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Old March 14th, 2009, 03:48 AM   #72
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Default Re: Clean joke of the day.

Top Ten Jobs Palpatine Had Before Becoming Dark Lord of the Sith

10. Portraying Mrs. Snugglypuffs, a sweet rabbit that was butchered and sewn back together on each episode of the children's show “Death Cometh to Good People” on the ‘Evil Network.’

9. Selling software under the tutelage of his future master, Darth Gates. (Was fired after caught embezzling money for a project code named: Death Star)

8. Huttoria's Secret Fashion Consultant and Spoke model (Was fired after only selling black robes)

7. Five words: You want fries with that?

6. Grief Councilor (Was fired after keeping people sad)

5. Manipulative and deceitful game show host of the widely popular "Who wants to be a Supreme Chancellor?" (Was fired after it came to light that he also was a host and contestant)

4. Adolescent rap star "Pal-P-Teen" (Quit after seeing what happened to Vanilla Ice)

3. Dark Intern Of the Sith (Killed boss while he slept, and thus needed a new career)

2. Anger Management Teacher (Was fired for constantly encouraging people to “give in to their anger”)

1. Played corpse on CSI: Crime Scene Inquisitorius (Was locked in morgue after being mistaken for an actual cadaver)

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