cite chapter and verse of the "fan wars", but it's fair to say, once all the duplicate handles and frauds were pruned from the equation, the actual fanbase of the miniseries in 2003 that was posting on the BSG bulletin boards was a very small minority. Besides the fake miniseries handles, there were hotheads on the "purist" side of the equation who relished the prospect of fan infighting. Sadly, some authentic miniseries fans got lumped in with the troublemakers.

G2003 Subspace BBS became a ghost town with the vacation of all the fake handles. Sciffy is still a stinkhouse and prone to troll attacks, although fake handles there are much less of a concern than they were in either late December or earlier last yaer. The less said about G2003 EZBoard the better. Most of this nefarious activity took place prior to the December 2003 premiere, and while it's largely past history, it did happen, and most of us list veterans ahve the wounds to show for it.

MedaBlvd is currently functioning as a bulletin board largely oriented towards miniseries supporters. ColonialFleets had a great success with its pro-miniseries forum and they seem to be doing fairly well, notwithstanding the potshots from either side of the aisle (not naming names). There are other safe havens out there, and a lot of choice for fans to choose from. Contrary to one poster at Sciffy, my bulletin board preference is to mix it up with people who have a variety of different opinions. If I wanted to be in a place where we'd all think alike, I'd look in the mirror and talk to myself and maybe clone off a few handles for sheer pleasure.

As for Richard Hatch, I'm less concerned with the impact of this on the fanbase, then with his own integrity (which I do not doubt), and whether this is a good move professionally for him (which I think it is). This role may actually strengthen Richard's position that he's not some 70s has-been actor, but has the actual acting chops to deserve a prominent role in anything he involves himself with, including the RDM series or a continatuion. All this is dependent on a lot of "ifs", but I see this as being potentially good for Richard, and secondarily, potentially good for the BSG fanbase as a whole.
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Old March 31st, 2004, 08:38 PM   #72
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I understand where you're coming from, Mr. Paddon. I think you're not seeing one very important piece of the puzzle, though.

Dollars drive the decision-making process. Any idea presented to the decision-makers of any major studio must include a positive bottom line. If you write the greatest script ever written about something that nobody's interested in, there won't be a positive bottom line and not one of the major studios will touch it, artistic merit notwithstanding.

On the other hand, if you show the decision makers they could make a bundle of money making your picture, you'll get it made. Look at some of the garbage being produced. "Jackass the Movie"? Please. Made them money, though. So it got made.

Casting, scripting, SFX all become secondary to the decision. Richard could start playing Lee Adama tomorrow and still get cast as the Apollo of our continuation if that initial decision whether to make the movie is "yes".

Bottom line, for those of us interested in a continuation movie, is that it doesn't matter if any of the cast from TOS BSG ever shows up on the RDM series.

It does not matter. Showing support for a TOS movie does. That is vitally important. And now is the time to do so, while the issues are fresh in the minds of Larson and DeSanto, the studios, and the public still scratching their heads over what that was they saw in December.

That's why I'm so avidly involved with CFF. It is our chance to show the big shots that there's still life in the TOS universe. Anything else - ANYTHING ELSE - simply doesn't matter.

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Old March 31st, 2004, 09:30 PM   #73
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I am breaking my silence on this post, only because so many have emailed me wanting to know if I am going to go off again. For those who have asked... no I am not. Sorry to disappoint you.
As MicheleH said...its just a rumor at this point. If it pans out to be true... seriously what can we do? He is able to make his own decisions, we have no say in his life.
I do think that there will be a wave of disappointment with the TOS fans, maybe some will feel betrayed. Remember, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Right now I can't tell you how I will feel to it. Why? Because it's just a rumor now. But I will tell everyone...do not expect a "show" from me, because it ain't gonna happen. I hope that eases some peoples minds on this issue and I can leave it be.

'nuff said.
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Old March 31st, 2004, 09:57 PM   #74
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Did I miss a good rant?
May've been the losing side. I'm still not convinved it was the wrong one.
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Old March 31st, 2004, 10:00 PM   #75
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No you didn't miss a thing. Seriously. The only reason why I brought it back up is because I am tired of people emailing me expecting me to go off again. This is my way of saying for those that expect this from me, sorry to say ... so sad to disappoint them. I refuse to go off like I did before. I learned, I grew.

