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Old July 26th, 2004, 01:24 AM   #1
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Default Firefly/Serenity Movie Comic Con report

All posts are quoted in their entirety

For those of you who don’t want to know anything about the movie I’ve gone through all the posts here and put anything that could be remotely construed as a spoiler in a spoiler box for the very mild stuff I’ve done the same but I’ve prefaced it with a (mild spoiler) comment just before. (Mild by my standards)

The following posts are from fireflyfans.net this is the specific thread from which I gathered these posts. But remember if you go there then you will see the spoilers.



Just a quick update:
ROOM WAS PACKED! (other panels 1/4 full - 1/3 max)
Not much real news but it was great to see the crew all in one place
TRAILER WAS AWESOME! (they showed it twice once @ the beginning, once @ the end)
| was SECOND in line for the right hand Q&A microphone, then they announced they would ONLY use the LEFT hand Q&A microphone!!! By the time we got across to the other side of the hall I was far enough back that when Q&A ended I WAS ONE PERSON AWAY FROM THE MIC!!! =(
The autograph line was full by
11am so MOH and I are watching the unaired (and unleaked) Wonderfall eps. =)


I JUST got back from the San Diego Comic Con, where Joss and the whole cast of Firefly showed us the very first look at the new movie.

WOW and OH MY GOD are the words that come to mind!!

I have a million things to say, so I KNOW I'm going to miss or mess up some stuff. Any fellow brown coats that where there, please add to this or correct anything I goof up.

This review contains SPOILERS of the movie, so please read at your own risk.


1) I remember the crew robbing a bank. They walk in, and Mal says something like I don’t want to see any guns, or there will be some violence. The next scene and older man comes out from behind a desk (I think) with a shotgun, and Mal spins around and pulls his gun on him. There is a part where Zoë shoots out a TV camera, and when Mal and Zoë open the safe, Zoë makes a comment on how they can retire from all the crime stuff now. (I think she was being funny, there wasn't a lot of money there)

2) A scene where River is screaming, some gizmo on her head (She looks to have been caught by the alliance. (Like we didn’t know that was going to happen!)

3) A gun fight scene where a Reaver (I belive...moved a little fast) looks to grab at someone, and Mal shoots it.

4) A case outside on the hovercraft, guns being fired

5) River up on a ceiling, hold on with 1 hand to a something (knife maybe) while here legs and other arm support her up there. VERY cool looking pose as she looks to be out of breath and was bleeding from her head

6) a shot of Serenity flying from right to left , pink lasers firing at her, and then the unfocused zoom moves to the right to see a ship firing again.

7) Several quick shots of Inra in a building (the academy perhaps) a black gentleman walks up to her. If they where talking, it wasn’t in the trailer

8) A man shots at river, a scene where she falls down. I'm not sure if she was hit, I didn't see any blood.

9) A shot while rivers on the ground, arms spread out. She looks scared and she says "REAVERS!"

10) a scene where a ships rises into view, followed by a shot of what looked to me Simon and river coming out of a vent, or window.

11) a shot of wash on the bridge, saying something like this might be a bumpy ride, or this is going to be a bumpy ride,..something like that. I notice something different about the Bridge, but can't put a finger on it. The shot went by fast. I THINK it was the extra monitors Alan talked about in a interview a week or to back.

I know I've missed some stuff, please anyone that was there add to this! These scenes are out of order. I just typed them as I remembered them.


Our BDH's ALL looked GREAT!!! Gina looked STUNNING, and Nat was as funny as ever.

I'm writing a report on the A&Q session now, so look for that in a little while.

You can tell this cast loves each other, and are true friends.

Yes, I got a ton of pictures!! not sure how to send them up however!!! None of them came out very good however!! =-(



Sorry, I tried to post this earlier but got some wierd Microsoft OLE DB or some other technicaly goobledygook error. I did post this on the OB, but I'll repeat it here:

Just sitting in the airport waiting for my plane to board and thought I'd jot down a few things that stuck in my brain: [/color]

• River stretched out bracing herself against both walls at the ceiling of a hallway(?) a la Jackie Chan
• River w/ a big metal uncomfortable-looking syringe-like brain probe stuck in her forehead
• LASER BEAMS! (I think it was only the ship following Serenity that shot a laser, but others thought they saw Serenity return fire w/ a laser
• A Companion Yoga Class?
• Trailer moved to quickly to distinguish any differences either int or ext to Serenity

• HUGE, ENORMOUS, MINUTES-LONG STANDING OVATION for Joss when he walked on stage. He seemed genuinely touched as well as surprised by the size of the audience, as did many of the cast. A few, including Adam and I think Nathan, took some pictures of the audience.
• Almost all of the Q's directed to Joss, 1 hr was WAY too short (I don't even think it was quite 1 hr)
Joss is very clearly focused on the possibility of movie sequelsas opposed to a return to TV
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Old July 26th, 2004, 01:27 AM   #2
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All posts are quoted in their entirety

For those of you who don’t want to know anything about the movie I’ve gone through all the posts here and put anything that could be remotely construed as a spoiler in a spoiler box for the very mild stuff I’ve done the same but I’ve prefaced it with a (mild spoiler) comment just before. (Mild by my standards)

The following posts are from fireflyfans.net this is the specific thread from which I gathered these posts. But remember if you go there then you will see the spoilers

• Nate called Adam Stinky Pants or something similar (in reference to some kind of Burritto incident)
• Adam makes Morena cry and storm off stage. Joss reprimands Adam.
• Joss is Adam's hero
• Adam was wearing Lux's T-shirt
• The thing Summer likes best about playing River is that she can go barefoot so often. (apparently Summer doesn't like to wear shoes)
• Sean tells Summer he loves her
• 'The Flying Tams' (Sean's joke)
• Lisa Lasek (the editor) and Loni (from Zoic, who do the CGI) were nowhere to be found. Don't know why.
• Joss said the movie
(mild spoiler)
would not delve into the Blue Sun mystery, but there would as mentioned elsewhere be Reavers.

• Universal execs were in the audience; I think I saw some of them being escorted in from behind the curtains in the front left of the hall. I can only imagine that the amazing explosive reaction of the PACKED room to Joss and the cast and the trailer must have helped convince them what a valuable franchise they have on their hands. Can you say trilogy?

