Thread: BSG Mini
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Old January 12th, 2004, 03:49 AM   #7
Eskimo's Avatar
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Originally posted by Sept17th
Welcome to Fleets, you are entitled to your opinion and I to mine. I’m a fan of TOS and didn’t like the mini-series. So your argument is flawed and (yawn) tired.
You are right Sept17th I am entitled to my opinion and non-arguable you are entitled to yours and I am going to disagree with you that my arguement is flawed. Using one of the original series fan sites as a source to back up my agrument, it stated that in the original (and I agree) that after the pilot epi, The fleet finds a planet that has gambling on it and every one settles in like nothing ever happened. Also the Entire fleet assembled for a non-agreesion pack with the Cylons is very unbelievable. And one more case for my ramblings is that after a thousands years of war with the Cylons, everyone looked as if they fighting had just begun or like the fight actually took place in another galaxy or something. I would have to say completely unbelievable. Everyone should have a harden attitude about them. Now as for the mini, It took things in a more believable direction. Not the entire fleet was in one place. The Clyon war lasted not a very long time and plus it had been over for 50 year. Even the way the Cylons attacked seemed a possibly believable way. Now I ask you 17th as to why you stated that my argument is flaw just for my own morbid curiosity. Now dont get me wrong. I am not saying that I hated the origianl series. I loved it but the time of that kind of fantasy is over. I do believe that if the new BSG turns into a a permanent feature, the original will offically die. There cant be room for two in this day and age. It would be like taking Star Trek TOS and the Next Generation (with the attitudes of each) and setting them in the same time period. Or just using one as an example (namely the TOS) in one incarnation makeing Kirk a warmongering psycopath and in the other incarnation have him yelling "Flower Power" it just would not work and I believe the same for both BSG. So in my final thoughts, There are people whi like one and there are people who like the other and there are people like me who like both. The End.