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Old December 15th, 2003, 03:14 AM   #20
You old war daggit!
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Plus I have said this many times before but I will say it again. Almost every story has a story that took place before it.

Star Wars started at episode 4 and only had a scrolling of words to fill the audience in on what took place before it.

Even the original Battlestar Galactica had a story before it and that didn't stop the viewers. A continuation would have made less confusion to new fans that go back to view the original and it would have made better DVD sales for the mini on DVD because most of those buying the box set would have felt that it wouldn't be compleat with out it just as we feel that it's not really compleat now without the 4 1/2 minute trailer by Richard Hatch.

Yes Tom Desanto knows how to make all parties mostly happy and thats because he is a fan of Galactica and respects the original source. Ron said him self that he was aiming his Galactica at the casual fan like him that might remember it a bit.

To me that's pretty much saying, I'm making a new show that will barely keep enough of the original content so that I can justify using a name that will draw the viewers in and I can still say that this is my creation.

The only problem with that, is that it doesn't put the viewer first.

The true shame of remaking is the fact that Hollywood releases something and they do there best to get you to fall in love with it. They promote it from an emotional side, from an action side or from any side to make you connect with it, then when a group of people do become loyal to it, Hollywood turns around and thanks them by bringing back the name of the show they are loyal too but they changed most of the things they worked so hard to get you to connect too.

And why ? Because there are ego's much too inflated for anyone in charge to put the fans first.

You can put the fans first and reach out to the new fans.
It's like fixing up a classic car. Sure the original fans of the car might have some complaints but as long as the car looks somewhat the same and most of the aspects of the car that made them fall in love with it in the first place are still there, they will want this car again.

Plus all the things like the new paint job, the upgraded engine and others, will attract new fans for the car.

If your the one who is upgrading this car and you loved it in it's original state, your gona want to keep most of the things that made you love it, familiar.

My opinion from everything I read. Ronald D. Moore isn't a fan of Battlestar Galactica. When you are always finding fault with something, it doesn't make sense to say that you dislike most of it but you are still a fan.

We can color this any way we like but the fact is, the fans are the reason the Galactica name became feasable, The message from the fans was ignored, most of Battlestar Galactica was changed and now the fans are pi$$t
It's really that simple.
Desanto and Larson, Larson and desanto.
Did you see that? I think the Giant just opened an eye.

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