• It sounded like the Wonderfalls DVD is a done deal, or close to it. Not sure if this is news, since I haven't followed this closely but I thought I'd share it in case it was.
• Tim (or someone else on his panel) said the main reason Wonderfalls was cancelled was that the
president of Fox decided to try making Fox more 'mainstream'.

Finally, by far the funniest thing of the day was when during a question about Charisma Carpenter, Joss said (I think he already mentioned this before somewhere) that Jayne could be considered something of a "Cordy"-like character. Just as Joss is about to ask for the next fan question, Adam turns to Nathan and says, "who is Charisma Carpenter?". Nate leans conspiratorially into Adam and makes the curvy-barbell-shape in the air with his hands, then after the audience laughter subides, he leans back into Adam and mimes opening a playboy centerfold for him to see. The entire audience (and Joss!) just about died laughing.

Oh, and just so no one gets worried, Morena was just pretending to cry and storm off. Earlier, when Joss asked each of the cast members to say what they liked the best about their character, Morena said it was cool how smart Inara was, how she could do anything, and how every day she learned more things Inara could do that she (Morena) couldn't. I think someone else may have later made a joke about Inara being much smarter than Morena.
Then one of the fans praised Adam for doing such a good job playing a "dumb" character (Jayne) with some depth, without it being a caricature (sp?) -- Adam said something like it's easier to be smart and play dumb than be dumb and play smart. That's when the rest of the cast looked and laughed at Morena, and she pretended to cry and storm off. It's not entirely clear if Adam actually intended to make fun of Morena there, he certainly claimed he was just talking about his own intelligence with that comment when Joss came over to 'yell' at him.


When I saw the serenity trailer today at Comic-Con I teared-up. Is it normal for a 28 year old male to have hot flashes? It seems silly to me that I have invested so much emotion in a TV show, but seeing the trailer and the cast today was a truly awesome experience.
I know I can't do a great job describing the trailer, but I will mention a few things that stand out. First off, it was amazing, the movie isn't even finished, and it was just something they "threw together" for the convention, but it was incredible and made me even more fired up for the movie than I already was. In brief glimpses of Serenity I noticed the "wider hallways to accomidate better acting" that I think Alan mentioned in an interview.
(mild spoiler)
River was featured heavily in the trailer and it looks like she will have a very active role in the movie(yay!).

Seeing all the crew together was awesome. I must mention, I was really struck by just how gorram attractive these people(ladies and gents both) are in person, Serenity definitely has the best looking crew in the 'verse. During the question and answer all of the cast were very funny and charismatic, and I ended up loving them all even more than I already did. I felt a little bad for Morena who was taking more than her share of ribbing, but Joss was quick to prevent her from storming off the stage.
Though seeing the trailer and the crew was amazing for me, being surrounded by other fans really took the experience to a whole new level for me. It was so great to be in a room packed full of people who were as excited as I was, it was a truly special moment. So let me say thanks to all the Browncoats who came out today, and thanks to everyone who fell in love with the show and has been fighting from the beginning to keep Serenity flying, you are the reason I will be in the theater next April weeping tears of joy as I watch the Big Damn Movie.


a little story of today from my point of view, for those who couldn't be in attendance... Ahh what a great time, to see all 9 castmembers and Joss on stage together. Absolutely thrilling. There were a couple people towards my right in the auditorium that had yellow and orange wool caps like Jayne's. Also saw a few people in Firefly gear, and also a Blue Sun logo t-shirt.

I was really disappointed that we couldn't get in the autograph line right after the panel (the panel was 1-2, and autos were set for
2-3pm). Seems that if we wanted autos, we actually had to be in line for the autos *INSTEAD* of being in the auditorium listening to the gang on stage. Oh well, I hung around until after the autograph panel ended and caught the gang as they left, had a quick exchange with Nathan Fillion (I said, "good luck with the movie, guys! and Nathan turned around, grinned widely and nodded at me in a 'thank you' way as he was leaving). Also Alan Tudyk, after leaving, had to come by me to collect his bag that he had left at the autograph tables. I walked 'near' the cast & security down to another meeting room, their "green room" I guess, but was not able to really get any pics or have any convo's during this time. Was a thrill though! Was really hoping to get all 10 sigs on my DVDs though. That woulda been very very shiny. Oh well, I've got my digital pics and video from teh event Keep flyin', Serenity!!


I was there too, with Mrs. Embassy and LEEH and particular friend Russ and two of my kids. Great seats, packed hall, that's all been said.

I have some impressions for what it's worth.

Far too many of the questions from audience members were Buffy and Angel related. I love the Buffyverse as much as the next fan, but i was there for Firefly. Joss actually had to ask the more interesting questions of the cast himself. Maybe it's like this normally but the LA Comic Thing in December was, in my view, much more fun.

Autograph line was largely taken up by fans who actually skipped the panel for spots in the queue.

appears to feature River in a much more 'active' role. We're not talking waiflike victim river here. We're talking competent Objects in Space and then some River. River is part of the crew, was the vibe I got.

The costumes were fantastic. Really amazing stuff. Shawna Trpcic' work on the series was great, but whether she's doing it or someone else at Universal, it's at a whole new level.

(mild spoiler)
The mule is a hovercrafty thing like the doofer in Heart of Gold now. Guess they needed a new one after War Stories.

The teaser was cut by marketing people at Universal, especially for this event.

Most excellent in every way.
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Old July 26th, 2004, 01:32 AM   #3
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All posts are quoted in their entirety

For those of you who don’t want to know anything about the movie I’ve gone through all the posts here and put anything that could be remotely construed as a spoiler in a spoiler box for the very mild stuff I’ve done the same but I’ve prefaced it with a (mild spoiler) comment just before. (Mild by my standards)

The following posts are from fireflyfans.net this is the specific thread from which I gathered these posts. But remember if you go there then you will see the spoilers


OK, I've gotta say, this was not nearly as much fun as the LA con in December ... the presentation was much too short (50 minutes) and the cast members hardly had a chance to say anything! It was great to see the clips from the movie, though. They showed the short trailer twice, and it looked even better the second time. The costumes are awesome and the ship looks great!
River looks like she plays a major role in the film.

