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Old January 20th, 2006, 09:56 PM   #2
Eric Paddon
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On behalf of myself, Senmut and the other authors of the VS (some of whom are not CF members), we thank Fleets for becoming the second home for our project!

This project is part of the Galactica Fanfic Mailing List which has been up and running since about 1999 and is itself a spin-off of the original Galactica mailing list (the descendant of which is now a Yahoo group). It began in 2004 largely in reaction to certain events that raised the question of whether TOS could have been continued in the kind of epic story-arc style of writing that has come to be expected of today's TV shows, and so some of us decided to band together and make such a long-term series, complete with continuing subplots and ongoing character dramas within some basically self-contained main plots possible.

In the same way that Sandy is bringing his "Exodus" series to fruition with his audio dramas authored by several people, we at the Fanfic board have been doing the same with our VS project to show how at its heart, the universe of Battlestar Galactica was a fundamentally sound concept for some rich storytelling, moving beyond the events of the original series. And the nice thing is that while such a project might conceivably have been one of those, "Nice to plan, too complicated to make it happen and sustain it" sort of things, we've managed to keep it going nearly two years now with fifteen stories and there's no end in sight yet!

Hopefully those who drop in our VS stories, as well as other stories in the library and similar projects like the Exodus series, will get a better appreciation for how there is in fact a rich vein of storytelling out there to satisfy our longings for continuation and make the absence of an official live action project easier to deal with (even as we all continue to hope that will change one day), and perhaps also stimulate other would-be writers to put their own creative interpretations of what happened next, after Apollo and Starbuck departed the Celestial Dome in "Hand Of God" to their keyboards and share with us someday too!

In the meantime, all of us at the VS look forward to your feedback on these stories, and as you get to the end of where we are now, your insights and suggestions on where we might go in the future, will be much appreciated.
"They hate us with every fiber of their being. We love....freedom, independence, the right to question. To them it is an alien way of living."-The non-myopic wisdom of Commander Adama, "Saga Of A Star World"

"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."-Ronald Reagan
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