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Old August 18th, 2005, 08:15 PM   #1
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Default KJ's Memorabilia review!

Taken from Cylon.org

T'was a dark and stormy night! Nah this great day out doesn't begin like that. More like an exciting journey outdoors and to another city over 100 miles away for me to make my way to. As my day began early at 6.AM to 9AM till i got to Euston train station and departed to Rugby where a coach service awaited? Due to rail works on the line, there wasn't a direct route to Birmingham International airport where the N.E.C. happens to be next door to. (i.e. my destination) Thus i had to take the alternate route of getting there via this coach service stopping at 'Coventry' enroute to Birmingham International. The trouble i went through to see the Galactica stars eh? Which began around 1.20PM as the coach finally arrived at Birmingham's airport around the early afternoon on Sunday.

The arriving at the event!

After getting into the Memorabilia con after a massive walk from the entrance i first scoped the place out although i just arrived i wanted to see what else was going on around me. As once again finding yourself after such a long journey and focusing your mind to several tasks at hand, like organising myself and trying to work out what i'd do and say once i found where the BG stars were in the hall was my first priority. after meeting up and saying hello with a few sparce dealers i know locally from regular cons in London. i saw the Galactica booth where the stars had their signing tables. Although some had gone to lunch or were returning to their seats i was shocked to see them together, some for the first time all like that as a group at one convention at the same time. Seems each and everyone of them was there almost. Not wanting to just run in ill prepared, i composed myself wanting any first impressions to be positive and to last. I managed to get close enough to do the 'prize draw' for a signed Galactica figure should i win and filled out the form and handed it to the young girl holding the 'prize draw'. After that and being close enough i decided not to waste a minute more and began to march over to Richard Hatch area of the tables in a "V" shape, to once again say hello and get the afternoon off to a good start.

Meeting the stars.

First off, i kneel down and got my camcorder out to show Hatch and the star my camcorder footage of Glen Larson from two months ago. After trying it out the damn footage wasn't playing by the time i got to Hatch's table and introduced myself to him again? As i reminded him that i'd seen him back in October of 2004. Hearing i had the Larson footage of im saying he'd revive Galactica as a movie. Noah Hathaway and Jack Stauffer made their way over to me with Richard looking over my shoulder (what a way to kick the day off eh?) but the camcorder wasn't upto the task yet? Funny thing is they believed me and ask that i try to get the camcorder working yet, told me point blank. Glen Larson's like that, and they've heard it all before. As more private conversations broke out and i made my way to Richard's table again i got out my Ads of the CFF effort (as i promised Commander Taggart i would!) and handed them to Richard. He told me he already had these but was very flattered i was a big fan and yes he remembered me, mainly cos i jogged his memory by handing him a photo of me and him from October. I also still had the first 'Gastrof BG continuation' ad poster from 2003. which he jokingly liked cos of the reference to Richard Hatch THE ONE NOT FROM SURVIVOR! on old Gas' poster. Although he didn't want the CFF poster cos he already had it. I did however hand it into Terry Carter who loved it and decided to have it. i got talking with Terry Carter and told him how i was looking forward to meeting him. i had tried back in June of 2004 at the London Expo but missed him. Terry was the first one i asked for a autograph from and he smiled and took his time and personalized it for me (which i think they all did most autos just have the stars name on them, he made this one out to me personally?) I asked his assistant where Noah was as he wasn't back yet as i wanted his autograph next. I was just about to move on wanting to come back later when he came out of the blue, I regret not talking to Noah alot as i think out of all of them i talked to him the least. And i wanted to talk to all of them with equal amount of time spent. But i'll say this, each and every one of them was a joy to meet in person. Not one of them was the diva like a arrogant star from yesterday's era gone-by. Genuine smiles from each one of them they made witty and smart comments and they all had a quirk that added to the enjoyment of meeting them (you'll see as i go on). Moving on, went away to come back and whn i did have a bite to eat in the small lunch hall, i got the camcorder to work. The tape head was dirty and needed cleaning. I went back after a little while of taking time to see more of the convention (but i still mised out on alot there anyways?) and reintroduced myself to Herbert Jefferson jr, as i hadn't seen him at the Memorabilia Birmingham convention in over 2 years. Had my trusty photo album book with all the celebs i've met and showed him the pic with him and i. He too remembered.