I was sorry that I didn't check the boards to meet up with more Browncoats at the con - It seemed to us that much of the audience had never heard of Firefly, and they lined up to ask questions of Joss Whedon that had nothing to do with the show or movie (which left the 9 cast members sitting there twiddling thumbs while Joss talked).

high point came 15 minutes before the panel, when two of my kids and I ran into Joss coming off the escalator. We just said hi and told him he was the reason we were there today, and that we were really looking forward to seeing the footage. He was very nice (and really laid back, and seemed relieved that we didn't ask him for an autograph - got that last time!)

Best lines: Someone asked each cast member what they liked most about their characters -

Gina said "My gun. It's a very sexy gun." Oh, and she really likes her pants because they're spandex and they let her MOVE! LOL

Alan said, "I like the fact that Wash - well, and the Shepherd, too - is the voice against violence. He's the one that'll say 'Hey, do we really have to shoot people here?'" and Gina put her arm around him and said, "That's because you have me to protect you, dear."

Sean said it was NOT his pants - they are not spandex and they're very tight and uncomfortable. Someone yelled out "Dr. Tightpants!" Then he said what he really liked about Simon was how devoted he was to his sister. (Everyone said "Awwwwww!!!") then he turned to Summer and said "I love you, Summer!" (in a
very melodramatic tone).

Sean also mentioned at one point that he and Summer were considering a job in the circus as "The Flying Tams".

Summer said she loved the fact that River got to go barefoot because she hates wearing shoes.

Nathan gave a long and moving speech that went something like - "I love that the one thing you can rely on about Malcolm Reynolds, is that in whatever situation, however dangerous it is, whatever he has to risk, or whenever he has to fight, to stand up for his people, you know that he'll always have the legs of a dancer." It was SO FUNNY - people were just screaming. He really is a cut up.

Someone asked Joss if it was hard to write lines for Jayne - and asked Adam if it was hard to play him - because he was so stupid. HA! Adam grabbed the mike and said "Well, it's harder to be stupid and play smart than the other way." And gazed meaningfully at the other cast members, especially Morena (who feigned crying and walked offstage). Joss walked over and stood right over Adam glaring at him. It was really hilarious!

Unfortunately the autograph line was way too long to wait in, so we just did a quick visit to the dealer's room and then headed home. Definitely worth the 3.5 hour drive, though!

Hope to see more of you at another shindig soon!

-Mrs. Embassy

The following posts are from prospero.com: and again they are quoted in their entirety this is the specific thread from which I gathered these.



Yes, Jayne was in the footage, I just can't remember what he was doing or said. He was in there, dont worry!!

He was also at the Con as the entire cast was. most of them said they can't wait to do part 2

Joss said we could help Serenitu by seeing the movie ( several times!), and buying the DVD when it comes out.

More on the Q&A later

David Bernat (dtbernat)

As I watched, the main thread running through my mind was, "Dude, I'm watching NEW FIREFLY!!" That made me much more excited than I have been in a long, long time.

The clips they put together looked
very actiony. Aside from a single shot of Zoe being ironical, everything was guns, flying fast, driving like a maniac, lots of motion, etc. I don't think this is intended to be indicative of the tempo of the entire movie; I'm sure that pieced-together shots of just dialog would not have been the best footage to screen in this forum.

It was completely outstanding. I fear that I'm setting myself up for a disappointment, but I firmly believe at this point that this will be the best movie ever.

Also: Man, what a fantastic looking group of people! Seriously, they must work out.

rock on
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Old July 26th, 2004, 02:21 AM   #4
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All posts are quoted in their entirety

For those of you who don’t want to know anything about the movie I’ve gone through all the posts here and put anything that could be remotely construed as a spoiler in a spoiler box for the very mild stuff I’ve done the same but I’ve prefaced it with a (mild spoiler) comment just before. (Mild by my standards)

The following posts are from fireflyfans.net this is the specific thread from which I gathered these posts. But remember if you go there then you will see the spoilers.


Hi there!!
I'm here to give you a quick report of my comic-con experience!

I arrived at the Comic-Con on Thursday, the only firefly-related thing that happenned between Thursday and Sunday was the very cool appearance of my favorite actor Jonathan Woodward (Tracey in "The Message") He is the coolest person ever!! He was there on Thursday and Friday, so I saw him both days, he was amazing!
Now lets skip to Sunday (Firefly day!)
I woke up at 10:00 because my brother had a panel he wanted to attend, I waited for a couple of hours and headed straight to Room 20 (where the panel was being held) and got two great places (for me and my brother) I went through other panels (Chucky, Shaun of the Dead) but it was worth the wait!! They announced Joss Whedon (the room was packed) and he came out and said "I've got something to show you" the lights went off and suddenly a SERENITY TRAILER appears on the screens!!!!! I was about to have a heart attack!! (Read description on previous posts) then after the trailer he announced the cast! and all our BDHs came out! there was a little question session where you could stand up and ask your question out loud, and right now I dont remember what people asked (But surely someone will post a transcript) but what I do remember is that the cast was joking around A LOT, there was this hilarious joke that made Joss hug Morena, it was about stupid actors playing smart characters and viceversa, and I cant find a way to tell it to you so that you'll fully get it, but if a transcript comes up, you'll get it! Anyway, the panel ended with another screening of the SPECTACULAR trailer, what can I say about the trailer?....well the characters look so cool (Mal has this new hairdo going on) it definetely looks higher-quality than the series (I dont know how to describe this, but its colorful and BIG, so weird!) and I noticed (mild spoiler)
that there was A LOT of River in the trailer!
It was so cool!
After the panel there was a signing, but it was full (since before the panel...I guess) and there were a lot of Browncoats that just didnt get the chance to meet and greet our BDHs (One of them being me) but the smart ones (once again..one of them being me..hehehe) took pictures and waved from far away, and the REALLY REALLY smart ones (a few of us...including me..hehehehe) waited in the terrace for their departure! So I'll tell you my version of what happenned, I went out to the terrace were they were supposed to come out and suddenly I see Loni and George (from Zoic Studios, the visual effects) so I said hi to them, I didnt have a marker so I didnt ask for autographs, suddenly they open the doors and Nathan comes out I wave to him and say hi, three seconds after Nathan, Summer, Jewel and Sean came out I said hi, took pictures etc. and after them comes Adam, Alan, Ron and Joss, the same with them, I followed them and found than Alan was all the way at the back (IN FRONT OF ME!!!) so I gave Alan a picture that I was saving for him to autograph, but the security guards told me "NO AUTOGRAPHS!" so I told him to keep it since it was a very cool picture (the one that Adam took where he has the sunglasses on) He was happy! Finally I yelled "Goodbye!" and I saw Adam taking some pictures with fans (How cool is THAT) and well that was it! The only ones I missed were Morena and Gina but I had seen them when they were signing and Gina had smiled back at me. So I am very very happy that I was there! The only thing I'd like to add is that Joss or someone gave out some
Alliance money (like some giant dollars) to some of the fans that were in the signing!! Did anyone get these? If so...share some scans, pleaaaseeee!
Also I saw a lot of browncoats there! and gave out some of my home-made buttons (did anyone here get some??)

