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Old June 9th, 2004, 04:49 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by justjackrandom
Earth, however, might have proven to be a bad place for the 13th tribe to settle...and still might be. If you haven't seen The Day After Tomorrow, check it out, then read the Popular Science article on it.

I haven't been able to sleep since...

Man has been waiting and living in fear of global calamity since man's time began. The Aztecs sacrificed tens of thousands to keep the sun in place. We may live in a time of science but people take their deep fears and recast them into a modern form. Sleep well at night. This pseudoscience movie is about as ridiculous as anything out there. Since the turn of the last century global temperatures actually DECLINED for most of the previous 100 years. There MAY have been a slight up tick in the final 10 years of the last century. This uptick coincides with the implementation of clean air standards in the Western industrialized countries. It is increasingly appearing that the first 80 years of the 20th century the Earth suffered from a decrease in light that reached the surface as a result of pollutants in the upper atmosphere. This slightly reduced global temperature. As these pollutants were cleaned out the temperature rose back to previous levels. we see no evidence however of green house gass temperature increases actually occurring despite all the various computer generated models. If the third world industrializes without environmental standards we may see a return to the lower temperatures of the last polluted century.

Even if global warming was a reality it is just as likely that the result would be an expansion of the area of the Earth that humans could farm into more Northern latitudes thereby increasing the overall food supply. It could also open commerce through the NorthWest passage greatly reducing world wide commerce cost.

Currently we are in what climatalogist call an interglacial warming. This is a warm (hot) period in an overall cold time. The biggest climatic threat we face is a return to the normally cold weather throughout most of this geological time period.

The only constant on the Earth is change. Sleep well at night. If things change significantly during our lifetimes I am sure we will adapt and I can bet you it won't occur "the day after tomorrow".
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