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Old April 7th, 2003, 09:02 AM   #12
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Default Those Books

I think much of the original relied on the Ancient Astronaut theories, and I thought it was a good addition.

Schleiman (can't remember how his name is really spelled) wasn't the genius he's portrayed now. Practically everything he determined was later corrected by real archeologists. The bulk of his evidence was faked and planted at the site by himself, his wife, and two assistants. He did find a pre-Greek stronghold with gold relics that is commonly called Troy but that title has never been confirmed by any evidence found there. It is, however, great for tourism -- and not a bad place to visit if you get the chance to go there.

The ancient astronaut books usually play like the Ron Moore handbook. First you attack the established basis and portray them as incompetent and irrelevant. Then you insist that your interpretation is correct and anyone who doesn't buy into it is intolerant, ill-informed, unable to see the truth, etc. Then you supply some evidence and interpret the meaning for everyone and present it as FACT, even though the interpretations fail miserably under basic scrutiny or any application of the scientific method.

The difference for me is that the ancient astronauts books are a lot of fun and very enjoyable to listen to. I like having them around.

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