Bye and Keep Flyin'

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Old July 26th, 2004, 04:18 AM   #5
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All posts are quoted in their entirety

For those of you who don’t want to know anything about the movie I’ve gone through all the posts here and put anything that could be remotely construed as a spoiler in a spoiler box for the very mild stuff I’ve done the same but I’ve prefaced it with a (mild spoiler) comment just before. (Mild by my standards)

The following posts are from prospero.com this is the specific thread from which I gathered these posts.



By the way, this wouldn't be complete without a mention of just how great it was to meet shiny folk like Shiny. And 11thHour, and Alyson, and bleyddyn, and Grumpman, and Jeremy, and JUSTDAVID, and mihn, and UKGirl2000, and Tamara, and Wiley, and OdileB, and Rosie, and MyOrange Hat, and saxon1014, and several others whose handle I didn't get down. Those I met were just a sample of the Browncoats in the room, but they were universally charming, and great companions.

Oh, and for those that haven't seen it, Shiny has a great brown coat.

I also wanted to mention OdileB's shining moment. Somewhere we've mentioned that you could watch the panel, or you could get in line for autographs, but not both. The autograph line was full before the panel even started. Most of us took the panel/preview route, then tried to snap long distance pictures of the cast signing. I was standing with OdileB and 11thHour when the signing was done, and as the cast got up, Gina called OdileB in, hugged her, and gave her a fully signed poster. She'd remembered her. It was special. I think I got something in my eye.


>>> I was standing with OdileB and 11thHour when the signing was done, and as the cast got up, Gina called OdileB in, hugged her, and gave her a fully signed poster. She'd remembered her. It was special. I think I got something in my eye. <<<

Oh yes... that was indeed a wonderful moment. OdileB had a large photograph of she and Gina together, taken at a previous event. She really was hoping to have Gina autograph it, but the line to meet the cast was just too extreme. So we lurked around the sidelines taking in the view at the very extent allowed by security!

Then Chris Buchanan saved the day. OdileB asked if he would mind taking the picture to Gina for her to sign, and he didn't hesitate a moment. He took the photo over to Gina and had her sign it right away, and brought it right back to OdileB. Is Chris sumthin' special or what? Rhetorical question... he ROCKS!

Then, after the signing session was completed and the cast was getting ready to leave, a security person beckoned OdileB, through the imposing chain and post barrier, over into the "forbidden zone"... where the cast was. Gina went up to OdileB, greeted her warmly... even gave her an affectionate head rub on her newly growing back hair (post chemo). Gina made the extra special effort to personally meet OdileB and say hello.

Gina's caring and kindness was so wonderful... I think we all kinda got something in our eye...

I love our big damn cast.



Great to meet you too!


Each of the cast's favourite thing about their character (from memory):

Gina: Zoe's sexy gun
's non-violent approach to matters
Adam: Jayne's work ethic and pragmatism
Nathan: Mal's obvious dancing legs (no matter the circumstance)
Jewel: Kaylee's relationship with the rest of the crew, especially Mal
Morena: Inara's intelligence
Summer: River getting to walk around barefoot
Sean: Simon's love for his sister (oh not like that... or is it?)
Ron: Book's something, something and unpredictability. Gorramit, can anyone help me with the first two?


Ron: Book's something, something and unpredictability. Gorramit, can anyone help me with the first two?

Book's humor, and his commitment

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Old July 26th, 2004, 11:15 AM   #6
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All posts are quoted in their entirety

For those of you who don’t want to know anything about the movie I’ve gone through all the posts here and put anything that could be remotely construed as a spoiler in a spoiler box for the very mild stuff I’ve done the same but I’ve prefaced it with a (mild spoiler) comment just before. (Mild by my standards)

The following posts are from fireflyfans.net this is the specific thread from which I gathered these posts.


Huge crowd! Hall 20 can hold 4300 people and I think it was almost completely full by the time Joss and crew came on stage. A fair number of browncoats from one board or another were all in line by 9:30am although the Serenity panel wasn't until 1:00pm. As soon as they opened the hall we rushed in and grabbed the best seats we could. Cathy and I were in row six, with quite a few browncoats in front of us.
I basically sat there all morning saving seats while my wife wandered in and out. Some of those panels I had to sit through were just horrid. But I won't name names...

Now for the good stuff. Joss walked on and the hall erupted into applause, whistles and cheers, including a standing ovation. It took him a minute or so to regain his composure and for us to quiet down.

The first thing he did was show us the TRAILER! Awesome stuff, but I'm not even going to try to talk about it since it was basically all spoilers. Then our BDH's came on stage to another huge ovation. I couldn't take it all in, but at least Sean and Summer seemed fairly overwhelmed by the response.

The rest of the panel was a Q&A, most of which I can't remember but there was one section where Joss asked each cast member to explain what they liked the most about their character. He also asked them each to tell what they liked the least about Jewel

Here is what I wrote down, at the time about each one. Any errors in these quotes are strictly mine.

Gina: I like my gun. It's a very sexy gun. She also liked the fact that her pants had spandex in them.

Alan: He gets to be the one who says 'Lets put the guns down and try to avoid violence' (most of the time )

Adam: "What is life without work." Bottom line kind of guy, cut the bull. He started to say 'bullfelgercarb', but stopped halfway and asked if he could say that. The crowd responded 'YES'.

Nathan: Even in the thick of battle you knew you could always turn to the Captain and know that he has the legs of a dancer. (Honest! That's what he said!)

Jewel: Warmth. No beef with anybody on the ship. Relationship with the Captain. Can give him felgercarb without him blowing up at her.

Morena: (Sorry I didn't write anything coherent.)

Summer: River can do anything. Summer mentioned early in the series how she wanted River to have a gun, then by episode 10 she has one. She is shooting for the captaincy.