I complimented him on how he looks much better than all those so-called young stars of today, as he looks all "buffed out" and "toned up" like he hits the gym 24/7 ready to "whup" someone. He loved that compliment i can tell you. Sharing many little barbs within a few minutes (i already have his, Dirk's and Hatch's autos from before so i saved a bit of cash) i managed to get into a conversation with both Jack Stauffer and Stu Phillips (one of my favorite moments during the day) Can't remember how it started but it was the prime example of how conversation done right can be like "brain candy". Between Dirk and Jack you'll have a hard time wondering who makes you laugh more and who's the straight man.

In any case, the discussion that came up between me Stu, Jack and another fan was something that should have been caught on film. But you can't walk around like a nerd between people/stars with a camcorder all the time. Everything from The reshoots during the series to Stu being called into the studio to do another late night session rescoring something cos the whole production was a wildfire one to put together, was unbelievable to hear. Alternate versions of how some scenes were shot and disgarded to how much footage didn't make the episodes (NOR THE DVD's) and and reshoots that occured. Makes you understand even more how the series was that expensive to begin with. Although Stu didn't know off hand that the 'Colonial Anthem' was on the DVD's he said that too was filmed differently. Jack brought up the fact Universal were hard pushed to do anything with the series for 2 decades as 'Universal Home Video' practically live in a cave and didn't communicate with anyone on how to release the series on DVD (or tape back in the day for that matter?) Their relationship was different than the studios but it was the same all round no one know what to do in regards to the series for years. Kind of makes you think don't take those DVD's for granted. We "ARE" damn fortunate we got'em in the end as it is.

End of part one!
Kneel before Zod!!!
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Old August 18th, 2005, 08:17 PM   #2
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Part 2

Stu was a joy to listen to, you can tell he loves Galactica as much as any fan out there, and his score for it is one of his all time best. Several questions should have come up as he lead the conversation going on about the show's episodes. Yes 'War Of The Gods' did come up but Stu and Jack were talking about the Light Ship in the story and how it was shot differently with the Angels on the 'Lightship' and who he'd did a alternate theme for the scene etc. This obviously led to the 'Cloven Hooves' in the ship debate but it was started and touched upon by Stu, Jack may or may not have said they aren't meant to be seen yet? i.e. meaning for season 1? but don't hold me to that as i'm not speaking for anyone of the guests. Just that it was implied far as i remember jack saying that. As i moved on to Stu himself, as a person may have requested his auto. i asked Stu for his? Being i had shown such an interest in him and Galactica his blonde assistant may have been watching. I went on to talk about his Knight Rider theme music and asked how did he like the fact 'Busta Rhymes' did a hip hop version and stylised it further?

Stu loves Busta Rhymes version of his Knight Rider theme music. And went on to say nobody gave the music the added punch or knew what to do with it until Busta updated it with a hip hop theme to it! Stu said he only did 13 episodes of the Knight Rider series, after that no one gave it the kick it needed music wise. It was after this long and very enjoyable conversation ended that i asked again about the autograph opportunity, although i did ask they should have made out more for him. Being rather humble he sad down and said unlike the others he's not an actor so i guess he's only allowed one set. His assistant whispered in his ear, he then said i have my book, if you pay for that instead which is the same price i'll throw in the autograph as well. i didn't even hesitate. I told him if he wants i'll could make a copy of the Larson footage and sent it to him. If figured since they know of glen personally they could confront him with it and ask for follow up on what he said to me? While they saw the footage they were relaxed saying in return nah it's o.k. Jason, Glen's like that and not to worry about it. But Stu did entertain the fact and thus said if i wanted to via DVD cos he and i had it out that a tape being sent, would be troublesome with the PAL/NTSC conversion thingy. with that he handed me his book "STU WHO?" with the autographed picture in "Black and White". with the beautiful quote inside.

August 14th 2005 (Written as 08/14/05 )





(The man even put down for me in 'musical notes' the first few bars of the BATTLESTAR GALACTICA THEME)

On the opposite side of the page lies a printed quote from - Roger Ebert (Just for you doubting thomas' out there that wonder whats in the book or be that. Do i have Stu's book?)

I'm surprised i wasn't in tears. I moved on to Laurette Sprang, yeah i was down by 80 bucks at this point, but better to meet them all which looking back was worth it than wonder 'what if' for the rest of my life. Meeting Laurette was brief i remember. But she too smiled a genuine smile and liked another fan coming up to her to talk about the show, why its that great, memories watching it growing up etc. Once again i asked if she like to look at the....ah nah, i believe you but...nah it's Glen again. He's always said that etc. Now this was starting to become a running joke? Larson's admitting he'd shoot a Galactica movie in '18 months' was now, "bah" and they all said this in a funny respectful polite way? I moved on with a collection of autos from each, now i was onto Anne Lockhart. (yes she does win "cutest smile" bar none) Now get this, as i brought up the whole Larson deal with the footage, she said in a hilarious moment of "that again",

Next time we're onstage together and he says he'll do a Galactica movie, we should rush up to him and yank the microphone away from him!