"nuff said
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Old March 31st, 2004, 11:37 PM   #76
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I must have missed the first episode then.
May've been the losing side. I'm still not convinved it was the wrong one.
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Old March 31st, 2004, 11:38 PM   #77
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Not sure if you missed it or if you just forgot it. It was around november - december ish.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 06:09 AM   #78
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Oh, stuff that old doesn't count. Maybe I'll look it up.

I figure this particular "rumor" will be resolved within 2 weeks.

I get a kick out of some of the silly speculation from fellow mini fans.
May've been the losing side. I'm still not convinved it was the wrong one.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 12:04 PM   #79
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Thanks for all the friendly replies. I appreciated them. Just so I don't get taken the wrong way here is just a couple clarifications to my thoughts:

Fan Wars: I realize that a few jerks who claimed they were pro-mini (they may be simply trolls) are responsible for 90% of the fan war. I will add however that creating a negative image of the mini, scifi, and Moore was in the interest of some people outside of the fan base. Whether these people expressed their true feeling in reference to the mini or were simply fanning their own interest I do not know.

Opinion on the new series at this point relative to a continuation breaks down three ways:

The new series whether good or bad brings exposure to Galactica and helps a possible continuation. If you believe this Richard Hatch coming on board the new series would be a positive thing because it helps exposure. I think this is the majority view so we should be happy.

The new series whether good or bad is Galacticas last chance. If Richard Hatch comes on board it will help the series and help save the franchise. I think this is the majority view of mini-fans.

The new series if good will destroy the opportunity for the continuation. If this turns out to be true then there won't be any continuation anyway so seeing Richard Hatch in a Galactica role on a "good" show will be a positive thing. I think this is a minority view but it is the view of those hoping for the mini to fail. Since I think Richard Hatch's character will neither make or break the new series let's cut him some slack if (and that's a big if) he takes a role.

No matter how you look at things. As long as you don't take Richard Hatch's actions personally (He is a traitor if he takes the role kind of attitude) you can see that if he takes a role it will either be a positive thing for the continuation or at least it has no negative impact.

I hope to see Richard Hatch in both the new series and a continuation. If I don't ever see a continuation I would like to at least see him in the new series and wonder what if?
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Old April 1st, 2004, 01:43 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by antelope526
The new series if good will destroy the opportunity for the continuation. If this turns out to be true then there won't be any continuation anyway so seeing Richard Hatch in a Galactica role on a "good" show will be a positive thing. I think this is a minority view but it is the view of those hoping for the mini to fail.
I'm afraid that does not accurately characterize my view. The new series *succeeding* is bad for a continuation and bad for Galactica in general IMO, and the fact that it could succeed would not make it "good" since I do not believe there is anything that can be done to make this good, and I feel that represents the view of a great number of fans. Thus, Richard appearing can not possibly be positive, because for me personally that is just more salt being rubbed in the wounds, no matter what Richard's actual intentions/motives are (again if this is what eventually happens).

Those who would be on the side I am on, are not afraid of the remake being "good" because for me personally, nothing can ever make it "good." Seeing it become a success is my greatest nightmare and if it happens, then I can consider Battlestar Galactica as I knew and loved it, dead and buried forever because I do not see the people who control the purse strings in Hollywood opening up their wallets for a contination movie if there's already another successful property with that name out there.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 01:49 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by Dawg
On the other hand, if you show the decision makers they could make a bundle of money making your picture, you'll get it made.
I would say in reply that that is the point I've been operating from. The success of the reinvention, particularly one with original cast members taking part in it, will convince those decision makers there is *not* any money to be made from doing something with the same name because it will get branded as a knock-off, and will be seen by them as catering to a narrow fan base, because if the fan base were so broad to begin with, there would have been no reinvention.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 02:23 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by antelope526
Thanks for all the friendly replies. I appreciated them. Just so I don't get taken the wrong way here is just a couple clarifications to my thoughts:

Fan Wars: I realize that a few jerks who claimed they were pro-mini (they may be simply trolls) are responsible for 90% of the fan war. I will add however that creating a negative image of the mini, scifi, and Moore was in the interest of some people outside of the fan base. Whether these people expressed their true feeling in reference to the mini or were simply fanning their own interest I do not know.