Sean: Dislikes his tight pants. Love for his sister. "I love you Summer!"

Ron: Humor, conviction, unpredictability. Least like about Jewel: her frequent absence.

There was one time where Joss said something like "I didn't tell Adam this from the beginning but Jayne is Firefly's Cordelia". First Adam said, 'Yeah I can see that now", then he said "Who is Cordelia?", so he and Nathan started this long and Hi-larious pantomime where Nathan does the hour-glass outline, then mimes opening a centerfold, at which point Adam say "Oh! Now I remember!" Much laughter in the audience.

There was a lot of joking about everyone calling Morena stupid until finally Adam said something about it being easier for a smart actor to act like a dumb person than a stupid actor act like a smart person. At which point Morena stood up and started to walk away but Joss intercepted her and gave her a hug, and escorted her back to her seat. Then he went over to Adam and gave him an inaudible speech. All was done in a spirit of fun! Morena was smiling the whole time.

When they were each talking about what plans they had for the future, Gina started with "First I'm going to finish Serenity...." When it was Nathan's turn he said "I'm not leaving Serenity, I'm going to live there." Then he joked about spin-off's he was going to start. Mal's Browncoat Brigade (or something like that), or Mal the Early Years. Most of them mentioned looking for work!

I have pictures that I'll go through and see if I have anything that hasn't already been posted. I also have ten short video clips, but they are small and grainy. Not sure if they are worth posting or not.


Okay, here's my report, from the "other" side.

I got there about 10:00 and went to get in line for room 20. Obviously hundreds of other people had the same idea, because the line was already down the hall and around the corner. But I knew where to go from previous panels that weekend, and ended up in the first row behind the VIP seats.

Around 11:30, I pulled out the daily newsletter, and saw that they had the Serenity signing listed as being from 11 - 12! Oh no, that could't be right!! So I gave up my seat and ran to the autograph room. I was wearing my Firefly shirt, so as I ran around looking for anything to tell me what was going on, I heard people yelling "Hey you...you want to be over here!" Yep, that was the line for the signing. It didn't really start until 2:00, after the panel was over, but it was obvious I would have to make a choice. And since I had attended the Firefly panel in L.A. back in December, but hadn't been able to get their autographs that time, I chose the autograph line.

When they finally let us move up to the autograph line, many hours later, the initially cut the line off two people behind me. They eventually let more people in, but I am pretty sure that all of the people who were in the autograph line once they capped it didn't get in. And if they missed both the panel and getting autographs, well, that really sucks!

Anyway, I was up in the front line when the cast came in. First I saw Gina and then the rest of them filtered in behind, and they all looked so beautiful! Last through was Nathan in his sunglasses, and my god, I nearly turned into a screaming teenager. We all applauded and cheered as they came in, and it was great.

We were allowed to take as many pictures as we wanted from within the line, and the line wound around a few times, so at one point we were directly in front of all of them and could take all the pictures we wanted. And I took close to an entire roll! Once we got up to the table we weren't allowed to take their pictures, but there was a guy who worked there who would walk up and take pictures for you with your camera, so he took some for me as well.

The actual table was pretty chaotic. You were only allowed to have the Serenity poster they brought with them signed, nothing else. First stop was Adam, Nathan and Sean, who were funny and flirty and constantly making jokes amongst themselves. I was stuck in that area for awhile as the line wasn't moving. Someone told Nathan they liked him in Buffy, and he said people most often described him as creepy, and then they riffed for awhile on his Caleb hair and how it covered his face. Then, the girl in front of me told Sean he was gorgeous and looked like her old roommate, which caused Nathan to ask if she had ever kissed her roommate. She said yes, which started Nathan off on the morals of kissing ones roomate.

Then it was down to Ron, Kaylee, Summer and Morena, who signed quickly and didn't really say much. Gina was gregarious, saying hello to everyone and saying how happy she was to be there. Then it was on to Alan and finally Joss. They all looked so happy to be there!

Also, while I was waiting in line, I was pulled out by the dvd crew to do an interview for the Serenity DVD. So I was interviewed on why I was there, and what kept me wanting more after the show ended and if I was a fan of Joss, stuff like that. I know the DVD crew filmed some of the autograph session as well, and I would be they filmed the panel too. So look for it (and me!) on the Serenity DVD!
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Old July 26th, 2004, 12:06 PM   #7
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Well I guess I don't need to give my input on the panel, it seems to have all been covered.
The trailer was awesome and the cast and Joss were hilarious.
"My side, your side; my side, your side!"
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Old July 26th, 2004, 01:32 PM   #8
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All posts are quoted in their entirety

For those of you who don’t want to know anything about the movie I’ve gone through all the posts here and put anything that could be remotely construed as a spoiler in a spoiler box for the very mild stuff I’ve done the same but I’ve prefaced it with a (mild spoiler) comment just before. (Mild by my standards)

The following posts are from prospero.com this is the specific thread from which I gathered these posts.

Rosie (fireflypsngr)


<< It's so amazing. We have the most amazing movie stars and it is the most wonderful thing that they are so open to us, not like many other movie stars.>>

Very true indeed. I found myself out side the autograph session with my sister, some fiends, Saxon, Ewok, and Coffeewench.

We were waiting for them to pass by and I had a gift for Alan. The security guard told us to step back. My group did I stayed put. I told him I just want to give this to Alan. He finally says in a skeptical tone, "Well if they acknowledge you."

So I am watching Nathan walk by, Gina waves, I am looking for Alan, I don't even see Adam he was on the opposite side from us. I see Jewel and I call her name to give it to her to pass on. Then I say never mind as I spot Alan.

All of a sudden I hear a booming voice, it's Adam shouting,
"Rosie!!!" like I am his long lost sister. I turn and see him cut across the folks walking by. He gives me a big beautiful warm hug. I say, "Hi Baby." It just came out like that. Then he walks past me to the rest of the group. He takes pictures and hands out Serenity money. Alan looks to see what going on, I step out and I am able to give him his gift. We hug as in greeting then I tell him he did a great job with Sonny. At that point Adam is telling everyone he's got to go. They are leaving.

The thing with our crew is that they are amazing people. They don't think of themselves as movie stars. They are fully grounded. I really want Serenity to be successful; I also hope our crew does not lose their grounding.

The whole cast and crew are truly shiny.