Yes i laughed out loud. As did she smile and everybody else nearby that may have heard it.

Thing is, just as i was about to get the autograph from her it was time for the Battlestar Galactica cast talk on stage. I was rushed so i picked a picture quickly, just then Dirk was getting up and i saw him pass by, not wanting to mis an opportunity i said hello and once again got out the photo album of my celeb pictures (bah i don't care what anyone says we've all got one of some kind ) As i showed him the picture of me and him from 2003, i told him huh, i have the same t-shirt on. He said, to make me laugh out "and i have on the same pants!"

The Galactica Cast talk held on at 4PM Sunday, August 14th Birmingham N.E.C.

While i got there 30 seconds to a minute late cos i was once again talking to Stu Phillips wondering if he'd come over as well! I found my way to a seat once i got there and started filming with my now working camcorder!

I won't talk about much that went on here as i have a idea you'll be seeing it for yourselves should i get around to sending it to both Cylon.org and BG.club.com (time for them to get a new talk don't ya think so?) I hope? although shakey in parts the footage is worthy of being put into a mpeg file for download (Tag this is the part where you send me a PM *wink*)

But i will say during the talk, Richard Hatch did ask over Aaron Douglas from the new show. He did get a round of applause and claps. Just not one driven with alot of emotions and eagar enthusiasm for obvious reasons. But i will say in all honesty, while people there may have thought they'll boo or hiss. Everyone showed respect. Thus everyone showed although they may have had thought it, they showed the mature respect for the guy regardless of personal feelings. This ain't the internet it's real life for i change i was actually happy no one got out of line. I may not watch or like the new show but i don't carry any grudges to anybody on the new show (yes although we do respond to comments made by Moore and Sackoff bitterly) this was a different affair.

End of part 2
Kneel before Zod!!!
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Old August 18th, 2005, 08:20 PM   #3
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Part 3

Closing time and the Second Coming Trailer (well 3/4 of it really)

With time quickly coming up to 5PM and the talk over, i went back to the Galactica signing booths where anna lockhart told me she was sorry she had to rush me before the talk. Such a kind lady even concerned about whether or not i felt bad. Nope not in the least. after talking once again and moving around making the most of the time i had left, I went up to Richard Hatch to have a word with him. Like before with Stu and Jack we suddenly had a very personal meeting of the minds. This wasn't fan meets guest star but two people talking. Even with everybody pack up and getting ready to leave we had this very adult and serious conversation where we brielfly talked about the new mini/series, him and how the fans now relate to him, the hard work he has done for the Galactica name brand (no doubts there) Tom DeSanto, and his Galactica trailer which i wanted to see. Lets remember i saw him back in October at Collectormania in Milton Keynes which pales in comparison to this and other conventions. (don't believe me ask about on the net?) and i didn't get to see it.

So he told me ask over there if they will let you use the monitors or any other huge screen which has a DVD player?

Didn't have to tell me twice, i wasn't about to miss out on this. So i went back to the stage area that had the talks, but a quick Harry Potter talk was underway already. With what exactly one or two minor characters that barely got a cheque with three zeros one it? Anyways i kept looking around until i saw the "Tales Of Midnight" table with a booth full of comics and such. It did trigger a old memory or two of "have i seen this before?" I went over to ask the guy in glasses about Hatch's trailer and if at all possible, that he could put it up and allow both me and him with 'Tales Of Midnight' creator Francis Lee to put it up on their big digital widescreen TV, which they were using to promote Tales of Midnight animated video trailers on. In no time at all he said yes and within mere minutes Richard Hatch and i walked over to the Tales Of Midnight booth. keep in mind everything else around us was being packed up and time was fading fast.

After a few tries to get the DVD going it played up onscreen.

WOW doesn't cover it.

As it started, pictures for years i've watched online in the jpeg format were in live action moving in front of me. Doctor Salik i cried as i saw George Murdock playing the role he once did on the series as was the live action appearence of Count Baltar by the late John Colicos an eye opener for me as my mouth dropped (several times). hearing the dialogue going with the images was a treat ESPECIALLY hearing the Cylon's voices in Hatch's version. The Eric Melson and Raymar 3rd updated look of the metalic Cylon's competes with the DeSanto ones. I wish any future continuation combines all these designs as you'd no doubt have an unbeatable product with jaw dropping FX and visuals on there on screen.