Opinion on the new series at this point relative to a continuation breaks down three ways:

The new series whether good or bad brings exposure to Galactica and helps a possible continuation. If you believe this Richard Hatch coming on board the new series would be a positive thing because it helps exposure. I think this is the majority view so we should be happy.

The new series whether good or bad is Galacticas last chance. If Richard Hatch comes on board it will help the series and help save the franchise. I think this is the majority view of mini-fans.

The new series if good will destroy the opportunity for the continuation. If this turns out to be true then there won't be any continuation anyway so seeing Richard Hatch in a Galactica role on a "good" show will be a positive thing. I think this is a minority view but it is the view of those hoping for the mini to fail. Since I think Richard Hatch's character will neither make or break the new series let's cut him some slack if (and that's a big if) he takes a role.

No matter how you look at things. As long as you don't take Richard Hatch's actions personally (He is a traitor if he takes the role kind of attitude) you can see that if he takes a role it will either be a positive thing for the continuation or at least it has no negative impact.

I hope to see Richard Hatch in both the new series and a continuation. If I don't ever see a continuation I would like to at least see him in the new series and wonder what if?
thats the bomb dee
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Old April 1st, 2004, 06:48 PM   #83
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Darth - not sure if they will be around. I think I had them deleted. It was for the best.

Antelope...sorry. I am sure you are a great person, but I can't agree with what you wrote, but again, like I said before, we all have our own opinions. Some of what you said I can agree with but not all of it. Again, sorry. And I am not trying to flame you, just letting you know others may agree with you but I can't. Sorry.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 07:04 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by Eric Paddon
I'm afraid that does not accurately characterize my view. The new series *succeeding* is bad for a continuation and bad for Galactica in general IMO.
But is it bad for Richard Hatch? This could evolve into the best role he's had in years. Until we know more about what's being discussed, we really can't say much at this point. Richard has some very strong ideas and I hope for his sake that whatever they discuss may be in both his perosnal and his professional interest.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 07:27 PM   #85
Eric Paddon
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Originally Posted by larocque6689
But is it bad for Richard Hatch? This could evolve into the best role he's had in years.
John, you may well be right about that. That could be what influences him ultimately (standard disclaimer-If it comes to that), and I can at least say that any disappointment I would feel or sense that this would be bad for a continuation, would not be coupled with any ridiculous accusations of "Richard betrayed the fanbase" or anything like that. That would be projecting one's personal disappointment in the wrong way.
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Old April 2nd, 2004, 09:51 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by DarkJedi

Antelope...sorry. I am sure you are a great person, but I can't agree with what you wrote, but again, like I said before, we all have our own opinions. Some of what you said I can agree with but not all of it. Again, sorry. And I am not trying to flame you, just letting you know others may agree with you but I can't. Sorry.
No need to say sorry! I value all opinions even if I disagree.

I don't see how Richard Hatch being in the new series can be negative except in the following possible scenario:

1. If you think that the new series must fail in order for there to be a Continuation.
2. The new series success or failure will be determined by Richard Hatch's acting and standing in the Battlestar fan community if he takes a role.

I just don't think the script will be any different whether Richard Hatch plays any role offered or some other actor. Richard Hatch may give the show a temporary ratings spike but long term it will live or die based on Moore's writing and SCIFIs budget.

Yes I am a "minifan" and would like to see Richard Hatch in the new series. I think however it is really a non-issue to the Continuation effort.

I like the acting of Scott Bakula but quit watching Enterprise for a long time when the scripts sucked. Now that the scripts seem better I started watching again.
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Old April 2nd, 2004, 10:17 AM   #87
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According to scifi wire this morning they are in final negotiations for Hatch to appear in probably the 3rd show of the new series. My feelings are mixed on this, I would love to see him in a new show but I don't like that it is BG2003, or is it BG2004 now.
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