Oh and in the trailer when Mal kicks the doors and is entering the redhead you see inside as they enter is me. All I saw from that clip is the back of my head but it is red hair so you can't miss me.

And someone recognized me from the pictures at fff.net.

So uber-shiny.

One more thing. The ball room was packed. It was large and large than a movie theatre easy. Folks had to decide what they wanted. If everyone had actually been able to attend the Panel, there would not be enough room. We got there at 11am and we were on the side 6th row but the side.

WARNING: Good seats mean camping out early
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Old July 26th, 2004, 01:58 PM   #9
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All posts are quoted in their entirety

For those of you who don’t want to know anything about the movie I’ve gone through all the posts here and put anything that could be remotely construed as a spoiler in a spoiler box for the very mild stuff I’ve done the same but I’ve prefaced it with a (mild spoiler) comment just before. (Mild by my standards)

The following posts are from browncoats.serenitymovie.com this is the specific thread from which I gathered these posts.

Posted: 26 Jul 200412:38 am
Post subject: Re: Post con report

Quote: bleyddyn wrote: Huge crowd! Hall 20 can hold 4300 people ...

Thanks. I was trying to add us sections to to get an approximate number. I was thinking at least a couple of thousand, but that palce is huge.

Quote: ...and I think it was almost completely full by the time Joss and crew came on stage. ...
Not almost. I was up near the front in the same general area with bleyddyn, so it's hard to get a full sense of it, but I looked back. It was PACKED.
Quote:...A fair number of browncoats from one board or another were all in line by 9:30am although the Serenity panel wasn't until 1:00pm. As soon as they opened the hall we rushed in and grabbed the best seats we could. Cathy and I were in row six, with quite a few browncoats in front of us. ...

Right in front of bleyddyn in row five And I thought I was going to see the exhibit hall before Joss! It was a lot more fun socializing with fellow Browncoats.
Quote:... I basically sat there all morning saving seats while my wife wandered in and out. Some of those panels I had to sit through were just horrid. But I won't name names...
Quote:Now for the good stuff. Joss walked on and the hall erupted into applause, whistles and cheers, including a standing ovation. It took him a minute or so to regain his composure and for us to quiet down.

Let me clarify this. Erupted is too small a word. Exploded is closer. Nuclear comes to mind. I'm dead serious about this. Joss comes out and 4300 people leap screaming out of their seats. He looked like he'd hit a brick wall ... and it was a wall of sound. And it went on for minutes. And we meant every single scream. It was awsome and warmed my little brown heart.

Quote:The first thing he did was show us the TRAILER! Awesome stuff, but I'm not even going to try to talk about it since it was basically all spoilers. ...

Well, I will. You know how Simon won't swear unless it's appropriate? OH ... MY ... GOD

It is awesome. Beautiful. Firefly on wonderful megasteroids. This is going to be a GREAT movie.
Quote:Then our BDH's came on stage to another huge ovation. I couldn't take it all in, but at least Sean and Summer seemed fairly overwhelmed by the response.

Let me clarify ... another nuclear explosion. I watched them all. Open mouthed astonishment as they all surveyed the sea of screaming lunatics in front of them. They waved, we responded. Nathan gave two big fists in the air, and the decibles went upagain. And we meant every decible.

Quote:The rest of the panel was a Q&A, most of which I can't remember but there was one section where Joss asked each cast member to explain what they liked the most about their character. He also asked them each to tell what they liked the least about Jewel(snip) Morena: (Sorry I didn't write anything coherent.)

She said she loves how smart Inara is. She's constantly finding new things that Inara's good at.

Bottom line ... the movie looks even better than I imagined (how is that even possible?), the crowd was bigger and more enthusiastic than I anticipated (vast understatement), and Browncoats are EXACTLY as shiny in person as I knew they would be. This was quite a trip.
Edited because it was Nathan, not Adam, with the fists in the air. I have picture evidence.

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Old July 26th, 2004, 02:31 PM   #10
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Posted: 26 Jul 20043:14 pm
Post subject: Big Honkin Good Time
I got to meet a few fellow Browncoats, which was way cool. And I managed to get the last 3 autographs I needed (Jewel, River and Sean), which was the ONLY thing that I really wanted over all 4 days at Comic-Con. But I also got to sit in about the 6th row and videotaped the whole thing except the clip So I will try and make the entire thing available, maybe on a VCD? Or I can post it in bits since bandwidth and web space would be a big problem. I would gladly trade a copy for some of those postcards and mini-posters, since I didn't manage to get any.
I had a tripod, so luckily no tired arm for me (I know how that feels). And I got all fancy with zooms so there's plenty of close-ups. I even got some of those pantomimes by Nathan and other funny side action stuff that was going on. Once I get it downloaded off the tape and into my computer I will make copies available to anyone who wants one. All I will ask is a trade or cost to make and send it(about $1 plus shipping). Plus I plan on putting it in a DVD case with a cover of the mini-poster. Or I can just send the CD in an envelope. The VCD will be playable on pretty much any computer or DVD player.
Also, for those of you in other countries, maybe you can get together on how many copies you want and I can send multiples to one address to save on shipping costs. Whatever works for everyone.
Basically, I want as many people as possible to see and hear for themselves what it was like in that room!
If there's enough interest I'll put up my email once I have the VCD ready to go.

Posted: 26 Jul 20042:30 am

I tried taping, but my arm gave out quickly, so I took photos instead. Expect updates soon.

There was one figure in the clip for one second that appear to be red, covered in slash marks and dripping in blood. Looks like reavers..... (or a victim)

I have a buch of Serenity postcards (62) and 8.5x11 (39) posters. Maybe someone can send me a self address stamped envelope or send a couple cents via paypal.

Posted: 26 Jul 20042:32 am
Also, didn't see anybody else mention this... they showed the trailer at the beginning, and there were bits we couldn't hear because the crowd was screaming their approval too loudly. When the panel was done, they asked if we wanted to see it again, and Nathan advised us to be quiet at the end because we hadn't heard a line that we'd probably want to know about. So we took his advice and were quiet this time around... at the very end of the trailer
we see River (as I recall the shot, it looked like she was lying down and we were looking at her from above)... she opens her eyes and whispers,"Reavers."


