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Old February 2nd, 2005, 12:23 AM   #2
On Vacation...
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There was something about the whole thing that just didn't make sense to me.
If the whole point of the wraith coming there was to discover where the human’s home world is then what the heck were they thinking by not leaving Atlantis? So what if they stayed to defend it? So what if they didn't destroy Atlantis. Now the Wraith have exactly what they want - Thanks to the army guys they now have plenty of humans from which to extract the information from and will soon be on our doorstep - Earth the rich feeding grounds! They had the right idea in the first place before the army showed up and took over. Now the very thing they were trying to avoid has happened. What were they thinking? Why would they have their fighters outside and so exposed when you know the wraith just have to swoop and scoop?! Why would the General and Elizabeth be hanging around outside “checking out” the sights??? There was no way in hell that they were ever going to have enough man power to hold the city from the outside and inside simultaneously it was just ridiculous! As soon as the wraith got past the nukes they should have realized it was game over and gotten their butts out of there. They lost sight of the big picture and got greedy!!
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