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Old January 29th, 2009, 06:52 PM   #20
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Default Re: Back in the Playground

No Julie, you heard me say "Married". Its a condition where two people decide that they'll annoy each other for a number of years before one can't take it anymore and decides to give up and die. The one who held out the longest gets all their money.

Thanks again to all for the good wishes.

Freaky Update #2:

The real estate agent, her husband, and her assistant were here tonight packing up the stuff the owners left, placing them in boxes, and organizing them into the front room. She had a completely different attitude, ... friendly, apologetic for the situation, ... generally a nice person to be around. We laughed, joked, drank tea together, and had a pretty nice time overall. It turns out her husband is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and I volunteered for some community service work around here.

I now have about half of a house and the half is in the areas I want to use.

During the packing, we discovered that the owners left about 8000 prestine (and I presume valuable) baseball cards. They left some undoubtedly valuable gold and silver coins. They left all of their bank and accounting records including info on all their accounts, including how to access them. (I securred those and had them sealed up several times). They left about a dozen pairs of shoes. They left personal letters. They left their wedding photos.

In essence, the only thing they didn't leave, was what I presume was the bulk of their clothes and some underwear.

She wants to sell me everything in the house for $3000. I may offer her $1000 for some of the key items.

I'm sure when I learn the full extent of this story its going to be pretty strange.

All my best,

I respect French maids for their minds.
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