Posted: 26 Jul 20044:48 am
Post subject: Comic Con good... but sooo sleepy
Well home from my first time at Comic Con.. I was really impressed with it all though the lack of being able to find ANY Firefly merchandise was disappointing (had hoped to find a tshirt)anyway
great panel and the trailer was truly amazing
It just made me all squishy inside to see how many of us lunatics are out there
Loved the guy who said he "lived outside Joss' house"... the look on Joss' face was amazing.... we were howling about that guy on the trip back up to LA....for those who werent there this is how this played out (by recollection - so I am paraphrasing
Guy with microphone: "so can you tell us what Serenity is going to be about?"
<look of astonishment on Joss' face that someone would think he would possibly answer this>
Joss: "do you know me AT ALL? " <crowd errupts>
Guy with micrphone <not missing a beat, mind you>: "well, l do live outside your house..."
It was so classic too much fun and I have to work in the morning so I need to sleep
If anyone still has extras from the autograph signing, I would love to arrange for postage for one....it was panel or autographs and there truly was no power in the verse that was going to stop me from seeing that trailer....
Keep flying
Kat in West Hollyweird

Posted: 26 Jul 20045:55 am
Post subject: Adam Baldwin accosted by Security!
In a hilarious moment while the Firefly cast members were being escorted from the panel room to the autograph signing area, Adam Baldwin stopped just outside the door (where I waited to get some good pics which I'll post) to give some hugs and take pics with some fans. The other BDHs had entered and as Adam attempted to go through the door, one of the security guards put his arm across Adam's chest and held him there for about 2 seconds with Adam having a bewieldered "I didn't do it!" look on his face! It was funny! Showed how unrecognizable he and the other cast is to people... may that all change come April 2005!
Should have added that the other people around him told the security dude that Adam was one of the stars and he let go and was real sorry. I thought I had a shot but someone's head walked right in front of the camera as I took a shot of this!
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Old July 26th, 2004, 03:01 PM   #11
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For those of you who don’t want to know anything about the movie I’ve gone through all the posts here and put anything that could be remotely construed as a spoiler in a spoiler box for the very mild stuff I’ve done the same but I’ve prefaced it with a (mild spoiler) comment just before. (Mild by my standards)

The following posts are from fireflyfans.net this is the specific thread from which I gathered these posts.http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=6403#81628

Originally posted by MasterMia:
I have posted before, preferring to just read everyone's comments, but I had to share my Comic Con moment. During the signing, the gentleman in front of me told Joss that he was
Hollywood's must underappreciated talent.
With a HUGE grin Joss responded, "I don't feel that way today."
It was a great moment that shows how much he was truly touched by the fan reaction during the panel.

That was me! I didn't know anyone heard me. That was pretty much the only intelligible thing I was able to get out during that autograph signing. I had something planned to say to each one of the castmembers + Joss, but they moved us through the line so fast I wasn't able to talk to everyone and I forgot what I had planned to say to most of them. I ended up sounding like an idiot, but I guess that's expected when meeting our BDH's.

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Old July 26th, 2004, 05:29 PM   #12
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For those of you who don’t want to know anything about the movie I’ve gone through all the posts here and put anything that could be remotely construed as a spoiler in a spoiler box for the very mild stuff I’ve done the same but I’ve prefaced it with a (mild spoiler) comment just before. (Mild by my standards)

The following posts are from fireflyfans.net this is the specific thread from which I gathered these posts http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=6432

Monday, July 26, 200414:08

Hey everyone here is my spoiler free report. I have no spoilers because I went to the autograph session not the panel. For pictures go to my site:

I woke up at 4 AM and got ready to go. My sister and I went to go pick up some friends Marci and Jenae. Then we met up with Saxon and her family before we got on the freeway. We left for San Diego and were kind of confused when we got there because we really didn’t know where to go. Finally, we got in and got our nametags. The first thing we did was get in line, even though we did not know what the line was for. The line turned out to be for freebies, which had some good stuff. After that we went into the exhibit hall and looked around. All kinds of different companies where there, as well as artists. Marci was hoping to see some Firefly/Serenity stuff but we really couldn’t find anything. As we were walking I mentioned that it would be great if we ran into Jason Palmer the artist that had created the Firefly cast illustration that was sold during LA Comic Con. Then I turned around and hey there he was. So Marci and I bought his sketchbooks as well as another Firefly poster for each of us. I mentioned to him my sister, Rosie, and since she had emailed him for information he knew who she was instantly. So I called my sister and told her to come over. After we finished, Marci and I decided it was time to get in line for the autograph session.
We got in line at
11:15am even though the autograph session wasn’t supposed to begin until 2pm
. We at first thought that we were the first in line but Marci went to check just to make sure and they took us to another line. People were already forming a line. As the time past, the line grew and grew and grew. We had the longest line that 1/3 of our line was still longer than the other lines for autographs and they hadn’t even come out yet! As soon as they came out everyone shouted and was excited. I first went up to Adam, as you can see in my picture and asked for a picture with him. Some guy was standing in front of us and he thought that was the guy and I was all pointing at Marci but then that camera guy told the guard and I wasn’t supposed to take a picture with him. Thanks Marci!! I didn’t find out until later that she had taken the picture. The security guards however were horrible. Jason Palmer, the artist, had given me sketch books to give to Joss, Nathan and Adam. As I was giving the sketchbook to Nathan, he assumed that he was to sign it and started signing it, then one of the security guards started yelling, however it wasn’t at me it was at Nathan. Nathan told him that it was a mistake and that it was a gift for him and put it away. I could not believe the guard had the nerve to yell at Nathan!!!! JERK!!!!!!!!! Anyways, of course Nathan got mad or ticked but I hope that guard got a scolding. After Nathan was Sean, he has such soft hands and a great smile. It was my first time seeing Sean and Im glad I got to meet him. After Sean, I believe was Kaylee, she was on the phone with someone she didn’t know and was laughing and passed the phone onto Morena as I moved on to Morena, Morena passed the phone on to Summer and when Summer asked who she was going to talk to Morena said I don’t know just talk and they both started laughing. Thankfully though, Summer gave the phone to someone else. I really wanted to meet Summer and she was such a doll. I mentioned to her that I was with Ewok, Wiley and Rosie in the bushes. She started laughing and said that she remembered that. I told her she was sweet and she said thank you honey. I’m not sure if I have all the cast members in order now that I think of it but I do remember what I said to each of them. Gina, I didn’t really get to talk to because she had the phone at this time but she said hi and smiled as she signed. It was funny and yet kind of sad because the phone was passed wherever I went. Alan was on the phone after and he said hi. Oh I didn’t get to talk to Ron that much but his hair is in cornrows for those that were wondering. I gave Joss and Alan each a letter. I would have given everyone one but I didn’t think of it until later. Jenae showed me how to fold the notes into little t-shirts. Once I gave Joss his little T-shirt note he showed it to Alan and said “ Hey look how cool (holding the note up). They’re little shirts.” Joss was really nice and I gave him as well the Jason Palmer sketchbook and card. Then I told him that Jason wanted to give him the original sketches and told him where he was. He seemed really interested but I’m not sure if he heard because another guard was yelling at me for taking so much time. I left and was happy because I did get the chance to talk to everyone. Now after this, I talked to my sister on the phone, Rosie, she explained that our job, Marci, Jenae and I was to get on the other side of the glass doors.
We got their easily and waited. This was the way that the cast would be going to come out. We waited and waited but not for long. Soon they came out, my sister wanted to give the poster she had bought from Jason Palmer to Alan. Now one of their guards started telling us to back off. My sister (the one who got us on set) told him she just wanted to give this to Alan and nothing else. They were getting and angry and one of the guards said she would give it to him. Rosie said that she wanted to give it to him personally. We saw them walking by but couldn’t find Alan. Then the best part of the day happened, “ROSIE!!! Adam comes over gives my sister a hug & kiss on da cheek and asks how she is. Then after they chat and she spots Adam. I introduce myself he gives me a big hug and a kiss, as if we were family. He’s so nice. After talking to us, I ask him to take a picture with Marci. He then poses and smiles. After he goes to Ewok “Hey look what I got, gives her some props (money used in the movie). Here pass some around.” He then gives her three bills, one she kept, one she gave to me and the other to Marci. We were all excited. My sister meanwhile was talking to Alan, gave him a hug and the poster. After they left, we all talked about how cool that whole experience was and also about the look on the guard’s face that was yelling at my sister when he saw Adam come over and give her a huge hug, as if she were family or an old friend. It was wonderful!!
My sister went to watch Wonderfalls in one room and we went back because there was so much we didn’t get to see. Oh and for those who have read Death: The High Cost of Living by Neil Gaiman, someone there told me that they had just announced that they were going to make a movie out of it. After a great day we went home. I went online and posted some pics and then off to bed. So that was my great experience.

