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Old September 3rd, 2011, 01:32 PM   #57
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Default Re: BG-17: Hand Of God

Looks like I've not done something here so will try. Usually I work through the series every year (much like The Prisoner it seems) rather than pluck at random but tonight just to pass some time before bed I did so with this episode.

I've always liked it but feeling as I watch it that sense it's the end. Maybe because it's the end there's also a sense of going out guns blazing. A few parts I always enjoy: the gang of four getting all sheepish when Adama asked why they were in the dome, the decision to attack the Basestar or even the Deep Probe music, the Sheba/Apollo moment on the raider (even if it's another Sheba cries moment) complete with that music ("Sheba and Apollo's True Feelings" I believe), Baltar and Adama's scene in the cabin and various pieces like the Skylab set.
Only problem apart from it being the final episode ever is the virtual deluge of recycled clips at the end that I guess were needed in their droves to keep the allusion of a big battle going yet I swear Jolley and Sheba just vanish from the battle (much like in, I believe it's Gun on Ice Planet Zero, when alert is sounded it's the alert clip from Saga of a Star World and you see Starbuck at the card table despite being on the surface of Zero or how Serina launches in the same episode...) and on top of this the lack of budget perhaps telling.

Yet, we get to the end wondering...if only..
Galactica-era fan fic: Battlestar Pacifica #2 Saga of a Battlestar

"We thought the opposite of war, was peace. But we found the opposite of war was slavery."
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