Movie style editing techniques were used thats for sure. Cylons coming out of the mist, Scarlet Vipers flying about, huge Cylon armadas of Raiders, Colonial fleet being protected by vipers, New Kobol city with pyramids, A Supercylon Basestar! with a death wave type beam.You have to see it to believe it! Trust me people jpegs alone don't do this trailer justice. If this was in cinemas you'd ask when this thing was coming out. some scenes do need to be upgraded dut to the pasted look but other than that. very cinema and IMAX worthy.

Richard said it was 4 minutes long. Think it was on for three minutes when it suddenly cut out.

Our time was up!

Nooooooooo............come on guys thats better than Star Wars! i told the techs packing things away. They smiled like it wasn't their fault and they were only doing their job. But with a minute to go i'd seen most of it. pity i didn't see the Galactica's "Chin Guns" firing that 'Babylon 5 style' laser beam cos i wanted to see that part?

I gracously thanks Hatch for that and the midnight guys for letting Richard Hatch use their huge monitor. Don't think i had to ask them which one do you prefer Hatch's trailer or new Galactica series?

Hollywood Exectives said no to that trailer? (retarded or just plain dumb you decide???...!)

After saying goodbye to Richard as i walked with him across the Hall. i was planning on a final walk around when i spotted Dirk and Jack walking across the ahll going to the limo outside. (heard them talk about a limo as they were all packing up) talk with them briefly tahnking them for the day and when they might plan on doing this again. We stopped outside where i let them be. Not before i rushed back wanting to get a final picture with them. (Taggart PM about this?)

I thanked them and that was it.

KJ then left the buliding!

A few facts learned on Sunday.

1) Galactica was a very expensive series. Alternate scenes and alot of reshoots were done. And alot of material was dumped that didn't even make the DVD boxset! Learn from a conversation with the incredible Stu Phillips and Jack Stauffer

2) All of the Original cast members have heard Glen Larson say the same thing about the Galactica movie. Forget any talk of a Knight Rider movie even. Its Battlestar Galactica he owns. Pegasus or not. He own the film rights of Galactica lock and stock. My Larson footage is now a non-issue.

3) Stu Phillips should be asked back by DeSanto/Larson once any continuation is geared up again. The man did countless work for the original series and has fresh memories of the episodes. If Bryan Singer says you can't have a Superman movie without John Williams theme then the same goes for Battlestar Galactica. Heck i even said Stu was as legendary in his own right. Stu was humble in saying William's wouldn't be caught at a signing. But i insisted that his work speaks for itself regardless.

Such a respectful humble man.

4) These people deserve a proper send off in a few onscreen Galactica movies with a big budget. Screw ageism Herb Jefferson Jr alone could whupp up on two dozen so-called young stars of today and is build like he lives in a gym for christ sakes! And Noah's a kickboxer isn't he? (can you imagine an ass whupping 'Boxey' in a continuation?)

5) The Second Coming trailer was the bomb! nuff said!

6) Dirk can still pack'em in! And he is one funny guy.

7) Jack easily gives Dirk Benedict a run for his money? In the conversation with Stu Phillips myself and another fan. We talked about the continuation. Jack said out of the blue. "And if they don't hurry up, it will be wheel chairs in space". nuff said.

8,) Yes for the last time Anne goes have a cute smile, there even i said it.

9) Noah Hathaway and Terry Carter are great guys. Even though i didn't tak to Noah much i over heard alot of stuff he said. He and all the cast are well grounded people you just can't believe how former TV stars aren't as burned out as people would have you believe. All former TV stars like the Galactica cast need is a group of visionaries to put them in a epic BG revival. If Tarantino did wonders for David Carradine in Kill Bill. All they need is DeSanto and one hell of a director to give a continuation with them in it a boost is all.

You and i get it. So why doesn't hollywood?

10) This must happen again in both England and the U.S. not one or two but several Galactica stars in one place. With hatch's trailer still playing in conventions wherever he goes, its enough to garner attention from the right kind of folks to say this was one incredible one season show that should come back in a movie series.

The end!

I hoped you all enjoyed hearing about it. Cos i enjoyed going to Memorabilia last Sunday. I just regret not getting enough pictures, i got distracted cos i had a camcorder instead.
Kneel before Zod!!!
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