Thread: Kids in cages!
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Old September 14th, 2005, 07:57 AM   #5
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I read an article about this in the newspaper this morning. This article said the cages were about 3-1/2 feet long. The article also said that the parents claim that a psychologist or counselor suggested the cages because these children had mental disabilities that sometimes caused them to hurt eachother at night when they weren't under immediate supervision. They allege that it was done to protect the children from eachother.

We'll have to wait and see what additional information is forthcoming. I don't think we should gather the lynch mob just yet. This may just be a case of idiotic but well-meaning parents. The kids appear otherwise healthy, happy and well-cared for.

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT under any circumstances condone putting children in cages, although my son is sometimes a bit of an animal. I just think we should get all the facts before we tar and feather. If it turns out these children were harmed in any way, I'll heat the tar and provide the feathers!

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