If you want to see some pictures go to: www.blinksgurl99.tripod.comI’m also posting links to all other San Diego Comic Con related experiences. So enjoy!!

- Carol – Sharol – whatever Alan says is my name (
OB joke)
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Old July 26th, 2004, 06:05 PM   #13
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For those of you who don’t want to know anything about the movie I’ve gone through all the posts here and put anything that could be remotely construed as a spoiler in a spoiler box for the very mild stuff I’ve done the same but I’ve prefaced it with a (mild spoiler) comment just before. (Mild by my standards)

The following posts are from prospero.com this is the specific thread from which I gathered these posts.


The August 1 issue of TV Guide lists Mal as #18 of the 25 greatest sci-fi legends. Wow! Not bad for a character that only got 10 episodes on the air.

-- Laura

Hi to all,

Wife and I were converted to Browncoats by our son last April.
Made it to the convention center auditorium rm 20 five min before
Joss walked on stage. The traffic was terrible. We're from Mesa AZ.
Standing ovation, by my guess, close to 4 thousand fans,
for Joss's entry than a barrage of video images from the movie
that overwhelmed my senses which Joss mentioned that
Universal had put together just for the Comic-Con event. Hope
they make the video available on line as it went by very fast.

Than the frosting on the cake as all 9 of the best ensemble cast
ever assembled took to the stage. It was funny to me as
Nathan began taking pictures of the fans. I reckon they were as
awed with us as we were of them. As I watched them take their
seats had the feeling that they were just like us, friends and neighbors
and folks that we work with. Was a warm fuzzy feeling.

The wife was just ecstatic and and on the verge of happy
tears as neither one of us has ever been to anything like this.
The Wife is 49 and I'm 52 and 26 years of marriage and we just
looked at each other and giggled. We both felt 30 years younger.
All to soon it was over.
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Old July 27th, 2004, 11:02 AM   #14
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All posts are quoted in their entirety

For those of you who don’t want to know anything about the movie I’ve gone through all the posts here and put anything that could be remotely construed as a spoiler in a spoiler box for the very mild stuff I’ve done the same but I’ve prefaced it with a (mild spoiler) comment just before. (Mild by my standards)

The following posts are from browncoats.serenitymovie.com this is the specific thread from which I gathered these posts.


I have to get some mailing supplies before I can do anything. I am going to bundle a postcard and a poster.

No one has come forward to confirm my description of
the supposed reaver that I meantion earlier. The red person covered in slash marks. Was it just my imagination?

There was a cool scene where the Operative slams a rod with blue light vertically on the ground and a circular blue shockwave spreads out through the room.

There was room full of women dressed in "Inara gowns" on a skyscraper with big semicircular windows. They were lounging on mattresses. One of them was streching in a yoga-like pose.

The ship that was chasing Serenity very borg like. It was shaped as flat equilateral triangular prism compose of pipes. I imaging that would be the Reaver ship.

Another had two skeletons with patches of cloth and dried grey skin partially buried in the sand.


Posted: 27 Jul 20041:47 am
Post subject: The Comicon VCD

Hi there!

I've gotten the tape downloaded and have put together the menu for the VCD. Anyone have comments? Changes? http://home.comcast.net/~danregal/comicon/serenityvcd.gif

The quality from the original tape actually decreases on the VCD, so I could also burn a SVCD with only a regular menu, or just the 3 files onto 2 CDR's if anyone would rather have the raw footage. It will only be playable on a computer though.

So, my email is my member name at comcast.net. If anyone wants to email me suggestions, or altnernate methods of getting the video to everyone, just let me know. (mrdini, what's BitTorrent?)

Thanks to minh for the scan of the poster and mrdini for hosting. I'm going to use that poster for the front cover, and I'm going to get a scan of my niece's signed one to put on the back.

Speaking of...minh, if you want a copy of the VCD, I'll trade it for a poster and postcard.

Anyway, I have to get some sleep or I'll be a wreck at work tomorrow. Have a great day everyone!


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